Forbes calls S6 sales so far "Disastrous"

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Jan 13, 2015
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Very disheartening to read the reports of S6 sales which appear to be even lower than the S5, which itself caused Samsung's profits to tumble and a massive reorganization and rethinking of their product line.

For me (and probably many other customers and prospective customers) my biggest concern in the redesign before my purchase was battery life and sadly, and maybe through no fault of Samsung's (but of Lollipop), battery life does not even slightly meet my expectations for a $1000.00 phone. That's A LOT of money to not get a well functioning phone that requires constant battery management and worry.

I know others here claim that battery life is super for them but nearly every article I read now mentions battery life as one of the top issues with the S6 and, in my personal experience, I couldn't agree more.

Sales don't lie and regardless of whose fault it is that many S6's have battery life issues (Google's, Samsung's, carrier, customer for not turning off enough stuff, etc.), in the end it's Samsung's responsibility to resolve it as the manufacturer, especially since things like that drag down sales (along with other things I'm sure) as we are seeing firsthand.

Samsung Silent On Disastrous Galaxy S6 Sales


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Apr 11, 2015
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Very disheartening to read the reports of S6 sales which appear to be even lower than the S5, which itself caused Samsung's profits to tumble and a massive reorganization and rethinking of their product line.

For me (and probably many other customers and prospective customers) my biggest concern in the redesign before my purchase was battery life and sadly, and maybe through no fault of Samsung's (but of Lollipop), battery life does not even slightly meet my expectations for a $1000.00 phone. That's A LOT of money to not get a well functioning phone that requires constant battery management and worry.

I know others here claim that battery life is super for them but nearly every article I read now mentions battery life as one of the top issues with the S6 and, in my personal experience, I couldn't agree more.

Sales don't lie and regardless of whose fault it is that many S6's have battery life issues (Google's, Samsung's, carrier, customer for not turning off enough stuff, etc.), in the end it's Samsung's responsibility to resolve it as the manufacturer, especially since things like that drag down sales (along with other things I'm sure) as we are seeing firsthand.

Samsung Silent On Disastrous Galaxy S6 Sales

I wouldn't put much stock into this article. Forbes seems to lean towards Apple.

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Nov 8, 2012
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Until there has been something official from Samsung this is all speculation. This is forbes quoting a South Korean newspaper article which itself has an unnamed source.
I do think that they are having a hard time matching production of the various SKUs to the demand for each one. Go on Verizon website and your see that some models are back ordered, while many others are freely available.
So my guess is that it will take a couple of months to know for sure.

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Nov 15, 2012
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Forbes hates Samsung, loves Apple, and they aren't even all that discreet about it.

Having said that, I agree that there's some tweaking to be done if you want good battery life and that's over the head of the average consumer. I have mine set perfectly, no compromises (location and bluetooth are always on, for example... and everything that I use has sync on). There are things I turned off that people won't realize, though, and that's not how it should be out of the box. Regardless, from waking up to going to bed, and 4 hours of "Screen On Time", I still have 15-20% remaining daily. It can be done.

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Aug 14, 2012
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Well if it ends up selling more than the S5, then I wouldn't call it a flop.

I don't know what Samsung's sale estimates are, or whether they have reached them, but if it's outsold the S5 then that's at least a step in the right direction to getting their mobile profits up again.


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May 17, 2012
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Forbes hates Samsung, loves Apple, and they aren't even all that discreet about it.

Having said that, I agree that there's some tweaking to be done if you want good battery life and that's over the head of the average consumer. I have mine set perfectly, no compromises (location and bluetooth are always on, for example... and everything that I use has sync on). There are things I turned off that people won't realize, though, and that's not how it should be out of the box. Regardless, from waking up to going to bed, and 4 hours of "Screen On Time", I still have 15-20% remaining daily. It can be done.

It's not the first Forbes article bashing the GS6. They did a review as well. The redesign is bound to cause concern amongst Android purists clinging to their spare batteries and sd cards. Doubt Samsung would be expanding resources. Didn't they just open a new manufacturing facility? I would expect to see improvement after the 5.1.1 update.


Nov 27, 2012
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I know some people get 5+ hours SOT, but the masses typically use out of the box, without disabling and making necessary tweaks to achieve decent battery life. So unfortunately this phone does have the reputation of bad battery life (again, amongst the masses).

also, for the past 5 years, people that care most about aesthetics have migrated toward iPhone, and that's a tough consumer base to lure away.

and as much as S6 owners say removable battery and SD cards don't matter, clearly that's not a popular opinion amongst android fans.

I think a lot of people are waiting for the G4. the specs might lean toward the S6, but most people aren't fooled by spec tests, and realize it doesn't equate into real world use. they're similar phones, but the G4 has a removable, bigger battery, and the SD card, which is a lot cheaper than having to upgrade to 64-128 on the S6. I also think some people are turned off by the rear glass and thinness, knowing a case will cover one of its best attributes.

it's also possible the iPhone 6+ took some potential consumers, including android users.

I'll take the article with a grain of salt, but if this is true, hopefully it means if Samsung planned the same strategy for the Note 5, they'll rethink it.

finally, I think people don't see much value in trading in their phone ever 24 months, as upgrades are less significant than they were a few years ago. if I'm an S4 owner, and I just got lollipop, the camera is really the biggest upgrade, and that might not be worth it for some people. personally, I have an S4, and it's running just fine. I average just over 5 hours SOT and would rather have the removable battery than a better camera. Maybe it's cause I've never had it, but wireless charging isn't important to me. My wire is concealed and rests on my nightstand, and I charge it when I go to bed. I don't need quick charge cause I can just slap in a new battery.

The G4, I still get a great camera, plus I don't have to give up the removable battery, so if I upgrade, I'd choose it over the S6.

Again, I've seen Forbes say some things about the S6 that I disagree with, so I'll hold off on both Samsung's numbers and the G4's numbers before declaring this as complete fact. I do think they're is some truth to it though, but we'll find out for sure soon enough.

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Apr 17, 2012
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I don't know if I trust this fully -- They're quoting a random person saying he is who he is -- but nothing definite.

Also I say I don't know if I trust it fully because T-Mobile said it sold like hot cakes -- I know that isn't all carriers but if it is doing it on the smallest carrier I could see the bigger ones getting a lot of sales.

Samsung Galaxy S6 sales on T-Mobile nearly double that of the Galaxy S5 | Android Central

Either way I usually don't focus on sales too much .. Because I am not an investor. The mass public agreeing with my phone choice is not why I go for the phones that I do :).


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Jul 18, 2010
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If the GS6 was busting sales records, Samsung would be trumpeting it from the hilltops. The silence is deafening -- the only positive spin they've had since release is that the edge model is selling out, but what they're not saying is that the demand for the regular model is not very high. There was a report right after launch in Korea that the edge was popular, but the S6 was collecting dust on the shelves.

One anecdote from a single US carrier does not reflect the reality of worldwide sales.


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Apr 17, 2012
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One anecdote from a single US carrier does not reflect the reality of worldwide sales

I said that -- So I am not sure why you're taking it like I said this accounts for worldwide sales. I am just saying this "report" says "Oh well some guy that is supposed to be this guy said this" with no source.

I rely on sources .. not random he said-she said things :).


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Sep 9, 2010
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Samsung is famous for releasing definite sales numbers and screaming them from mountaintops ad nauseum when it has a hit on its hands. The S6/Edge has been out for over a month and Samsung's silence regarding sales numbers is deafening.
Samsung's singular mission is to destroy bitter, arch enemy Apple. Samsung was humiliated by the poor sales results of last year's S5, coupled with the absolutely monster reception of the iPhone 6. The S6 had to be a big hit. To that end, Samsung eschewed everything that made its Galaxy line different from the iPhone. We already know what those are. And basically created a Samsung iphone. It was a colossal risk. Samsung was betting the house that if they created a device that aped the iPhone, they would see huge iphone converts.
The question Samsung forgot to ask is: By removing the elements that made the Galaxy line unique, essentially cloning the iPhone, what will keep our customers from going to Apple or a different Android OEM?
Forbes is one of a growing number of sites that are releasing reports about the apparently dismal S6 sales numbers. And most are asking "It's been over a month. Where are the sales numbers Samsung?"
Samsung is stuck between a rock and a hard place. They have to release the sales figures eventually don't they? My guess is they don't want to give Apple a reason to gloat so they're holding out as long as they can, hoping for a miracle. The impending humiliation is probably too much to bear after all the prerelease smack talk, coupled with last year's S5 disaster. Releasing the numbers is tantamount to waiving the white flag.


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Jan 18, 2012
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Once this quarter ends we'll know for sure. Meanwhile, I'm happy with my purchase regardless of it having iPhone 6 like adoption or not.


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Apr 29, 2012
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There was a report quoting a Samsung official stating that sales of the gs6 had surpassed 10 million shipped mark. I think it was from Sammoblie. So I will also take the wait and see approach instead of jumping to conclusions. Google has been releasing phones for awhile now without removable battery or sd-card support and no ones says Samsung copied them. As a matter of fact lots of people were bemoaning Samsung for the continued use of sd-card support. I very much like my gs6 and i'm enjoying my phone


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May 17, 2012
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Those darn unnamed sources....don't believe everything you read. Even if it's online doesn't mean it's true. Who really knows why sales figures haven't been released? It's all secular ion until an official announcement.


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Jan 23, 2014
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Three weeks ago Forbes released a glowing review of the S6. Now they report sales are way below expectations. Ok... do you praise Forbes' reporting or bash it? You can't have it both ways! Business Insider just reported that Samsung is getting crushed in the China market where they were the sales leader by far... one year ago. Apple has skyrocketed during the same time frame. Look 'em up... these are two excellent business publications.


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Jan 13, 2015
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Three weeks ago Forbes released a glowing review of the S6. Now they report sales are way below expectations. Ok... do you praise Forbes' reporting or bash it? You can't have it both ways! Business Insider just reported that Samsung is getting crushed in the China market where they were the sales leader by far... one year ago. Apple has skyrocketed during the same time frame. Look 'em up... these are two excellent business publications.

Here is the Business Insider article from yesterday calling Samsung in a "total meltdown".

Oppenheimer says Samsung is 'placing the wrong bet' on Galaxy S6 hardware - Business Insider

The issue is that manufacturers need worldwide acceptance of their phones so even if the S6 sells ok in the U.S. market (which remains to be seen) the S6 needs to do well in China, S. Korea, Japan, India, Europe and the rest of the world to be a success. Apple's iPhone sales are now approaching 70% outside of the U.S. market and they have sold almost 120 million iPhones in the last 2 quarters. Samsung was keeping pace with Apple for a bit but if the S6 isn't widely accepted, it will definitely be a game-changer.


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Mar 7, 2011
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Samsung had to ramp up the production of the edge to meet demands. I doubt the accuracy of this article.

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