Galaxy Tab 3 - Won't Charge


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Jan 23, 2014
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To be crystal clear to Samsung and anyone interested in a Tab 3...DO NOT BUY A SAMSUNG TAB 3 UNTIL THEY FIX THIS...MAY BE A FACTORY DEFECT THAT CANNOT BE FIXED. Although WE have wasted our money, please do not waste yours. Please buy a quality tablet that allows the battery to discharge without having to disassemble the tablet.

Is samsung aware of this or has anyone emaik him regarding it

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Jackie Ngo

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Feb 24, 2014
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I just had the exact same problem but what I did was that I turned my tab 3 off and while it was searching for the battery charge thing and for some random reason it just started charging again when I turned it back on :confused:


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May 16, 2011
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This has been itching at me. I keep seeing mention of this for the 7.0 wifi and 8.0, has *anyone* experienced this from a 7.0 LTE? Because I've run mine flat a couple times and still not seen the Resplendent Charge-Lock Phenomenon™.

Are we all on equal ground in terms of running flat being a gamble?
Mar 3, 2014
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I'm so happy that I came across this site I "was" having the same problems as everyone else I disconnected the battery cable and reconnected it and "WALA" whatayaknow battery symbol pops on Im letting it charge for a little bit now. Hope all goes well from here -xoxo-


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Mar 16, 2014
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Thanks for posting the video. I went to Frys and bought an iPhone/iPad disassemble kit (about $6) that I easily used to pop the back off my Tab 8. I disconnected the battery, plugged it in... and the problem was solved.

I read that allowing the battery to completely drain causes the problem. I have decided not to do that again. Either way, it was an easy fix.:D

Anna Denham

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Mar 17, 2014
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I am at my wits end with my Tab3 8....I am now on my 4th return to Samsung with the same problem and they say they can't replicate it. It would appear (this has happened the last 2 times when I've been more vigilant) that when the battery gets to 28-30% left and I put it down the next time I go to use it, it's 'dead' and I can't charge it. Littlewoods from whom I bought it say unless Samsung can find a problem they can't do anything and Samsung say unless they find a problem, they can't do anything. I'm going down the sale of goods act and trying to get a replacement but it's all a bit of a minefield and I'm piggy in the middle. Have owned it for 134 days and have used it for 52! not a good record eh! only bought Samsung as I thought it had a good name and am happy with my phone... Any suggestions?


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May 16, 2011
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You could try just getting another OEM battery yourself, they're not expensive from a parts house. Send it to Samsung and say 'take five minutes to swap these batteries, my problem will probably go away and you won't need to test it again.'


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Mar 27, 2014
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That absolutely worked. Getting that back cover off was no party. Took me like 15 minutes. Disconnecting the battery cable, then reconnecting it did the trick. I think what triggered this is a complete depletion of the batter. So if you don't let that happen, you shouldn't have this problem.

Evil Alter Ego

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Apr 6, 2014
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Galaxy Tab 3 Battery Replacement and Screen Repair. Disassemble and fix. - YouTube

What you'll need to do is watch this video (a how to video, you won't replace the battery, ignore the part about the screen replacement, just disconnect and reconnect battery cable), pop the back cover off the tablet, disconnect the battery cable (careful not to damage the circuit board), reconnect the battery cable, and replace the back cover. Connect the charger, within a minute the screen on the tablet will pulse/flicker which is good news, allow it to charge a while, turn on the device, shutdown the wireless wifi, click the power button to turn the screen dark again, and allow to charge for another 6 hours or till fully charged (while it's connected to wifi the background processes will affect the charge time, on a weak charger it may not even charge like from an usb port on a computer). What happened is you allowed the battery to run down till dead, on the newer android OS it seems they want the device powered on while charging instead of allowing the option to power off to charge faster (I think this way they get their metrics from us). It's a pain in the tail, but this will allow you to power back on the device without losing anything or go into developer's mode.

Just joined this forum specially to say a massive thanks for this.
Found it via a simple google search and seems to have worked a dream so far.
Yes getting the edges off is a bit tricky and I have 2 cuts in my thumb from the very small screwdriver slipping!!:'(
Be very careful disconnecting the battery. The TAB 3 8inch is not quite the same inside as it shows in this video. Well mine isn't anyway but it's close enough.
I've just put a bit of charge in and disabled wireless and it's now at 15% and charging again so it looks like all will be well.
Fairly certain I didn't let my battery drain to nothing to create this fault in the first place but stuff happens.
Just very pleased it's now working again.
Cheers again. :-*


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Apr 6, 2014
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I have a Samsung Galaxy 3 that would not charge no matter what. I tried the suggestions from this site and removed back cover, disconnected battery and removed it from the device. As soon as I connected the battery again it started charging again, perfectly. Thank you. Such a simple solution and it works. My recommendation is that you charge the battery before it completely dies. If it goes completely dead, the device won't charge and you will have to remove the battery all together to get it working again.


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May 16, 2011
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Last I heard, if you break the faceplate on the 8.0 your only recourse is to send it in, something about using a different adhesive than the other models.


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Apr 7, 2014
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Just wanted to say thanks for the video tutorial. Mine was giving me problems all day and this worked perfectly (besides me being a little rough with angrily prying it loose, but that's what a case is for right??):D


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Apr 8, 2014
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Thank you wirelesscaller -- your solution worked perfectly...after I was regrettably informed 'There are no known issues with charging the Galaxy Tab 3'.

Two hints for others who may not have the proper tools to open the tablet case and subsequently 'lift' the connector for the battery:
1. The corner of an old hotel plastic 'door key' or credit card can be used to pop the back of the case.
2. I didn't have a pry tool, but improvised by threading a strong, non-conductive piece of dental floss under the connector wires and lifting the connector with it. ;-)

Again, thanks!


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Apr 10, 2014
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I'm having the same type of problem. Whenever I put my tab 3 on the charger, the numbers don't change but it indicates there is a chargrr plugged in and when I take the charger out my battery actually goes down as if it was never charging in the first place. Some one help a brotha out por favor!

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