Gmail very slow and push mail not always working.


May 9, 2017
Hello everyone. I'm wondering if other people are having this issue. I have a S8+

It started to happen about five days ago (although some problems started with the recent phone update) . I am using Samsung's stock email app. The blue bar above the message area runs forever if I sync it myself. It rarely auto syncs. I receive no notications of new mail. On another note, my outlook account works flawlessly on the same app.

I've also downloaded other email apps and they have the same problem with Gmail.

I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Add Gmail or the email app you are using to apps not optimized list.
That does not work because Samsung's stock email app doesn't show up in the battery optimization area under options. Unless it's called something other than "Email" Under the optimization settings.
The only similar screen I can find like this is to select which apps won't be out to sleep when not in use and Gmail doesn't show on the list. I sometimes have issues with Gmail not pushing emails for hours, but it's very hit or miss and I think on Google's side of things rather than an issue with my phone.

Same, the Gmail app doesn't show up for me either.

I just sent an email to myself from both and on my PC to my gmail email address and and it took over 30 minutes to get a notification saying that I have new mail. I opened up the app and it said the last time it was synced was two hours prior even though I have it on Auto... get it as soon it's sent.
Did anybody get to the bottom of this? I've tried changing the optimised status of gmail in the battery optimisation menu and even tried changing the setting for a number of other Google hidden apps but nothing has worked.

What am I missing? Thanks in advance!

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