Gonna make the switch


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Oct 28, 2009
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Well I figured I might as well start posting here since I plan on picking up a Droid for me and my wife when it launches. A tough decision but after been satisfied blackberry users this device is just to intriguing to pass up.


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Oct 14, 2009
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i am currently debating between the storm 2 and a droid device? I have just always had BB but I am hearing wonderful things about sense ui.
I hope the eris will not be as buggy as the sprint version.


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Oct 29, 2009
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I have the storm and i enjoy, but as said above, Droid has my attention, may take a test drive to see if i like it or not. u get 30 days, all u have to do is pay a restocking fee witch is cool with me.


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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im going to run a test drive also. but it it is so tempting.. i just wish there is a forum like CB size..all i have found is start up forums..


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
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Well I figured I might as well start posting here since I plan on picking up a Droid for me and my wife when it launches. A tough decision but after been satisfied blackberry users this device is just to intriguing to pass up.

I originally looked at this phone for my wife and became so intrigued that I now want to get it for myself. She doesn't even want it! Women!...anyway, Ive been with Blackberry for the past year also and its hard to leave the only smartphone OS that I know. But as you said, the Droid is just way too intriguing to pass up. I will be getting it on the 6th.


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Oct 17, 2009
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im going to run a test drive also. but it it is so tempting.. i just wish there is a forum like CB size..all i have found is start up forums..

i guess it's to be expected since android is still in its infancy (i guess it'll move to it's adolescence when 2.0 becomes more widespread) but as more devices show up with it, and the userbase becomes larger, the forums should be more populated.

i like the less technical nature of these specific forums, as whenever i go to xda, my brain starts to hurt, i haven't had the time (or a device) to really play with android, and the learning curve to do more than just use the device seems high.

i like it here, and hope to stay around for a while to come. :)


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Oct 29, 2009
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I have nothing against my Blackberry. I love it. I liked the Storm 2 as well, my original purchase idea before I looked into the Droid.

I just kept seeing the "DROID DROID DROID" comments comparing the Storm 2 and Droid so I FINALLY decided to take a look at the in depth on the droid.

Damnit. Now I want one! Luckily I was buying a new phone late next week anyhow so I'm going to jump into the Droid and go from there.
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Oct 28, 2009
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I'm still in the deciding process of paying off-contract and going from a first-gen Storm to the Droid, but it's looking more and more likely with every website I visit for info.


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Oct 29, 2009
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I've been using WinMo for several years now, and it does what i need it to do. However, Droid looks like my next phone.

Here's hoping the contract doesn't get all mucked up in process.



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Oct 29, 2009
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I have using the storm since it came out. While it has come along way since it's release, I will be making the switch! This phone looks to be awsome!


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2009
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im going to run a test drive also. but it it is so tempting.. i just wish there is a forum like CB size..all i have found is start up forums..

This site is owned by the same group (smart phone experts) as CB as far as i can tell. The more we use it the more it should grow.


Nov 1, 2009
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I have been using the blackberry storm since it's release as well. I have already pre-ordered the Droid and plan on switching back and forth as my mood changes. I will keep my storm in safekeeping.


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Oct 24, 2009
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I have been using BB since Big Reds first day with the Curve, and I've had ever device they've released since, except for the Storm2. I have kind of been juggling around the idea of the Storm2, or the new Droid. I'm somewhat bored with RIMS OS's they havnt updated much. I'm not familiar wit Android at all.

It is a hard decision though. I will miss the BBM. But I think that may be ALL i miss. I get bored with my cellphones too easily though, and will want the latest and greatest 6 months from now! Anyone else have the problem?


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Nov 1, 2009
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Man its a hard decision to make as far as crackberry i dont see any forum being this big, wmo is huge but you have to go to like 20 sites to get all your info not all in 1 like cb.

I had a storm changed it for the tour and back to the storm again i think the big addiction to bb's is the comunity they have it makes it so inviting.

I have the touch pro 2 now im a long time wmo user and i am very interested in the Droid but i still have some problems with it, it only has 256 mb of app memory no storing or running apps from the sd card thats a big issue also there is no flash support for the web browser which really sucks same with bb at least on wmo we have the skyfire browser i can watch what ever i want when i want anything. i know they say its gonna get flash but they have been saying that for years like bb.

1 thing tp2 does that these phones never will is have video out on them i can watch movies,you tube,surf the net,and what ever else i want on my big screen lets see them do that.

The only thing BB has is super fast email,good battery life, for me thats it i really dont even consider it a smart phone besides the 3rd party apps you can download and half the apps you buy for them is all software that they should of had in the first place like ring and vibe at the same time or like berry buzz so you can set the led colors for reminders come on that should have been built in.

I think ill check out the Doid but i might just stay with the tp2 and i will never go back to BB it is a over rated old a*s dyeing breed!


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Nov 1, 2009
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I have had the Storm since it came out. It was my first smart phone. It has been pretty good since I have started using the leaked and now official 5.0 OS. I have been thinking about making the switch since I am a gmail user and don't use my storm for work. I don't think I will be eligible for an early upgrade until near the end of November, but am looking strongly at both the Droid and the Eris. I know the wife is excited to get my storm.

Does anybody know if the Eris is going to be doggish in performance next to a Droid? I know the Droid is more powerful, but am wondering if the experience will be crappy.

I have concerns about the longevity of the sliding keyboard and think it will be a lot easier to get a protective skin for the Eris.

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