Goodbye selling my X


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Aug 18, 2010
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I just wanted to say good bye and thanks for the help from fellow users in this forum.

I am selling my droid x with accessories on eBay. The item number is 250777703552.

I tried to post this in the market but it wouldn't let me. So if a mod needs to move it there go ahead.

Thanks again everyone.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2010
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Anything electronic has it's faults, but from what I see around here, most issues are self inflicted. On the bright side, that's how we learn. :)


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Anything electronic has it's faults, but from what I see around here, most issues are self inflicted. On the bright side, that's how we learn. :)

Lack of support is not necessarily self inflicted. There are still a bunch of bugs that service updates should fix. The standard answer from verizon/motorola is a factory reset. There's no moto/google backup software so the only way to truly back up your device and all your contact/ringtone/customization settings is to purchase an app on the market. I'm sorry but there's no reason to need to factory reset your device every time something goes wrong because we all know a lot of these issues are OS issues and not app issues.

There's no reason why email should stop automatically being received needing a reboot or reinstall of the OS using the stock client. There's no reason rogue texts should ever have been sent to the wrong recipient. I love this phone and its potential, but i can completely understand why someone would jump ship. The reliability of the data being received consistently, the fact that sometimes when you get a phone call nobody can hear anything. If he is using this for a business purpose and a business phone (corporate or even home business), this is not the phone to use as the reliability of it as a phone and email device is shaky at best. As a multimedia/web browsing/computer in your pocket, this device is amazing and can do a lot more than the iphone can. So i completely understand people jumping ship.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2010
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I do have to agree on direct support Verizon-Android. I have NOT had any experience with Verizon-Apple support and quite honestly don't plan to. Apple is too proprietary for my taste. For folks who are not tech savy, the Iphone is great, well, unless you (business wise) deal with alot of flash presentations. It's a watered down version of what advanced smart phones are actually capable of. Kinda like comparing a Wii to the 360 or PS3. The Wii is cool when you first get it, but that wears off relatively quick.

Regardless, there is no platform that is perfect for everyone and that's the bottom line. ;)
Apr 26, 2010
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Ordering the iphone for my wife.

My 6 year old uses his touch and can master the os.
It's simple and gets the job done.

I love my DINC, but android is TOO much right now.
Different versions, UI's themes, hacks, etc.
A bit daunting to a first time smartphone user, etc.


Jul 25, 2010
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Anything electronic has it's faults, but from what I see around here, most issues are self inflicted. On the bright side, that's how we learn. :)

I completely agree with Rachet. The complexities and the potential for customization involved in the X also creates the potential for complex issues... which may explain why so many of the newer devices are not as powerful or as sophisticated as the X.

This forum has been a Godsend. Without the input of other X'ers during the past 7 months since the X was released, we would still be searching for even basic answers. But what a challenging learning curve! And so rewarding as a stock X evolves into a totally customized device, unique to the invidual and literally one-of-a-kind.

In my mind, the Android operating system is to smartphones what Windows has been to computers - a multi-platform uniformity that enables vast potentials.

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