Gotta Love Best Buy!!


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Oct 7, 2010
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I was adding some friends and Family to my account and I went and checked my update status and I have 8 months left!! Go figure. I got my Fascinate on the Free Phone Friday. October 1, 2010 So at some point the "Best Buy" punched something that gave me a 1 year upgrade. I sure can not complain. I have one line ready for a free up grade and now in November I will be able to upgrade my line. COOL!!!! Just wanted to share. So I wonder what the next best Android will be out in November. Nothing is catching my eye yet. I do love the Fascinate and when (?????) we get 2.2 I will see what I was missing. I do like the "Bionic" Need to read up on it a little more.


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Oct 7, 2010
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I gave the discount to my wife back in March to get her BlackBerry. I than used her upgrade when I got mine. So my upgrade is still early which is great for me later this year. The third line is my father inlaws and he won't up grade for any reason. Doesn't want a "contract" I keep telling him thats my worry not his. 73 and trying to educate him is really been fun on cell phones. Not even going to get him started with texting or Androids


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Oct 7, 2010
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Thanks, but not for me. I may ended up passing this phone on to my wife and she has hard enough time figurung out her BB. She may ended up shotting me later, lol
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