Green or Greyish-White Reception Bars?!


Active member
Aug 3, 2010
Ok, I have had gingerbread for over a week now, was working fine. Now I think I am having issues with reception.

1. My reception and Edge symbols, (I am in a bad area so no 3G) were always green, unless I was talking on the phone I noticed the receptions bars would turn to a greyish-white color, but when I ended the call they always went back green.

2. Now, I am always on the white reception bars, and have no Edge symbol in my house, but when I do get the Edge symbol it is also now white. What does this mean? I have rebooted, pulled the battery and restarted and it won't go back to green.

Anyone have any ideas? This is driving me nuts!


Android Version : 2.3.3
Build #: GRI40
AT&T Nexus One


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
I forget where it was but I think people said that the green color represents connection to google services. So on edge you would lose data connection while on the phone. If you don't have a steady connection it might not turn green...


Active member
Aug 3, 2010
Thanks scaots!

I just read that also, I did not know this. Apparently, when connected to google services, your signal bars turn green along with your Edge/3G symbol.

Now to figure out whats going on with my reception, I have always had green bars and a green edge symbol in my house, no more..... I wonder why....:mad:


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Thanks scaots!

I just read that also, I did not know this. Apparently, when connected to google services, your signal bars turn green along with your Edge/3G symbol.

Now to figure out whats going on with my reception, I have always had green bars and a green edge symbol in my house, no more..... I wonder why....:mad:

Well if you have connectivity, (browser works), just fire up Google Talk and log in. That should connect you to the services, and its required for the market anyway.

For the record, google has been more than a little flaky today. I even had to restart my Desktop version of Google talk. So it might be just something going on in their network.


Active member
Aug 3, 2010
Yeah no browser, when I open that I get "No Network Connection." I have no idea what's going on, I am getting four white signal bars in my house, with no 3G or Edge symbols. It just started randomly last night. Tomorrow I will be going to town (I live in the boonies) and we will see if it kicks in there, maybe my area is experiencing some problems....? Just has me kind of worried about reception issues I have heard about with the nexus s and GB. :confused: Oh, and I have been able to successfully send/receive texts and check my voicemail.... and yes my mobile data (apn) is ON.
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New member
Mar 7, 2011
Hi did you figure out what the issue is? I'm having the exact same issue with my Nexus S and it's driving me crazy. Have tried everything I can think of, including a hard reset, to no avail. I know the service is up and that it works in my house because friends' phones still work just fine. I kmiw the settings are correct and that data is activated for my phone. What else could it be?

Any and all advice would be very much appreciated.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Think i'm seeing something similar with N1 2.3.3. Never had a signal issue before upgrade to 2.3.3. Now as phone sits inactive (overnight for example) bars will turn to gray...and data connectivity will impacted...i.e. email will stop sync'ing. I'll flip to airplane mode then back to transmit...and green comes back.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
With the Green bars you are connected to Google's servers as long as you have data (EDGE or 3G) you should be connected. When you see the white bars (always go right after disconnecting from wifi) it means you wont be able to get on the market. As long as you are in a good service area they should always be green.

Note though while driving they might turn from green to white and back a couple times.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2010
Remember when you are on edge and you get a call, you can't do voice and data, so the color will turn grey on a call as you lost connection to Google servers. 3g can do both though, so on a call you should stay green.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
Re: Green or Greyish-White Reception Bars?!??

I am having the same issue with white bars showing up on my phone. The 3G symbol is white and 3-4 of the bars are filled in white. When the phone is in this state it doesn't seem to be a problem with google servers rather all internet access. I cannot load facebook or any pages in the browser as well as any of my google acounts. Sometimes the problem is resolved by togeling airplane mode on and off, but that doesn't always seem to fix it.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
Re: Green or Greyish-White Reception Bars?!??

I have a motorola atrix, and have had this problem on and off. The reception bars and wireless go grey, then no internet connection.

I'm not sure what causes the problem, but to fix it I disable my wireless network connection, then re-enable it.

Maybe it clears some network settings / resets the routing table or something. I'd be interested to find out if anyone knows the cause of and a proper fix for this problem?


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
Re: Green or Greyish-White Reception Bars?!??

I think it's an ATT issue in certain areas or a 2.3.x bug. Had it on Nexus and did same to reset my connection. Seems to happen less frequently with my note but I still see it some with same fix. If you wait long enough (minute or so) it comes back on its own with either device. Are you using an old sim? Mine is almost 4 years so when I have a chance I would like to get a new sim and have my account updated to unlimited 4g plan so I can try the newer APNs.

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