[GUIDE] Nova Launcher


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Feb 18, 2015
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Sorry for my English. I installed Nova Launcher Prime on Oneplus One (Android 4.4.4) together with the stock launcher (Trebuchet) and Aviate. My problem is that Nova Launcher Prime doesn't remain the default launcher. For example, everytime I close all applications, I get the window with the choice between Trebuchet, Nova Launcher and Aviate, even if Nova Launcher has been selected as default launcher. Consider that, if I set Aviate or Trebuchet like default launchers, there's absolutely no problem. What can I do?


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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Sorry for my English. I installed Nova Launcher Prime on Oneplus One (Android 4.4.4) together with the stock launcher (Trebuchet) and Aviate. My problem is that Nova Launcher Prime doesn't remain the default launcher. For example, everytime I close all applications, I get the window with the choice between Trebuchet, Nova Launcher and Aviate, even if Nova Launcher has been selected as default launcher. Consider that, if I set Aviate or Trebuchet like default launchers, there's absolutely no problem. What can I do?

Sorry for the delay in a reply. I would guess there is a bug in Nova with the One+. You can email them and tell them the issue. They can probably fix it in one of the upcoming updates.

zuben el genubi

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Jan 24, 2011
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Would like to find out if you can arrange screens. I have a plain screen with just a clock as home page.
Have 2 other screens - one for common apps and one with folders.

The home screen always shows up as the middle screen. I'd like to change it to the left position.
Is that possible? Home screen>common apps>utility and special folders. Every other launcher has put the Home Screen in the left position and I like it that way



Well-known member
Dec 16, 2011
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In the multi screen view, try tap-drag and drop. You can determine if the screens "wrap around" or are locked off left to right. In the current version, drag the screen you want to be default the little "home" icon and tap the home icon.

zuben el genubi

Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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Thanks. Couldn't tap on page to set home page, added another page, then the page I wanted as home could be selected. Got it set and deleted extra page.


May 5, 2015
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I have a Nova Launcher question. Sometimes I manually switch the icons (for example, I didn't like the one in that particular icon pack so I used a different one). Now I am at the point where when I switch to a new icon pack I have to go in an manually change almost every single one. Is there a way I can clear out whatever I did to begin with that changed the "paths" to the icons? I know I am not explaining myself very well, but I am really frustrated by having to change them all myself every time! I am using a Samsung S5. I have tried going back to TouchWiz as my default, then back to Nova, but that didn't help. Is there a work around for this?

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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Try this. Go to Nova settings - look & feel - icon theme - three dots - reset custom icons. And the apply the icon pack.

Posted via the Android Central App


May 5, 2015
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I got so excited to try that, certain it was the answer, but it didn't work for me. I tired resetting custom icons, then going to system icons, but it still had my custom ones. The I tried clearing and going to a new icon pack, but again, it didn't change anything. Any other ideas?


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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Nova also has an option to restart the launcher. You can try that. Also perhaps restarting the device. Or even clearing the cache for Nova, in Settings>apps>scroll down to Nova>click clear cache.

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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Just updated to new version. After playing a little bit I think it's visually much nicer, works great and some of the new features are pretty good. Excellent update.


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Jan 17, 2013
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Just got the new update too (4.0 Prime), and overall liking it (plus liking Android 5.1.1 on my N7, finally a Lollipop that doesn't freeze or crash!). But there is one small fly in the ointment, namely the desktop overview screen.

Before it used to be the nice grid showing all screens at once, whereas now it's a horizontally scrolling bar where you have to scroll through to the screen you want and then tap it to go to it. But it's just as much effort as to just swipe-scroll on the desktop itself to go to the relevant screen.

My question is, is there anywhere in the settings that I can go back to the single-page grid overview rather than the ribbon-bar way? I've looked through the settings and can't find anything, although there are so many there now that I might have missed one. Can anyone point me in the right direction there?


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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Just got the new update too (4.0 Prime), and overall liking it (plus liking Android 5.1.1 on my N7, finally a Lollipop that doesn't freeze or crash!). But there is one small fly in the ointment, namely the desktop overview screen.

Before it used to be the nice grid showing all screens at once, whereas now it's a horizontally scrolling bar where you have to scroll through to the screen you want and then tap it to go to it. But it's just as much effort as to just swipe-scroll on the desktop itself to go to the relevant screen.

My question is, is there anywhere in the settings that I can go back to the single-page grid overview rather than the ribbon-bar way? I've looked through the settings and can't find anything, although there are so many there now that I might have missed one. Can anyone point me in the right direction there?

Sorry for the delay. I am guessing they did it to streamline the app. You could email them and ask why.


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Jan 17, 2013
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Thanks - that's probably the best route I guess, will look at it over the weekend.

Would be a bit of a strange streamlining though, as it's doing precisely the opposite. Before with the grid layout and my 9 homescreen set-up I could access any of them with two taps (one to bring the grid and one to select a screen directly) whereas now I have to repeatedly swipe to get to the relevant one.

And indeed having to do the swipe, it rather negates the whole point as I can just swipe on the main screens to achieve the same result with less taps as I don't need to go via the overview window at all...

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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I didn't understand why so many people were complaining so much about this new Nova overview. Now I get it! Try to swipe right or left between 9 homescreens must be a real pain.

I've got an idea for you. See if it works. Create a folder in the dock so it can be reached from any screen. In it add a shortcut to jump to any of your 9 screens. To do that press & hold on your screen, select widgets, drag Nova actions, tap on "jump to page" and select by number. Once done change the icons to make it nicer, maybe using Simple Text or the calendar icons in your favorite pack.

And there you go. Two clicks away from any of your screens.


New member
Jan 17, 2013
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Thanks - I'll give that workaround a try. Can maybe use it to reconstruct a grid like the old one. I'm looking at reducing the number of home screens on the tablet anyway, but it's quite useful to have a different screen for each function (mail, video, radio/music, games etc).

Also I'm not sure we can really call the current method an overview any more, as using it takes more effort and taps than just doing it directly on the main screens. It's certainly nice looking, but as you say it's a real pain to use for the job it's supposed to do. The old one was much more functional, if not as pretty. Going back to it (or at least an option to switch between the two) would be very much a positive for me.