UPDATE 04/07: huge overhaul to clockworkmod:
- Now called redrecovery
- Now contains both 2.1 and 2.2 versions in one package
- Has device detection
- Integerated permission fix to (hopefully) eliminate file copy failure
UPDATE 03/28: pushtosdcard and root now have device detection! (root is still beta, please test!)
Post #1: FAQ
Post #2: 1-click-pushtosdcard (automated moving files to your phones sdcard)
Post #3: 1-click-root/unroot (automated rooting and unrooting)
Post #4: 1-click-redrecovery (automated installation of Red recovery)
Post #5: How to install zip from recovery. (Froyo, themes, other kernels)
Post #6: Credits
WARNING! Currently the only way to go 100% back to stock and “de-void” your warranty is by using Odin. Also, you must have at least DL09 before upgrading to Froyo. You can get this OTA from Verizon.
PLEASE NOTE: All Hacks and modifications made to your phone are done at your own risk. Neither Android central nor I are responsible for what you do to your phone. So proceed with caution and watch carefully, read carefully and ask questions.
Q: Will these work on Tiger (10.4)
A: No, these 1-clicks are only compatible with Leopard (10.5) or Snow Leopard (10.6).
Q: Do I need Bootcamp for these mods?
A: No, all these mods can be done solely on your Mac. However, if you need to go back to completely stock, you will need Bootcamp or a PC with access to Odin.
Q: Does pushing files to sdcard require root?
A: No, this will work on 100% stock.
Q: Does pushing files to sdcard work with directories?
A: No, only individual files can be pushed.
Q: Will pushing files to sdcard void my warranty?
A: No, this does not touch the systems files on your phone.
If anyone has any problems or questions, please feel free to post them. Please also post if you are successful.