[Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after Root

Re: [Guide] [Updated] Upgrade to GB Sense Rom+Radio from Froyo

I rooted and went to BAMF Sense 3.0. I even loaded the new radio. Everything works, but two oddities:

1 - when it is in headphone mode, the microphone doesn't work. i hit speaker mode it works (calls). But it will work with spoken commands, etc.

2 - it keeps shutting off permissions to the location. i.e. like flipping the GPS button off and bringing up the screen/settings where I say please allow google/etc location.

Any Ideas?

you're using rc 4.9?

1 - i have the same issue, it's kind of annoying, haven't seen a workaround or a fix for it but i ahven't really looked very hard, bc i rarely use headphones with the bolt. sorry maybe a search over here or at xda (out of favor these days) or rootzwiki might help? or just a google search?

2. not sure what you mean - every time you open maps or nav it asks you to permit google location services????
This is my first custom ROM. I folowed the directions; they worked like a charm. With the new radio my TB is faster then ever. Reception improved greatly. 4G speed is fantastic. And most important, NO reboots in over 24 hours!


Sent from a BAMFed TBolt
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to GB Sense Rom+Radio from Froyo

hey im a noob at this.. i looked over all the steps several times but in step 2, when i place the rom onto my sd card does that have to be on the root also? and do i have to add ".zip" to the end of it or does it do that automatically? thanks.
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to GB Sense Rom+Radio from Froyo

hey im a noob at this.. i looked over all the steps several times but in step 2, when i place the rom onto my sd card does that have to be on the root also? and do i have to add ".zip" to the end of it or does it do that automatically? thanks.

Doesn't have to be on the root of the card.. just remember where you saved it so you know where to navigate to. Leave the ROMs zip the way it is... don't rename it.. don't add anything to it. You can even download the file straight from your phone... it will get saved to your phones download folder.
Here... step by step guide: http://forums.androidcentral.com/th...-backup-restore-install-roms-thunderbolt.html
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Re: [Guide] Upgrade to GB Sense Rom+Radio from Froyo

Flashed Das Bamf and the MR2 radio with ease following your great instructions. Thanks Zero Neck and Cyber Warrior!
Re: [Guide] [Updated] Upgrade to GB Sense Rom+Radio from Froyo

you're using rc 4.9?

1 - i have the same issue, it's kind of annoying, haven't seen a workaround or a fix for it but i ahven't really looked very hard, bc i rarely use headphones with the bolt. sorry maybe a search over here or at xda (out of favor these days) or rootzwiki might help? or just a google search?

2. not sure what you mean - every time you open maps or nav it asks you to permit google location services????
1 - no fix regarding the microphone / headphone issue? I use this setup while driving, and it sucks

2 - my GPS preferences . . .it doesn't happen all the time, but quite regularly it says "please enable".
Re: [Guide] [Updated] Upgrade to GB Sense Rom+Radio from Froyo

1 - no fix regarding the microphone / headphone issue? I use this setup while driving, and it sucks

2 - my GPS preferences . . .it doesn't happen all the time, but quite regularly it says "please enable".

Have you tried Gingeritis 3D rom? it's based on a different GB build, and it seems to have fewer bugs than the current lineup of bamf sense 3.0 roms.

Not 100% sure about the headphone issue, but i haven't had any issues with gps or location preferences on gingeritis in the last week or two.
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

All of the radio files I download as PG05IMG.zip.img - I can't figure out how to tell it that it's not a img file. HELP!!!
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

All of the radio files I download as PG05IMG.zip.img - I can't figure out how to tell it that it's not a img file. HELP!!!

If you dl from my links in the op they should be named Mr2-pg05img.zip, then you just erase the mr2- and you should be straight. obv, they're not all called mr2, they all should have a different prefix that identifies them. Are you downloading on a CPU or phone?
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

I recently used the auto-root method. Wanted to up the radio to more current. Are the radios specific to the Software Builds? The newer radio (Official OTA MR2 radio; listed above) did not seem to work with the software build of 1.13.605.7 (build that is in the auto-root).

I had to revert back to radio to get the phone to work.

Will an OTA from VZW kill the root / SU permissions? I want to up back to a more current VZW ROM, but don't want to kill my root / SU permissions from the auto-root process.

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I recently used the auto-root method. Wanted to up the radio to more current. Are the radios specific to the Software Builds?
Yes they are.. to use that MR2 radio you need to be running a compatible ROM with it. It will not work on stock rooted. There's two versions.. one for stock phones that are unrooted and one for rooted phones.. but for a rooted phone you need to use a custom ROM for it to work (any of the Gingerbread ROMs or CM7)

Will an OTA from VZW kill the root / SU permissions? I want to up back to a more current VZW ROM, but don't want to kill my root / SU permissions from the auto-root process.

Yes.. it most likely will kill root so don't accept any Verizon upgrades.. only use the leaked versions that the developers put out.

What ROM are you looking to use? Do you want something that's basic.. like what the phone has now? Or do you want something to enhance your phone? The Gingerbread ROMs are a good choice.
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Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

This guide is intended to help those who are rooted and currently running MR1/Froyo Radio+Rom combinations who wish to upgrade to MR2 based Rom and Radio combinations.

Updated to reflect Official MR2 OTA Radio as well as Chingy's Latest Leaked GB RUU Radio. Also, this has been rewritten to include ALL mr2 based roms and radios as of 7/30/11. Good luck.

*****I take no responsibility whatsoever for what you do to your device. You flash at your own risk as usual.*****

The Roms:

This process will work with all MR2 radio compatible roms. This includes almost all Gingerbread roms, as well as certain newer Froyo roms. Please read the thread of the rom you would like to flash to be certain that it is MR2 radio compatible before you attempt to flash the rom/radio combination.
All thunderbolt roms can be found here:
[ROM/KERNEL/RADIO List] Official RootzWiKi HTC Thunderbolt ROM's List - [07/30/2011]

The Radios:

There are several "MR2" compatible radios, the main one currently being the OFFICIAL MR2 OTA Radio. Additionally, there are two previous MR2 radio leaks, hereafter referred to as "Old MR2 Radio" and "MR2.5 Radio," and there has recently been a new leak of a gingerbread radio, hereafter named "Chingy's GB Leak Radio." If you are upgrading to MR2-series radios for the first time, it is probably a good idea to begin with the OFFICIAL OTA MR2 Radio, since it is officially sanctioned by Verizon, and is probably the least likely to have adverse effects on your device.

Where to find radios and radio-specific information:

"Official OTA MR2 Radio:"
[RADIO] Official OTA MR2 Radio [7/8/2011] - xda-developers
Direct Download: OFFICIAL OTA MR2 Radio: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25213603/1.70 PG05IMG.zip
MD5: 97c195d733f61c6a699528747aff6892

"Old MR2 Radio":
[Radio] [Leak] Official MR2 Radio, - xda-developers
Direct Download: LEAKED VERSION "OLD MR2": http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25213603/MR2 radio.zip
MD5: 4072b5954bf0032103b62c5ae69cb13e

"MR2.5 Radio:"
[Radio] [Leak] [6-16-11] MR2.5 Radio -, - xda-developers
Direct Download: LEAKED VERSION "MR2.5": http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25213603/Mr2.5 PG05IMG.zip
MD5: 513f5c64323876cf7c479bd21bd1dc3e

"Chingy's GB Leak Radio:"
theMikMik.com • View topic - [Radio] [Leak] [7-17-11]2.xx.xxx.x Radio New Gingerbread RUU
Direct Download: "Chingy's Leaked GB Radio": http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25213603/R(2.xx.xxx.x)PG05IMG.zip
MD5: 114206a23150a76459ae1663959ef684

Instructions - Assuming that you are rooted, and have flashed recovery in Rom Manager already:

1. Create a nandroid backup of your current set up using Rom Manager/Clockwork mod Recovery - See this guide by Cyber Warrior for more information on how to do this: http://forum.androidcentral.com/thun...underbolt.html

2. Download the MR2 compatible Rom of your choice as well as one of the above radio files - Each of the above radios currently work with these roms, and some people will see better results with one or the other. For our purposes here, if you are just beginning you should start with the OFFICIAL MR2 (first radio listed above) and as you use it you will be able to decide if it is good enough or if you would like to try another one out (which can be done at a later time if you choose to switch). Place the rom file on your SD card where you can find it, and place the radio file on the root of your sd card. Root of sd card means that the file is placed in the MAIN DIRECTORY of your sd card, and not within any folders. At this point, you need to rename the radio file that you have just placed on to the root of your SD Card. The file HAS TO BE NAMED PG05IMG.zip ("zero five" in the middle, not "oh five".) If you are using a PC, make sure that the file does not have ".zip.zip" at the end, because PC's often have hidden file extensions, this is a common problem. Notice: If there is ALREADY a file named PG05IMG.zip on the root (no folder) of your SD card, you should rename, move, or delete it BEFORE CONTINUING.

3. Check MD5 checksums for roms and radios. Especially radios. How to check an md5 sum: Place the file on your sd card, and use Astro File manager to navigate to the file - long press the file, and select preferences, and it should show you an option to calculate the md5. Or, download an app called Hash droid, navigate to your file, and use hash droid to calculate the md5 sum. Either way, compare the string of characters that are generated with the string of numbers listed with the downloads (I've listed the md5 for the radios, and the rom threads in which you download your MR2 radio compatible rom .zip files should contain the md5 with the dl). In fact, just use astro bc you will need to have a file manager of some sort later on, and it may as well be astro, for now, at least.

4. Your radio file has been renamed PG05IMG.zip (zero five in the middle not "oh" five) and the file is on the Root of your SD card. ***Make sure you have enough battery power to flash the radio completely!!! 30% at least. Power off your phone, and then power back on while holding the power button and the volume down button together. This will bring you to hboot, a white screen with skater androids at the bottom. In hboot, you navigate up and down with the volume rocker, and select with the power button. Select Bootloader, allow for the phone to scan for the PG05IMG.zip file you have placed on the sd card, and then press volume up to accept the installation. When this is completed, you can reboot your phone.

5. Erase or rename the PG05IMG.zip file from your sd card, or else it will be found every time you enter HBOOT and will prevent you from accessing Recovery Mode. You can use a file manager to delete/rename this file, or you can connect your sd card to the computer via usb to do so.

6. You have just flashed your radio file, but you do not have radio connectivity because the MR1 Rom you are using is not supported by the MR2 radio you have just flashed. That's ok, because you have already downloaded your MR2 compatible rom and placed it on your sd card where you can find it again. Since you have already made a nandroid backup with rom manager, you are ready to proceed to flash your rom.

7. Power off your phone and once again boot up into Hboot (power on with power and volume down held together). This time, select Recovery, and when the phone reboots in Clockworkmod recovery mode, Wipe data, cache partition, and dalvik cache (under Advanced in recovery) 2+ TIMES EACH!!! Next, under Mounts and Storage, perform the FORMAT SYSTEM option. BTW, in recovery mode you navigate around with volume keys, and select items by pressing the home key. You can go back by either pressing the back arrow key or by pressing the power button.

8. While still in recovery, Install zip from sd card > Choose zip from sd card > find your Rom .zip and select. Allow to install, then select Reboot system now, and allow 10-15 min for your phone to load the rom (sometimes this takes a while, don't panic and let it do it's thing. If it takes more than fifteen minutes, do a battery pull, and repeat steps 6 and 7).

9. After boot up allow at least 5 minutes of not messing with your phone for the radio, rom, and kernel to settle in.

Thank you for the great step by step instructions. But how do I take that radio off in case I want to go back to the rom I had before that didn't require that radio? Cuz right now I don't have a radio and the rom i am using now works, so in case I want to go back to that, how would I go about doing that?
Thanks so much
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

Thank you for the great step by step instructions. But how do I take that radio off in case I want to go back to the rom I had before that didn't require that radio? Cuz right now I don't have a radio and the rom i am using now works, so in case I want to go back to that, how would I go about doing that?
Thanks so much

To go back to the old radio, or just to generally change your radio at all, you will need to flash the one you want, the same way you flashed the updated radio to get compatible with the new gingerbread base.

I'll link you to the radio when i have a minute (i'm a student again and i have very little time), hopefully tonight, and i'll update the OP with the original series of radios and instructions on how to revert to "old stock radio." (if you can't wait you can do a search for "the obligatory radio thread" - the old radios are the first four listed in that thread)

as a side note i will also update the op to reflect the newest gb radios when i have a minute. tonight i hope.
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

I am new at this, so forgive me when I ask a stupid question. I just rooted my t-bolt with the auto root method, how do I know if my phone is MR2 compatible?

Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

I am new at this, so forgive me when I ask a stupid question. I just rooted my t-bolt with the auto root method, how do I know if my phone is MR2 compatible?


If you rooted and did not flash a mr2 ROM yet, you are still on the mr1 base. Mr2 roms are basically anything a month or two old and newer, such as theory roms, cm7, gingeritis, bamf series 2.x etcc
Re: [Guide] Upgrade to MR2+ Compatible Rom+Radio From MR1 after R

Rooted since day one but using Froyo ROMs as (at the time) a stable radio wasn't yet known. Finally settled on Official MR2 + Das BAMF 4.9

Followed to the letter
Worked like a charm
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