hello all


Sep 28, 2011
Visit site
My devices:
Nexus S, Gingerbread 2.3.6 (was rooted until that update :mad:)
Acer Iconia 10.1, Honeycomb 3.1, rooted
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" Wifi, Froyo 2.2.1
HTC Evo 4G (a friend gave me to fix - screen - and said I can have it if I can fix it. Still in progress...)
HTC Surround WP7 (I use this as a glorified music & video player and to check email and websurf)

I registered this morning specifically because I found that someone else had no cellular service after the 2.3.6 update. I wanted to add my two cents to that post.

At this moment, I'm out of town. I called ATT and they told me at first that there were no outages in my the are I'm visiting. During the day, I had intermittent service which ATT then admitted that there is an outage in the area. I don't get home til Friday, so I'm not very sure about the real cause of this problem: an actual outage or the update.

Anyway, that is my quick run-down.

See ya 'round!