
Active member
Mar 13, 2014
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Though I love my Apple products (you will have to pry my MacBook Pro from my cold dead hands), I recently gave up my iPhone 4S and switched to the HTC One (M7). I made the switch right before the M8 was announced, but even so, I think if I had waited, I still would have preferred the M7. It's been a couple weeks that I've been using Android now, and I have to say, I am loving it!

So anyway... hi! :)


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
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Welcome to Android (and to Android Central Forums)

There are many threads for helping you make the transition from iOS to Android easier (just do a search, and you'll find them). And if you have questions, feel free to ask!!!


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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Though I love my Apple products (you will have to pry my MacBook Pro from my cold dead hands), I recently gave up my iPhone 4S and switched to the HTC One (M7). I made the switch right before the M8 was announced, but even so, I think if I had waited, I still would have preferred the M7. It's been a couple weeks that I've been using Android now, and I have to say, I am loving it!

So anyway... hi! :)

Welcome to the forums.
Often people get floored when they see some of the big differences in customizing.


Well-known member
May 14, 2012
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Another fellow M7 user here. It's a solid device and I think you'll like it. Welcome

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Retired Moderator
May 23, 2010
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Welcome to the forums! The M7 is still a great phone despite it being "last" years model. It's a good phone and if it does what you need in a device then all the better. Let us know if you have any questions!


Active member
Mar 13, 2014
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Welcome to the forums.
Often people get floored when they see some of the big differences in customizing.

I've had an iPhone for a long time (and enjoyed it), but more recently I decided that I not only wanted a bigger screen, but I wanted to be able to do more with my home screens - things you can't do on the iPhone (at least, not without jailbreaking and I didn't want to get into that). So the fact that I can customize was something that definitely appealed to me about Android. I'm really only beginning to scratch the surface of what I can do, but even now, I'm much happier being able to add widgets and put icons wherever I want.


Trusted Member
Mar 27, 2014
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Welcome to the Android platform. You will have a blast. I am also coming from the iPhone 5. I love my Note. It is fun to customize again. Don't miss the iPhone at all. Great help here as well. Enjoy your new home.

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2009
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Welcome to Android. I myself had been back and fourth between Android and iOS since 2011 When I left Blackberry for a Droid X. Later that year, I got an iPhone 4 then about 9 months later went with the EVO LTE for like a week before I decided to go back to iOS with iPhone5. Last year I switched to Verizon and got the Droid DNA but however I only lasted 2 months until I decided to return to my iOS roots with another iPhone 5. Then a week ago, I switched back to Android with the Samsung Galaxy S4.

After time, I get board with the limitation of iOS and the lack of customizing the homescreen. With Android I can feel free to do such things. Guess the smoothness of the iOS apps is what drives me back but honestly I think the Galaxy S4 has really got me sold to Android for good

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