Help! My HTC EVO 4G is stuck on splash screen

I wouldn't do it. If you root your phone without a backup and something goes wrong, you're screwed. It can be fixed after that, but you will really have problems if you really know as little about the process as you claim.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I really don't want to root anymore. I just want my phone to work again. :/ and I have a backup on my sd card.
Tell you what; the OPs phone doesn't work. Let's get the phone to work, then you can explain all the way down to binary code and work your way up if you'd like. When your compadre advised the OP to do what I said to do last night, you didn't say ****. What's up with that?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

lol It's all you. Have fun!
Thanks so much!! I'm sooo happy! It's working again! :)

Glad it's working for you. I don't know what you did as I have added a couple of people to my "ignore" list, but I'm sure someone had you load recovery to your SD card. You would have got the same thing if you'd simply reloaded the original s-off app a second time. Sometimes recovery doesn't load correctly the first time, is all. If you'd used revolutionary for instance, the second time you ran it it you would have seen the message "Already s-off, what are you trying to do?" and then it would have gone ahead and loaded the recovery portion. It would have done the same thing with simpleroot without the snarky message. To me it's easier to do it that way as it gets the phone working the way you wanted, and you'll learn about putting .zip files on your phone anyhow as soon as you start messing with ROM's. There are a lot of ways to do it, but some people seem to think THEIR way is the only way you should do it. Sorry if I distracted you in your quest to make your phone work, and I wasn't trying to talk down to you. It's just that some people come on here and say "My phone doesn't work" and it takes 2-3 days just to get the information from them, just to find out their battery was dead. Others post 2-3 times and leave, so we never know if their phone was fixed or not, and that gets a little frustrating. Thanks for sticking it out and letting us know it worked.
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Thanks so much!! I'm sooo happy! It's working again! :)

Good I am glad you got it to work now . I used to be the same way confused but after try try try again I finally figured it out it pretty easy once you get the hang if it . But try differnt Roms till you find one to your liking then find a kernal to your choseing . Then after that you are set but check your Roms threads for updates that's important to keep your phone working . Anyways enjoy and I'm glad you got it fixed .

Sent From my Evoled HTC EVO using Tapatalk
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Android Candy: HTC EVO 4G Custom ROM List

Here's a pretty good site with most of the custom ROM's for the Evo. As PFC Land said, try some of them out. Deck's has a very good Gingerbread ROM and Evolved Roms has a very good Sense ROM, but they are all a personal choice. Just because one ROM works well for someone else (me included) doesn't mean it will work the same for you. Just an FYI.
THANK YOU for this forum! I recently repaired an EVO for someone and it was stuck on this screen. First time repairing for someone and I was FREAKED OUT thinking I was going to have to buy them a new phone LOL. Everything is up and running, although I did have to do a factory reset, but no worries all her contacts were backed up. Thank you thank you thank you!!!! :D
Hey fellow flashers, i have a problem with my evo lte (rooted,s-on,twrp installed) i can get to my hboot AND to my recovery but when i flash a rom,it says completed but when i reboot it gets to the splash screen and when its time for the boot animation the screen goes black and stays black,i have to hold the power button down for a little bit and go back to hboot and power off that way of itll just reboot and stay black. It happened when i went from stock to cm10.1, yes i used flash img gui to flash cm10.1 kernel first...any ideas,could it be the emmc?
Hey fellow flashers, i have a problem with my evo lte (rooted,s-on,twrp installed) i can get to my hboot AND to my recovery but when i flash a rom,it says completed but when i reboot it gets to the splash screen and when its time for the boot animation the screen goes black and stays black,i have to hold the power button down for a little bit and go back to hboot and power off that way of itll just reboot and stay black. It happened when i went from stock to cm10.1, yes i used flash img gui to flash cm10.1 kernel first...any ideas,could it be the emmc?

I might wrong on this, but i think you need s-off to run cm. Sounds odd but check the cm thread.

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