honest answer. Is this phone smooth and fast?


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Oct 24, 2015
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Only quirks I've had was twice it decided to reboot itself. Once about two weeks ago, and once before that about 5weeks ago


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May 24, 2015
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I've been anti Samsung in the last few years because I had a s6 and that thing had bad ram management issues and major lag after 6 months. I know it's early but what is your experience with over all smoothness while scrolling and app opening without freezes? I went ahead and ordered one that will be here tomorrow. I guess I just need some moral support..lol

The Note 8 is smooth as silk. And has the best ram management along with oneplus of any device now, it even beats iPhones.


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Sep 20, 2015
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Smooth and fast. I had the S8 for a few months before I got the Note. No comparison at all. The extra ram does make a huge difference.

Had a few apps hanging in the 2+ months that I had the phone, but nothing that clearing the app from recent menu didnt resolve.

As smooth as the Nexus that I had. No complaints except for the infrequent updates...but hey.. I already knew that when I bought a Samsung


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Mar 21, 2011
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I have an iPhone 8+ and Note 8. Both phones have their strengths and weaknesses but the Note 8 is WAY smoother and faster feeling in opening/closing animations, downloading and opening files, web pages etc...

I realize in those geek bench tests and things that the iPhone A11 chip is supposedly light years ahead of everything else but in every day use I'm here to say my Note 8 DESTROYS my iPhone8
I can second this. I have both as well and the Note 8 runs more smoothly than the iPhone 8 Plus. I never thought I'd see the day, but no matter how much I compare the two, the Note 8 just handles everything better.

Jack Wolf1

Aug 14, 2016
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I can't wait to use mine. Mine is sitting on my desk no time to open it. can't I'm such bz man?


I have an iPhone 8+ and Note 8. Both phones have their strengths and weaknesses but the Note 8 is WAY smoother and faster feeling in opening/closing animations, downloading and opening files, web pages etc...

I realize in those geek bench tests and things that the iPhone A11 chip is supposedly light years ahead of everything else but in every day use I'm here to say my Note 8 DESTROYS my iPhone8


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Sep 13, 2011
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Some apps poorly written is the only time I experience lag on the N8. Noticeable improvement if you activate Beast Mode, turn off power saving apps, no animations. Just don't know what do now with all my saved milliseconds.


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Oct 24, 2015
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December 7th will Mark me having this phone 3 months. I am absolutely crazy about it. It is a true Beast.


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Feb 21, 2013
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There are some apps that I have experienced lag with and scrolling hasn't been as smooth as I think it should be. It's still a good phones though.

The S7 Edge was the worst phone with lagging.


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Aug 11, 2011
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I didn't think anything could beat my pixel XL in speed or smoothness, but the note 8 really smokes it!

it smokes everything in its path.

and I can't help it, but I smh when I see the iphone X's big black tab. still can't believe that move, but I think in the end they'll find it an unfortunate one overall. compared to the N8 screen it looks dated and old-school/retro.


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Nov 3, 2013
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it smokes everything in its path.

and I can't help it, but I smh when I see the iphone X's big black tab. still can't believe that move, but I think in the end they'll find it an unfortunate one overall. compared to the N8 screen it looks dated and old-school/retro.
Agree that black tab is ugly and no doubt causing a lot of pain for app developers as they probably have to uodate their app to deql with that notch.


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With one caveat: Not all android apps can run smooth and fast. And that's a fault of specific app developers rather than any handset.

One example: I found chrome to perform perfectly fine and never used any other browser. Then by chance I tried Samsung's own browser "internet" and to my surprise scrolling was dramatically smoother. I return to chrome and now it's scrolling framerate feels choppy.

That's an example of two different apps performing a single task with different levels of smoothness. My buddy with an iPhone who notices chrome's choppy scrolling framerate won't say "Huh. Chrome doesn't scroll so smoothly. Nor will he make a small generalisation and say "Huh. Chrome is pretty slow" (It isnt, it excels at everything else) He'll simply say "Huh. Your new note 8 is already more laggy than my two year old iPhone... TouchWiz sucks".

TL;DR: Even with a super fast handset, perfect smoothness is often dependant on the specific app you're using.


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Mar 28, 2013
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What was the point of the notch? I can't remember

It's too fill in unused space. If done correctly it looks nice, once you get used to it. The only real issue I have noticed is with video and found screen, just a dumb idea, but you can fit it so the whole video is showing but then it's small.

I have had the phone about a month, my replacement about a week. It's the first time I haven't adjusted the animations to make it faster, I actually haven't even turned in dev options.


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Jun 7, 2012
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no clue. I only know that it has one because I heard it did and then saw a pic somewhere. not an apple person normally, but do have a hand-me-down ipad mini.

Face id cameras are in there. Rather than just have the screen start with a straight edge and be below that hardware, they let screen extend on either side to create the notch. I think it looks ridiculous.