How does one use Swype?

Lord Vader

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Oct 14, 2010
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As a new EVO owner, there are still a lot of things I'm learning about this phone, so I thought I'd ask a question or two regarding Swype.

First, is this standard on EVOs or does one have to download an app for it? Second, does it conflict with Swiftkey's paid app?

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May 18, 2010
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Swype is amazing--and the best keyboard i've used yet!

Swype is not standard on Evo's,
it IS however standard on Galaxy S phones (captivate, Epic, Fascinate)---but don't think you can get all crafty and send the .apk from one of these phones to your Evo via bluetooth...the .apk is phone screen specific and won't work. i've tried.

Sadly, Swype is not available for download on the Android Market yet it was originally, as a beta program, but was then closed beta... some working versions are still floating out there, you just have to know how to find it. most of the un-licensed versions of downloads you find aren't able to be used though--only downloaded and then you get a "force close" error. making it useless and you delete the .apk altogether.

it's currently in its final stages of testing, as stated in AC Posts, and hopefully will be released to the public soon.

i have found it--but due to Forum rules, am unable to say how.
if you Pm me, i'll let you know.
Moderator--if this is unacceptable--let me know and i'll retract my offer.

but i'm unsure if it conflicts with SwiftKeys app--
it shouldn't. you are able to choose your input method of text by longpressing a blank text box, choose INPUT METHOD, then tap the method you wish (be it SwiftKey or Swype, if you have those installed)

hope this helps!

Darth Mo

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May 17, 2010
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Keyboards normally won't conflict with each other. You can switch freely between Swiftkey and Swype, but you can't use both simultaneously if that's what you're asking.


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Aug 25, 2010
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ultra keyboard is good if you want swype technology. worth the money, full themeable/skinable. let me know if you want screen shots. more than happy to post


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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As a new EVO owner, there are still a lot of things I'm learning about this phone, so I thought I'd ask a question or two regarding Swype.

First, is this standard on EVOs or does one have to download an app for it? Second, does it conflict with Swiftkey's paid app?

LOVE SWYPE!!!! Had it on my Nexus One and I almost had a fit when a couple of days ago my EVO said the version of Swype did not match my device or my beta account.... But a quick check of their FAQ's forum on their site I had to uninstall, reboot and install and was back up and running...

I would gladly pay to use it (with in reason that is) it took me nearly 3 months to get the "Official" beta invite.....

Great keyboard...

Lord Vader

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Oct 14, 2010
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OK, downloaded it and have been trying it. So far, I am NOT impressed one bit. In fact, if it keeps doing what it's doing, I'm uninstalling it and going back to Swiftkey.

So what is it doing? Well, first of all, every other letter seems to capitalize itself so the text looks like crap. Second, the keyboard layout is annoying, to say the least. Several punctuation marks aren't as easily accessible as they were in Swiftkey, and the backspace key doesn't work as nicely as it does on Swiftkey.

Suffice it to say that I'll most likely be dumping this pain in the @ss app and going back to Swiftkey. For me, that was FAR easier and took less time and effort to use.


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Jun 7, 2010
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If you swype up above the keyboard it auto Caps the next letter in the word your trying to type..... I have never used Swift Key so I can't say if one is better than the other... All I can say is once I got use to Swype I can freaking text without even looking at the phone just like typing on a keyboard.. You just know where the letters are and you Swype...

It does have some quirky things about it where certain words are a real BIOTCH to Swype correctly and on the first try so those certain words I just manually type out one at a time.

I guess just pay close attention to if your going above the keyboard while swyping as that might be your auto cap of certain letters problem... I have never had that happen to me not even once.... I just know if I want to cap a word I hit the first letter and then swype above the keyboard and on to the next letter....

To each his own... I love it.... Type just as fast if not faster than I do on a full size standard computer keyboard with it....

and oh yeah... If you want to punctuate a word just start at the letter that has that punctuation mark and swype to the space bar and it does it for you without having to swap over to the number pad....

Lord Vader

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Oct 14, 2010
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One thing I've noticed so far: it doesn't place a period at the end of a sentence when one, say, presses the space bar again. Having to manually type a period to end a sentence is a PITA.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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One thing I've noticed so far: it doesn't place a period at the end of a sentence when one, say, presses the space bar again. Having to manually type a period to end a sentence is a PITA.

I guess you just have to get use to that.... I mean with Swype it auto puts in a space when you life your finger to swype the next word so at the end of the sentence instead of hitting the space key twice (Which I assume is what you do with Swift Key?) just hit the period and continue on to the next word your swyping and it will auto space after the period...

One thing I would like to see with Swype is auto capping words that should always be capped every time (Like the name of a person, city, state, country, etc)

Darth Mo

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May 17, 2010
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I find Swype to be ok for simple text entry like jotting down notes or text messages.

But when it comes to composing emails or something like posting on a message board, it becomes far too inaccurate and cumbersome. The fact that it stumbles on words longer than seven letters and you generally have to type out proper nouns that aren't common names makes it way too slow compared to other keyboards. Swyping a long word only to have it pop up with something nowhere near what you want and having to delete that word and manually enter it is too much of a headache.

So I guess a lot of it comes down to an individuals typing habits. I don't run into issue when composing texts, but trying to compose an email for work...forget about it.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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I find Swype to be ok for simple text entry like jotting down notes or text messages.

But when it comes to composing emails or something like posting on a message board, it becomes far too inaccurate and cumbersome. The fact that it stumbles on words longer than seven letters and you generally have to type out proper nouns that aren't common names makes it way too slow compared to other keyboards. Swyping a long word only to have it pop up with something nowhere near what you want and having to delete that word and manually enter it is too much of a headache.

So I guess a lot of it comes down to an individuals typing habits. I don't run into issue when composing texts, but trying to compose an email for work...forget about it.

I have no problem typing/swyping out long e-mails.... You do have to proof read what you wrote before hitting send... Since I have been using Swype for I would say 6 - 7 months now.... I have gotten use to it and I (For the most part) know what words to manually type out....

typically if I have a LONG e-mail to type/write out I either use my laptop or desktop computer....

Darth Mo

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May 17, 2010
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I have no problem typing/swyping out long e-mails.... You do have to proof read what you wrote before hitting send... Since I have been using Swype for I would say 6 - 7 months now.... I have gotten use to it and I (For the most part) know what words to manually type out....

typically if I have a LONG e-mail to type/write out I either use my laptop or desktop computer....

It's not necessarily long emails, but the type of language used within. I work in electronic commercial security, so I tend to use a lot of part numbers, model names, and manufacturers' names that are impossible to type using Swype. So at that point, Swype becomes useless as I have to manually type out one out of every four words and there are better keyboard options for that.

So, as I said, it depends on the user as much as Swype's capabilities. I know it's fine for most people, but for me, it's rather inefficient. I used Swype from right after launch until Swiftkey was out of beta, so I'd say I put it through it's fair paces.

Kevin OQuinn

AC Team Emeritus
May 17, 2010
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I've used swype and it's great for portrait typing. when you do to landscape typing it's not so good, though. I actually like the multi touch keyboard from the droid. It's awesome. Swiftkey is good, too, if you use it for a long enough time for it to learn your typing habits.


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Nov 4, 2009
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I've used swype and it's great for portrait typing. when you do to landscape typing it's not so good, though. I actually like the multi touch keyboard from the droid. It's awesome. Swiftkey is good, too, if you use it for a long enough time for it to learn your typing habits.

Agreed. That's why I keep going back to the stock keyboard - I've tried Swype a number of times to see what I'm missing, but I always realize that landscape typing is just faster than Swype for me. If Swype would put in a setting that allows Swype for portrait and stock for landscape, I'd be all over it.


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Jun 17, 2010
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I tried Swype for a good month straight. Although it can be pretty fast I could never get used to it enough to reduce the number of typos. I prefer SwiftKey and it's both fast and accurate for me.


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Sep 23, 2010
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Swype rocks! I agree that landscape typing is better but the screen on the X is big enough that I only use landscape for internet & videos. You can teach it new words by typing em in. It's much faster and cuts way down on my typos for me.

Swyped from the BIGGEST BADDEST machine on the planet

Well-known member
May 18, 2010
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i love Swype.
but not lamp.

it's far easier to use, for me, in portrait mode than trying to tap small buttons to make a letter.
but, to each their own..

and for me--it's swype.

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