How to force ICS update on VZW


** Superhero **
Oct 22, 2009
I'm not going to take credit for these instructions, but they have been floating around the Interwebs for a while now.

Step 1. goto settings, manage applications, select all and find Google Services Framework.
Step 2. Clear all data and force stop.
Step 3. Check for updates .

You may have to do this 3 or more times in a row, but it seems to work.

I just got ICS by doing this today!!!

Good luck and have fun
Tried that five times without success. Bummer
Number 7 was the magic number. Thanks!
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No success here either. Tried 7 or 8 times.

I had this issue on my G Nexus too. (As far as I can tell, this may work on all Android devices waiting for a pending update) On the 1st day I tried it would not let do it no matter how many times I tried, but the next moring it took 3 times to work. Give it a try in the mornng.
Finally worked for me. Tried about 10 times then went to lunch. When I came back, it worked on the second try.

ICS is installing now!
I'm not going to take credit for these instructions, but they have been floating around the Interwebs for a while now.

Step 1. goto settings, manage applications, select all and find Google Services Framework.
Step 2. Clear all data and force stop.
Step 3. Check for updates .

You may have to do this 3 or more times in a row, but it seems to work.

I just got ICS by doing this today!!!

Good luck and have fun

Great insight on this took me 8-9 tries, but it worked...!!!!
I can't believe it worked. I thought for sure this was a hoax. I tried it about ten times tethered to my phone without success. As soon as I untethered and tried over 4G, it worked the first time. I don't know if it was a fluke, I'm just glad it worked!

Thanks for a great tip
I can't believe it worked. I thought for sure this was a hoax. I tried it about ten times tethered to my phone without success. As soon as I untethered and tried over 4G, it worked the first time. I don't know if it was a fluke, I'm just glad it worked!

Thanks for a great tip

I thought the same thing as you when I saw this posted for updating the VZW G Nexus last week. I tried like 50 times without luck. The next morning it worked on 3rd try.

I'm glad I could help you out.
Thanks I just got it myself. It took several tries not sure how many but it finally began updating

sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2
I'm normally not a pessimist, but I have two questions.

1. What if it doesn't work?
2. If successful, will you remain able for future OTA Upgrades (now that's optimusm)?
It worked! Took me about 15-20 times but sure enough it popped up. Thanks!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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