How to increase internal memory from 175mb to 1gb


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2011
So I scoured the internet with ways to do this but I cannot just get the hang of it :|
Can someone please tell me the steps to increase the internal memory of my phone from 175 megs to 1 gig? Please? :3
btw: I am running the Lewa rom. If this rom isn't supported please let me know, thanks :D
I keep getting "Application not installed" on the LEWA rom, could it just be the rom?

I've encountered those problems on my ROM. If you do it on a different ROM, you can switch back to mine and it will still be there. I'm actually working on this bug now.
Umm, im dumbfounded, whats data2ext lol, now i feel like a major noob...

It's a shell script that moves the data partition (where your downloaded app and market app are installed) to the second partition of your sdcard. The second partition is an ext file system which is common with Linux, and can be done for with in recovery.
I've encountered those problems on my ROM. If you do it on a different ROM, you can switch back to mine and it will still be there. I'm actually working on this bug now.

Saw your blog, whatever you're doing don't give up on that MIUI, even if it's for another phone. People are counting on you, we, the fans are counting on you :D
I recently purchased an LG L45C Android and also installed the 32GB SD card. What are the steps, if this possible, to increase the internal storage of about 175MB to 1GB? I have read quite a few websites on this and just wanted to know if this can be done. I use my Android constantly and it has been very useful with the voice commands being that I have Parkinson's and the voice command items are very useful for me. Any help on this would be great. Thanks.
I recently purchased an LG L45C Android and also installed the 32GB SD card. What are the steps, if this possible, to increase the internal storage of about 175MB to 1GB? I have read quite a few websites on this and just wanted to know if this can be done. I use my Android constantly and it has been very useful with the voice commands being that I have Parkinson's and the voice command items are very useful for me. Any help on this would be great. Thanks.

First, obtain root, second, install a custom recovery (cannibal open touch or clockwork mod, i'm running CWM 4.0.1 or somethin like that) then go to advanced and select partition sdcard (make sure that your sd card is backed up for this will format everything) and then select your storage size (i think on most recoverys you can only do up to 4 gigs, thats what i have on my 32 gig sd and it works perfectly).
I have 101 installed apps. I still have 112MB of internal storage free.
Use Link2SD. Partition the sd card with the ZenGarden recovery and reformat the partition to ext.4 with that same recovery. Do not make the partition larger than 2GB. 1.5 is optimal.
If you need more info, let me know by quoting this post.

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What recovery do you have installed?
You can use MiniTool Partitioning Wizard in Windows or Gparted in Linux as well.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Android Central Forums

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