How to transfer between SD Card and External Hard drive using Samsung S8?

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Android Central Question

I am on S8 Exynos (Custom ROM - Renovate ICE, LATEST). When I was using S7 last time and had a USB OTG cable to daïsy chain my SD card reader and USB hard drive, the connection dropped so frequently that it made it impossible to transfer all my contents (around 120gb per day of photos and videos) from the SD card to my external hard drive.

Is there a more reliable method using my S8? I also have the WD Wireless Pro, but it is giving me so many errors that I gave up on that device.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Plug the drive into a PC. Plug the SD card into the PC (you may need an adapter - you can find them on Amazon for about $5.) Transfer the files in groupd of about 100. (USB can't handle much more than that.)


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2010
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"in groupd of about 100. (USB can't handle much more than that.)"
I've done literally thousands of files in one batch over USB with no problem. To SD-whatever cards, is USB adapters, and to USB hard drives. Or to phones. USB has no problem with thousands of files, but the OS may have a buffering problem or other issues.

There are USB flash drives at 128GB, 256GB, 400GB, 512GB. So if the phone supports OTG or you have an OTG adapter, the OP should be able to plug a USB stick right into the phone. That will get the files off the phone and backed up, and then they can either be backed up on USB sticks, or moved the hard drive from another computer port. USB3 being some 10x faster than USB2, so the preferred way to go.

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