How's the update?


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Sep 9, 2011
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The difference in connectivity since the update is night and day. Since I use Juice Defender, the data always has to come back up when I turn on the screen, which before the update would take up to 30 seconds. Since the update, the phone seems to be connecting to LTE within 5 seconds which makes a huge difference to me. I also haven't seen it disconnect yet while streaming TuneIn, which it was doing before.


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Aug 31, 2011
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Working great so far! been on 4G all day with no drops. Switching back and forth has been smooth too.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


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Dec 12, 2011
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Very pleased so far. Love not having the whine on music, snappier response time. Now to see if it cures the ills of the 3g/4g/wireless which have been killing me.


Nov 26, 2011
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The difference in connectivity since the update is night and day. Since I use Juice Defender, the data always has to come back up when I turn on the screen, which before the update would take up to 30 seconds. Since the update, the phone seems to be connecting to LTE within 5 seconds which makes a huge difference to me. I also haven't seen it disconnect yet while streaming TuneIn, which it was doing before.

Thanks! Was wondering about Juice Defender. Used it on my Incredible and then when I switched to the Bionic I stopped using it because if how long the data took to come back up after turning the screen on. Will give it another whirl now.

Another thing I noticed after the update: Used to have a decent amount of lag going from shortened hyperlinks in Twitter using Tweetdeck/Dolphin but now it's pretty quick.


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Sep 17, 2010
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Got the update today. Prior to the update I'd been having problems with data access and strength of signal at work. So before I started the update, I was sitting at my desk with my <sarcasm> amazing 1X signal </sarcasm>. Saw the update was available, so switched over to WiFi to pull it. After completion of the update....I was sitting at my desk with a 4G signal (2 bars). This update is already paying dividends for me. :) off to see what else is working better...


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Sep 4, 2011
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- still hear hiss / static when plugged in through my cars speakers using the headphone jack. Will re test at home with computer speakers

- had multiple data drops already today (shows 3g but in white, and does not connect ti web )

- battery life the same ...4g on all morning, very light usage (had an exam and then was packing so I wasn't fiddling with phone )...5 hrs and 60% left. May try getting a new battery from Verizon. This is the standard batt btw

- the only positive is increased speed in the camera. Took some sample pics and shutter was noticeably quicker. Haven't tried video yet to see if they fixed the auto focus from going nuts


Aug 5, 2011
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I got the update this morning. It has completely cured the headphone whine problem. Unfortunately it does not seem to have helped with the data connectivity/rebooting problem. I went to lunch today at a spot where I have a 3 bar 4g signal. I turned on the wifi hotspot feature on my Bionic and connected to it from my tablet where I was streaming music and browsing the web. In 15 minutes my Bionic's data connection dropped. A minute later it rebooted itself. That's what it does most days, and I had really hoped (and been told by Motorola support) that the update would fix it.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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I got the update this morning. It has completely cured the headphone whine problem. Unfortunately it does not seem to have helped with the data connectivity/rebooting problem. I went to lunch today at a spot where I have a 3 bar 4g signal. I turned on the wifi hotspot feature on my Bionic and connected to it from my tablet where I was streaming music and browsing the web. In 15 minutes my Bionic's data connection dropped. A minute later it rebooted itself. That's what it does most days, and I had really hoped (and been told by Motorola support) that the update would fix it.

If a reset won't fix that, ask for another phone. I had a launch-day phone that drove me nuts. This past Friday, I got a replacement. The two phones are like night and day. Now i am no longer jealous of my wife's Bionic which also works great. I have a consistent 4G signal now, whereas my first Bionic could hardly ever get 4G. I don't even have the update installed yet, BTW.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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If a reset won't fix that, ask for another phone. I had a launch-day phone that drove me nuts. This past Friday, I got a replacement. The two phones are like night and day. Now i am no longer jealous of my wife's Bionic which also works great. I have a consistent 4G signal now, whereas my first Bionic could hardly ever get 4G. I don't even have the update installed yet, BTW.

It really is amazing the difference a couple hardware revisions can make, isn't it? Unfortunately, the people most likely to notice and be vocal about the issues they're experiencing are the same ones going out and buying phones on launch day. This is precisely the reason I bought a BIONIC now and am not picking up the Nexus when it is finally released on Verizon. I'm sure the Nexus will be a great phone, but look what problems the "early adopters" of the technology are experiencing. Just not worth it, IMO.

On a BIONIC related note, halfway through the first battery cycle after the update and I would subjectively say that battery life has improved a good bit. Also, I notice that with headphones on, when you are navigating through menus, you can hear clicks and pops (not the ones you're supposed to hear). The whine, however, is completely gone. I wonder kind of software problem causes the whine/pop issues? The nature of the problem really seemed like it would be hardware related.


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Mar 31, 2010
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- still hear hiss / static when plugged in through my cars speakers using the headphone jack. Will re test at home with computer speakers

I noticed one thing pretty consistently across my Moto Droid 1 and Bionic - that if you have the USB cable plugged in and it's charging, then you'll get the noise. Otherwise it's very quiet.

Most of the time when I'm listening to audio on my phone, I have it connected via Bluetooth. IMHO this is the only way to fly!

- battery life the same ...4g on all morning, very light usage (had an exam and then was packing so I wasn't fiddling with phone )...5 hrs and 60% left. May try getting a new battery from Verizon. This is the standard batt btw

Extended battery is a nice purchase to make for this phone. I have it and it allows me to use it as much as I want really w/minimal problems.


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Dec 10, 2011
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- still hear hiss / static when plugged in through my cars speakers using the headphone jack. Will re test at home with computer speakers

- had multiple data drops already today (shows 3g but in white, and does not connect ti web )

- battery life the same ...4g on all morning, very light usage (had an exam and then was packing so I wasn't fiddling with phone )...5 hrs and 60% left. May try getting a new battery from Verizon. This is the standard batt btw

- the only positive is increased speed in the camera. Took some sample pics and shutter was noticeably quicker. Haven't tried video yet to see if they fixed the auto focus from going nuts

battery life is all about how you manage your phone... if you are walking around all day w/ 4G on, then your battery will not last very long.. its no mystery that 4G is harder on battery than 3G... now that the update happened, its easier/faster then ever to switch between 3G and 4G... if you want your battery to last longer, only use 4G when you need it.. and by that i mean for downloads, streaming music via pandora/slacker, market downloads.. web browsing... i dont even bother switching over to 4G to use facebook... my battery lasts all day and then some... in a perfect world we could leave 4G on all day and still have battery to spare, but fact of the matter is that its just not possible yet... BATTERY MANAGEMENT is the name is of the game...


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2011
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Got mine this morning, and I haven't had any problems. My wifi connection has been much better. The default camera seems to be working just fine. Now bring on ICS.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Extended battery is a nice purchase to make for this phone. I have it and it allows me to use it as much as I want really w/minimal problems.

I'm sure I could find this info somewhere, but since you're talking about it, how much thicker is the phone with the extended battery? Does it have a big bulge on the back or just make the phone flat on the back?


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
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I'm sure I could find this info somewhere, but since you're talking about it, how much thicker is the phone with the extended battery? Does it have a big bulge on the back or just make the phone flat on the back?

It reverses the bulge in the back, the back sticks out a little and the camera "hump" sinks in slightly. It's actually the best extended battery i seen in a while not awkward at all like the HTC ones, those are horrid.

Bonus is that you can use the OEM dock and car mount with it.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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the nice thing about the extended battery cover is that it protects the camera lens somewhat when u place the phone down on a hard surface, as there will be a substantial gap between the surface and the camera lens. I often set my phone down on tiled counters which have rough textures.


May 27, 2011
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so a month after getting the Bionic, my phone started having issues with not getting Data. it would happen multiple times a week, and most of the time it would be fixed by doing multiple battery pulls. I was HOPING this would be resolved with the latest update. apparently I was wrong.

within 20 minutes of installing the update, my phone lost data connection...