Htc one battery life


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Mar 8, 2013
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How is the battery life on this phone? Going to upgrade today but want some experienced advice for moderate to heavy use on network not wifi.


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Nov 8, 2010
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I charge my phone when I go to bed because I use my phone as an alarm clock. I can easily get through a day with moderate to heavy use. If I'm using mine heavily, I just flip the switch on my mophie case and I can go close to another day. Not everyone has this option but it works out very well for me.

If you are like me and charge your phone at night, you should have no problems making it through a whole day. Just my opinion of course...


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Mar 8, 2013
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Yeah I do, well I try. Hate those days that I just fall asleep and I wake up with less then 20% battery, ugh.


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May 1, 2010
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Out of all of the phones I've had in the past three years, it's probably the best of the bunch. Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4...all of em are bested by the One. As long as you don't have the wifi set to performance mode, you should be golden. I had that set at first and it was a huge battery drain.


Jan 22, 2013
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Out of all of the phones I've had in the past three years, it's probably the best of the bunch. Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4

Could you compare it to the Galaxy Nexus specifically? That's the phone I had (it just broke so I'm on a BB Curve), and it lasted me the whole day for the first four months or so then slowly became a 1-2 charge a day phone.


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May 1, 2010
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Had no idea that you could control the power of the wifi. Thanks a lot, nice detailed answer

Yes, it's only part of the Sense 5 software, so you must be on a stock HTC rom. I'm now on the Google Play Edition Rom and it doesn't have that option. It only has the "wifi optimization" option.


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May 1, 2010
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Could you compare it to the Galaxy Nexus specifically? That's the phone I had (it just broke so I'm on a BB Curve), and it lasted me the whole day for the first four months or so then slowly became a 1-2 charge a day phone.

Well it's been a good year since I've used the Galaxy Nexus, but from what I remember, I would be down around 15-20 percent at the end of the day, and now with the One I'm at around 30-35 percent. My usage is about the same, so that's a pretty decent comparison there I suppose. :)


Oct 23, 2012
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Somebody above said the One gets better battery life than the Galaxy S4... I can say without a doubt that is NOT true. Decent battery life at best for me with the One, but my wife and a couple friends seem to do considerably better with their S4.


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Sep 6, 2013
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I have multiple batteries for my Galaxy Nexus. I just pop off the back, replace the battery and put the back on. Can I do that with either the S4 or HTC One?


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Jul 7, 2010
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let me just say t at least use my phone moderate to heavy all the he time. two days I unplugged my phone at 7:30 ans it's now 12:17 am and I am at 62 percent I would say the o each got great battery life.

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Jun 4, 2011
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My dad has an S4, my one does better despite having smaller battery. Here's a screenshot, not my best one but avg

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2


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Jun 20, 2012
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Guys, let's not kid ourselves..the One's battery life is awful...the phone is great, and I've really enjoyed it the last 5 months of ownership, but the battery life is certainly no up to par.

Today, I unplugged it about 100 minutes ago with a full charge and I'm already down to 79% on moderate use....seems like its gotten even worse over the last few days.


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Jun 4, 2011
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Guys, let's not kid ourselves..the One's battery life is awful...the phone is great, and I've really enjoyed it the last 5 months of ownership, but the battery life is certainly no up to par.

Today, I unplugged it about 100 minutes ago with a full charge and I'm already down to 79% on moderate use....seems like its gotten even worse over the last few days.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about, I showed you screen shot above. Something is eating up your battery, find out what is causing your so called awful battery life

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2011
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Guys, let's not kid ourselves..the One's battery life is awful...the phone is great, and I've really enjoyed it the last 5 months of ownership, but the battery life is certainly no up to par.

Today, I unplugged it about 100 minutes ago with a full charge and I'm already down to 79% on moderate use....seems like its gotten even worse over the last few days.

You have something weird going on there.

Not that it's saying all that much but I've been pleasantly surprised bordering on stunned by how long the battery lasts with the One compared to my old Thunderbolt. That thing could melt down a battery in 3 hours just checking mail, doing a little texting and watching a podcast or two. I've had the One last over 12 hours doing the same thing as long as I have power saver on and still go 8 hours with it off and using the One for a variety of purposes a hell of a lot more than I did the old TBolt.

With the old TBolt I'd run from one charger to the next, plug it in at my desk at work as soon as I sat down, get in the car? ... plug it in ... get home? ... plug it in. I felt like I was tethered to an outlet all the time. And the TBolt had the (cue heavenly angel music) elusive swappable battery of which I carried an extra 2 in my laptop case but rarely changed them out because the damned phone took 5 minutes to boot up. I think the only time I swapped batteries was when I used a Golf GPS program with it and had to swap batteries after 9 holes.

I do keep a fully charged 10,000 mA battery pack in my laptop case now and have had occasion to connect my phone to it. Last week I had to fly from TX to NJ and layover 3 hours in Charlotte. I streamed HBO GO most of the time or watched downloaded Vodcasts on the plane the whole way. Yeah, I needed the extra juice. It was an 11 hour trip with power saver off to get the brightest display, Bluetooth on and volume cranked the whole way. But my Moto Rokr BT headphones needed to be hooked up to the power pack before the phone did. I had to switch to ear buds 8 hours in and recharge the BT phones. The One made it 9 hours before I needed to give it a boost.

Compared to what I lived with for over 2 years before this ... color me impressed and satisfied.


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Jan 2, 2012
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Sounds like a faulty battery to me, I've charged my device to 100% and still have it around 70% after heavy use all morning, it's 6:30pm I started using it at 8am.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2


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Oct 18, 2013
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I would say that I am quite a hardcore battery user. I have the HTC One. My normal useage (without restriction) I can use it pretty much flat out - have videos streaming, screen on full brightness, playing games, surfing the internet, phone calls, texting.... I use it to the maximum that anyone would (I guess) oh and downloads lots of them.

I have found that my battery lasts (honestly) about 5.5 hours. Maybe 5.

HOWEVER today I was going out for the day and I wanted to see what the battery was like if I took off full screen brightness? If I had auto brightness on and powersaver? The difference was huge. i was amazed. I left my house this morning around 10am. I returned around 5pm. I had seen my granddaughter we had watched peppa pig videos on youtube (for at least an hour) - i took photos and videos. I did slight surfing of web and made a couple of calls and sent a few texts.... When I returned home at 5pm - my battery was still at 75%... I was amazed!!! In fact - I didn't charge it and went to the pub for food and a few beers - at the pub I took a few photos. Surfed the web and social media. When I returned home from the pub at just after 9pm - my battery was at 58 per cent.

I have fallen asleep at night .... leaving my phone on.... and woke next morning with no charge at all and battery had lost only (in 8 hours) 4 per cent on stand by. This to me was impressive. My last phone was HTC sensation and had shocking battery life.

I am really impressed with HTC One and battery life. Ok - I do like to blast the screen full brightness and hammer the phone with everything I can for hours on end... YES this does affect battery .... BUT when I need to be out and about I can set the settings and the battery lasts for a long time (at least in my world).

Am really happy with this phone. It does exactly what I need it to do. I like the flexibility of turning down screen and having power saver on when I am out and about and need charge to last for longer. It really does work well for me.


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Oct 23, 2013
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I received all of my battery tips for my HTC one from the XDA developers site. The result has been a minimum of 21 hours usage in one day. Tonight my phone hit 3% at roughly 12:30 am. I took it off charge at 1 am the night before and hadn't charged for one second in between. I got a total of 23 hrs and 35 minutes out of todays charge with a mobile connection present the whole time. WiFi present virtually no time. Browsed, Google nav, hours of texting, brightness at 100%. Moderate to heavy use. Haven't had a single issue. Best battery life I've ever experienced with all of my settings. And the only trade-off is that I have all auto-sync functionality turned off. So I have to refresh my blinkfeed and emails manually. Not actually a trade-off in any sense of the word at all as refreshing is as easy as moving a finger 1/16 of an inch. If anyone is experiencing frustratingly bad battery life, you're doing something wrong.


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Oct 8, 2013
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Ah! Battery life on a cell phone. Especially on an Android. Guys, it's all about how you use the phone. What you do? what did you forget? what game did you downloaded that you forgot to turn off in the back? why is the phone set to check for wifi every 15 minutes? I see you have the email set incorrectly.... On and on. Now for HTC One, it generally lasts as long as an S4, and better than most older phones. The HTC One can REALLY suck on the battery juice if you let it. Lower brightness, turn of NFC until you need it. Turn on wifi, and cell data off when it's convenient, same the other way around, keep your phone cool or room temp. Train your battery: Full charge, no playtime, then drain about 4%. Set your sync options for any app or account, to longer intervals, (in email updates, auto-update on wifi only or turn off). Check battery saver to block at what your using, and test. Generally, most users, with moderate usage, to heavy, can get 10 hrs.

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