I think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

I think that's a terrible idea. Especially since they can just pre-order like everyone else and everyone gets them at the same time.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

I think that's a terrible idea. Especially since they can just pre-order like everyone else and everyone gets them at the same time.

I think he was being facious
At least I hope so lol
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

I think this would be super hard to manage and just a headache for them so I definitely don't see that happening.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

They can always buy the note 7FE that's due out in a month or so
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

It's not like it's gonna sell out. If you pre-order, you'll be fine.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

I would rather have some sort of loyalty discount then "first dibs" as everyone else will get the phone on the same day anyways.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

"Loyalty discount"? You must be joking. The only loyalty here, is Samsung's loyalty to their bank account. Let me see...If just 5% of the people in the U.S. stopped buying Samsung phones, do you think that it would change Samsung's way of thinking? You betcha!!!:p
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

They are could offer a discount to keep people from switching back and forth to other OEMs. People would still buy them if they did switch back and firth. But, for those who who don't, offer an incentive.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

The discount could be given by the carrier's, but that wouldn't hurt Samsung's bottom line. They need to be taught a lesson, and money is the ONLY thing that they care about. Hurt them in the pocketbook, and then they'll listen to their "loyal" consumers.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

Nah. They were already put back to squarsies and got to keep multiple free gifts in some cases. Plus a number of Verizon and TMO customers got refunds and didn't return the device, so no additional compensation or consideration should be given to any former note 7 owners.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

"Loyalty discount"? You must be joking. The only loyalty here, is Samsung's loyalty to their bank account. Let me see... If just 5% of the people in the U.S. stopped buying Samsung phones, do you think that it would change Samsung's way of thinking? You betcha!!! :p

The discount could be given by the carrier's, but that wouldn't hurt Samsung's bottom line. They need to be taught a lesson, and money is the ONLY thing that they care about. Hurt them in the pocketbook, and then they'll listen to their "loyal" consumers.

Grunt, you are definitely "barking up the right tree", however you'll never get enough people to stick together and do it. I have tried things like this many times... people "talk a lot" but then never "DO" when it comes down to it! :(
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

They are could offer a discount to keep people from switching back and forth to other OEMs. People would still buy them if they did switch back and firth. But, for those who who don't, offer an incentive.

Never happen. Not at least for first two days lol
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

Nah. They were already put back to squarsies and got to keep multiple free gifts in some cases. Plus a number of Verizon and TMO customers got refunds and didn't return the device, so no additional compensation or consideration should be given to any former note 7 owners.

No not all note 7 owners were taken care of. I am not goning to explain as it is long. But I lost money. So in my Eyes Samsung still owes me money or a discount on the new note 8 phone.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

No not all note 7 owners were taken care of. I am not goning to explain as it is long. But I lost money. So in my Eyes Samsung still owes me money or a discount on the new note 8 phone.
Sounds like you as an individual should speak with their customer service people. No reason for Samsung to waste even more money on all the people that made out like bandits.

Are you including the preorder discounts and free gifts in your loss?
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

Sounds like you as an individual should speak with their customer service people. No reason for Samsung to waste even more money on all the people that made out like bandits.

Are you including the preorder discounts and free gifts in your loss?

yeah I did talk to them. They won't take care of it. Again I won't go into. As it is would make a long post. But that is in the past now anyway. Learned a lesson from it. I will never buy a phone that just came out til it is out for a few months. Problem solved. I am however happy samsung recalled right away instead of hiding it. So I did buy the s8. Which I like very much. I will use this until the note 8 has been out awhile. Then I might go back to the note phone. Although I have to be honest. I really like the size of the s8. It is easier to hold onto. So we will have to see what happens. :)
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

Nah. They were already put back to squarsies and got to keep multiple free gifts in some cases. Plus a number of Verizon and TMO customers got refunds and didn't return the device, so no additional compensation or consideration should be given to any former note 7 owners.

Listen, I would not refuse an incentive, if offered, but yeah, I got 3 sets of headphones, multiple chargers, and a free gear fit.
All I want them to do is put out a decent phone that I don't have to return every two weeks, and we will be golden.
Re: T think those who had Note 7s should have 1st dibs for the Note 8 w/ their carriers

Listen, I would not refuse an incentive, if offered, but yeah, I got 3 sets of headphones, multiple chargers, and a free gear fit.
All I want them to do is put out a decent phone that I don't have to return every two weeks, and we will be golden.

In the same boat and completely agree.
So For All Those Contractually Locked In...

If you decide you want to get a Note 8, are you willing to buy it via cold sale (full retail value)? I'm personally locked into a 2 year contract with my S7Trash so that's the only way I can get the phone without opening a new line. I'm going to, but just wanted to know how some of you feel out there. Do you feel it's worth it? Or are you happy with whatever you had to swap back to until a later time?

Also, is it financially worth it to you? I'd love to hear the thoughts of the folks having to go that route to get theirs. I know I can't be alone. LoL

And even though I know they won't, I wish they had some type of discount or priority for the old N7 users.


Someone who's really tempted to activate their N7 back on their account right now.
Or a slight discount. I don't care about your loyalty as much I would hope that you caring about my loyalty and sticking with the company through EVERYTHING and then some. All I got was to keep my memory card. That meant nothing when trying to replace my phone that I didn't want to replace.

So yes, I'm here for them making it more easily available to those who had the Note 7 first. It, from a consumer standpoint, shows me that you heard me. That's what makes me stick with a brand.

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