iPhone X


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2012
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I played with an X last night and did not like it one bit. That bar is distracting. The screen is nothing spectacular like Apple would have you think. And the lack of a home button and fingerprint scanner would be a deal breaker for me.

I will say I have a 7+ and am far from the typical sheeple. The one thing good I will say about it is it works without fail. Never had a single issue out of it or my previous 6+. Which is what I need in a phone. Nor have I had an issue with any iOS release in the two years I have been using it. Beyond that iOS is boring. I do miss Android.

They just discovered that the X has a virtual home button and from what I see it will help people that really want that home button.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2014
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The IPhone x isn't that appealing to me. Don't like that screen design,the frame or edges of the phone are too shiney looking (not sure if all colours) which looks tacky to me. Also the glass back reminds me of what...the iPhone 4 I think?


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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LOL. Anyone who got an iPhone X won't want the Pixel 2 XL after looking at the screen.

Unfortunately if you drop and break the X, there's a very good chance that FaceID will no longer work without a repair, something that wouldn't be an issue had they kept TouchID.


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Jan 28, 2011
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Not sure you can judge phones by what happens after you drop them.

But if they break easily, that's something to consider when deciding on that large of a purchase. I've seen plenty of people using their phones with a cracked glass screen. If the only biometric available on the device is compromised if the screen is cracked, then your stuck with using your pin until you get it repaired.

The price to repair, according to the article is $280 for the front glass and $550 for the anything else on the phone. If you have to fix both the front and rear glass you're right in between the price of a new 256GB iPhone 8 or a 64GB iPhone 8 Plus or roughly 80% of the price of a new iPhone X. Adding insult to injury, the cost to produce the iPhone X is $375, 1/3 the cost of the retail price. That's just ridiculous.


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Nov 6, 2009
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I picked up the X over the weekend it is a nice device, not worth the price tag IMO but if you have the money and like iOS you will love the device. I am waiting for my 2XL to arrive and i am hoping the display is not as bad as everyone is saying because i am looking to ditch the x just need a good replacement.


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Aug 22, 2011
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I have both. Both have things that are awesome about them and both have things that suck. You can't go wrong with either but neither is superior to the other in my mind. It's all about give and take.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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I'm sorry and I know I dis the iPhone alot but the x is nothing special. My co worker showed me his phone, that ui still looks 2007 to me. The gestures are poorly done and too many steps to unlock face ID.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
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I don't have a dog in this fight, since I have an S8 and an X, both of which I feel are equal. Each have a couple of features that are better than the other. I had an original Pixel 128 that I really liked. To me, it appears that the XL early adopters are really getting hammered by Google. The XL could have been so much better if Google had waited and gotten all the bugs out. It still has the potential to be on the same level as the S8 and the X but it isn't there yet.


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Nov 7, 2017
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I've owned Android and iPhones please tell me how I would be persuaded with all the quirkiness and inconsistencies of Android?
iOS is a closed system so you don't have to constantly worry about what app/s are draining your battery or will give someone access to your phone due to malware and viruses. Those timely updates that get pushed out to all iPhones instantly and on time are a bunch of crap. How dare they satisfy their customers.
Depending on what phone you have you may not get the next version of Android for close to a year(Samsung) or possibly never.

That being said I went with a Pixel 2 and use a VPN for extra security.
iPhone SE for backup. lol


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Nov 7, 2017
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Just watched a video on the soon to be released Razer phone and the finger print scanner is also the power button. This might be a great phone looking at all the specs.


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Nov 29, 2012
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I've owned Android and iPhones please tell me how I would be persuaded with all the quirkiness and inconsistencies of Android?

True of older phones but not true for newer releases. My older Samsung's (S3/4/Note 5) all had weird issues pop up from time to time. My Nexus 6P and now my P2XL were/are utterly flawless.

iOS is a closed system so you don't have to constantly worry about what app/s are draining your battery or will give someone access to your phone due to malware and viruses.

Define 'closed-system.' Play store and whatever Apple calls their app repository are both walled-off (as far as any of us know anyways) and run virus scans and whatnot. Unless you've worked at both and are familiar with their anti-malware procedures, you claiming Apple is immune to malware means just as much as me claiming Androids are. Anecdotally, I recall hearing hearing about iOS and Android breaches from time to time in about equal proportions. One is NOT clearly better than the other when you only consider stock, non-rooted/jailbroken devices. Apple's strength here is standardization of hardware but the Google/Pixel/Nexus lines are also hardware/software standardized and I get get security updates monthly.

My wife is a diehard iPhone user (she's not technical so it's really just that it's what she's used to and doesn't want to change). Her iPhone's have had mysterious battery-drain issues just as often as my Samsung's. She's had numerous issues after receiving software updates (many more than I've ever had on Android devices. The difference with her is that iOS is so locked down that they don't even allow one to look at running processes so if something's running amok you really don't have any way to troubleshoot it.

Those timely updates that get pushed out to all iPhones instantly and on time are a bunch of crap. How dare they satisfy their customers. Depending on what phone you have you may not get the next version of Android for close to a year(Samsung) or possibly never.

Which is why I don't buy a Samsung (or HTC/LG/Samsung/etc.). I get security updates monthly. My wife doesn't. This is a Pixel forum so you should limit your comments to Pixel/Nexus devices. I totally agree that the timeliness of updates is a YUGE problem...

...for non-Google devices. My Nexus 6P updated to Oreo within two weeks of it being released. I've had my P2XL for a week and I've already gotten a new security update.

The Apple/iPhone and the Google/Pixel are essentially equivalent devices operating in a similar environment. There really isn't much of line separating the two these days. I choose Android for its customization.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2009
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My guess is a lot of you seen this ads already, but thought this fits our discovery here even though it's a Samsung Note 8 ads. Pretty funny ads from Samsung. I love the part at the end with the dude haircut looks like the iPhone X notch.



Well-known member
Nov 29, 2012
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That's a good ad (insert a Pixel 2 in there and would still work). That's more or less how I ended up going Android 6 years ago: I was bored with iPhones...and still am.