Is the touchscreen ok?


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Mar 26, 2010
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So a few months ago I saw this tablet (a prototype) at the university I work at - and I thought it was awesome except one major problem - the touchscreen really sucked. It was unresponsive, and sluggish. I didn't get to test the pen either since someone had broken it in a another demo.

The "brand" manager assured me it was fixed in the final version - question - is it?

They are supposed to send me an eval version - so I guess I'll find out eventually. I really kinda want this tablet since I get a discount (50 bucks :/) if I purchased it as staff/faculty :).


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Mar 7, 2011
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That is also true for the ThinkPad. The screen is excellent, but it does take a couple of seconds at the lock screen. It really isn't a big deal and I bet the change it with an update.

Overall, I really love my ThinkPad Tablet. though there are a couple of stupid things with the form factor; headphone jack on the bottom (portrait), camera in the top left (portrait), one small speaker on the bottom (landscape). You can adjust to each of these, but those are my few minor gripes.

S Prime

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
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I agree that the only time I find it unresponsive is at a wake state. I use a security code and you have to wait s couple of seconds after wake to input your code, but you get use to it. I use exchange email and have found it sluggish when setting the email client to sync but removing those settings and allowing the exchange server to handle the task appears to have corrected the problem.

IT Service Professional - I Just Want a Device to be Productive

S Prime

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
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As with any device you have your wish list of features you would add. But let me answer you this way, GF now has my Flyer and the TPT goes to work with me.

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