I got the N915VVRU2CQF2 update last week, and it immediately caused my Fitbit Flex to be unable to sync over Bluetooth. I am not alone: dozens of Fitbit users with various Samsung devices are reporting this sync problem (https://community.fitbit.com/t5/Android-App/Fitbit-trackers-not-syncing-after-Android-software-update-8-8/m-p/2140262). Verizon users are reporting similar issues with other devices not syncing over BT (https://community.verizonwireless.com/thread/936180). It seems to be a widespread problem, and probably caused by something Samsung did to BT in this update, without notifying anybody else that they were doing it. Fitbit and other device makers are working on their individual fixes. It would be nice if Samsung would own up to the problem and issue its own fix, preferably before another monthly update!