Leaked Best Buy flyer!


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Jul 19, 2010
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Guys I hate to be the one to say this, But... This is Definitely a fake!!! If this was in Fact the REAL Droid Bionic Advertisement it would say "THE END OF WAITING".... which it does not, So I call FAKE!

Wait, it isn't possible Moto decided to drop "the end of waiting" campaign is it??? :-[

That campaign went away with the CES Bionic because all we have been doing is waiting. They can not use that slogan any more!!!! so this new Slogan is what they are using now "Control It and You Control everything" This is my Opinion!!!
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Apr 15, 2011
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More likely than not that is the New catch phrase. Its not bad, but Id prefer "Coming to Stores July 14th at a discounted Price since you have been waiting for 7 Months". :D


Well-known member
May 26, 2011
More likely than not that is the New catch phrase. Its not bad, but Id prefer "Coming to Stores July 14th at a discounted Price since you have been waiting for 7 Months". :D

How about "Coming July 6 before nobody can get unlimited data" I like that better.

"What do you mean we can't release in the past? We have to wait 7 months for our 1.21 gigawatts?"


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2011
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I guess my big question is... who the **** cares? Real? Fake? does it really matter? I don't really care what the phone looks like, as I'm sure Motorola will produce an attractive looking phone regardless. I enjoy the aesthetics of their phones nearly 100% of the time, so I'm not really that worried.

My only real concerns are specs and a date. Sounds like we have a date so specs are all I'm really concern about at this point.

Given I want a phone that looks good, but I'm not particularly worried about it being ugly.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
logo does look a little off but i thinks its the change in color for it's background...

it's a toss up.
i'm gonna say REAL because i need some small glimmer of hope to cling to :)


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2011
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Its not fake, Best Buy Mobile posters often look like that. While I'm not a store employee, I do a lot of work merchandising and doing marketing projects in Best Buy, and promotional material is not always professional looking or accurate, a lot of it looks thrown together and often has errors. That's just the way it is. In fact, there's a Best Buy I work in where there's a poster of a bunch of phones above the Thunderbolt on display, and there's a picture of an HTC phone (can't remember if its the Inc, Evo, or T-Bolt) and its running iOS. Then again, the computer kiosks use large tv's stood on their side with a fake bezel that run an iOS looking skin over Windows, so maybe its just an Apple-obsession.

But still, promotional material, especially for phones, is not always accurate or professional looking. While a little ridiculous, this kind of thing is not uncommon. I see no reason to think that poster is fake, and it brings us no new information. It'll come out when it comes out, and unlimited data will not be an option unless you already have a Verizon smartphone. It will probably have a pentile screen, and it will be huge. I'll stop there, as I'm sure most of you already know that I've lost interest in this phone long ago, though I am glad to see they're finally bringing it out to those who stuck out the wait, or just found out about it.


Mar 9, 2011
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I really want this phone. I went into to Verizon stores (one a reseller & the other an official store) because I was worried about losing my unlimited data plan. Both places told me that I could keep my data plan for now, but if I upgraded to a new smart phone, I would have to go to the tiered data plan. I called Verizon and they told me that was NOT true. That I could keep my data plan and upgrade to the Bionic when it comes out in ??August?? from my current smartphone. I almost bought the Charge (which is what they wanted me to do).


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Nov 16, 2010
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If it has a 4.5" screen and is bigger than a DroidX, then no thank you!!

I thought the idea for cellphones was to get smaller!! not HUGER!! lol


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2010
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Doesn't this look like the Droid 3? Not that its a bad thing cuz Droid 3 looks nice but they could of set them apart a lil more


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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Those who think this is fake....do you remember the original leaked ads for the Xoom and all the typos? :) So yea, I'm willing to take this on faith at this point. I mean we are fairly confident we're close to a release at this point (FINALLY!!!!!) so we're bound to see some leaked ads like this. In any case, I'm getting more and more excited. *IF* the SGS2 were released at the same time with LTE then for me that'd be a no brainer. But, I'm on an original Droid and I've held off all other phones at this point in hopes that the Bionic would end up being stellar. And to me, other than the probability of the screen, this looks like the perfect Droid replacement. And the screen, while not optimal is not going to be nearly as bad as people make it out to be. It's a phone...I mean, what are we really expecting? Yes, yes, the SAMOLED screens are incredible. But, the screen on this thing will be pretty good I think. Anyway, dual core, fairly thin, no slide out physical KB (a plus for me), LTE....sign me up. I waited for good reason. I wanted all those things in a phone. Now....I'm sick of waiting. Let's get this thing released!
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