LG G5 Battery Module


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Feb 24, 2012
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Interesting idea. I'd personally prefer a non-removable, bigger and better battery with less movable, breakable parts - but my imagination is lending more support to this design than to a removable backplate.
Aug 4, 2014
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I like the removable battery option. And if they make it a metal body.....= game changer. This could potentially be a big hit for LG if they keep everything from the G4 and add a metal unibody. Maybe a slight overhaul on the UI and I'm in for sure. I like my G4 (although 2nd one...mb issue) at the moment with no big reason to upgrade......unless LG brings the phone i described above.

Also something i would like is the ability to hot swap. I remember doing that on my old forgotten Palm Pre. Would be nice not having to stop what you're doing to power down. Just plug in a charging cable swap battery and unplug.

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Sep 30, 2010
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Interesting idea. I'd personally prefer a non-removable, bigger and better battery with less movable, breakable parts - but my imagination is lending more support to this design than to a removable backplate.

As long as its well done, I think it would be a very clever design/idea!

No way, removable battery is what makes LG a powerhouse right now.

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Nov 11, 2014
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Anything replaceable battery related I'm all in. I don't use it often but it's quite important when the need arises. I'm puzzled by the resistance that many have for this feature.


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Feb 24, 2012
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My take on it is just a matter of priorities. But before that list, it's also important to note that the vast majority of consumers will have no idea if their battery is removable or not and won't do hot swaps in their day to day lives.

First, I believe devices with poor battery life shouldn't be released. If the battery life is terrible and letting you swap it out is the fix to that, that's a bad device. Second, making a battery removable means putting limitations on the size, shape and location of the battery that aren't necessary in any other circumstance. Third, making a battery removable, until this design, meant a devastating compromise to the build quality (and usually a compromise on build materials) and adds in a host of tiny, breakable plastic parts. Finally, the presence of a removable battery, for those who know it is there, promotes an unhealthy (for the device) set of battery habits that include letting batteries drain to 5% or 0% and then swapping, doing battery pulls to reset and purchasing knock-off third party batteries.

In the first issue, having a phone designed with better battery life is better than having to worry about battery life to the point that you feel you need two batteries. On that note I'd add that battery innovation should take place in the form of getting us batteries that last for "weeks" and aren't measured in 1-2 days or even hours. On the second point, it should be obvious that having a huge 3000 mAh non removable battery that is placed in a more intelligent position for heat management would be better than having a good sized 2500 mAh battery that is removable. (LG usually still goes for thicker, higher capacity devices but the point is that the size and efficiency could both be better if pulling it out of the device wasn't a consideration). This carries in to the third point, that taking that 2500 mAh battery out repeatedly is putting unneeded wear and tear on an already compromised design. And the final point - people are slowly starting to learn about battery temperature regulation and charge cycle optimization, but this is a long battle. The vast majority of people still have no idea what those things are and so real solutions to those issues need to take place on the OEM's side, not on ours.

All of that said, if there is going to be a removable battery, so far I like the idea presented here much more than a removable back. This appears to have less in the way of build compromises and could lead to a device that is designed much better than what the typical device with a removable back can be.


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Nov 11, 2014
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Assassin, good points but those aspects still don't outweigh a replaceable battery when needed for me. Compromise in build materials is subjective, some don't like plastic but it also doesn't bother others, I see it as a benefit instead of a drawback.

Battery habits mean nothing to me, if I compromise a battery from mis-use (which I don't, only when traveling do I stress the performance of a phone) I'll just buy another one (or two), I can't baby a phone, it's my business portal and a consumable as a result.

A phone with a week's worth of charge is something I can get behind!!! I won't hold my breath but if they come out with that technology then they can weld the phone shut for all I care!!

In the end, at least for now we're getting a choice with Android which is the beauty of the product, I suspect if that choice goes away completely we'll adapt as always. The evolution of these things is interesting to follow.


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Feb 24, 2012
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It's also an issue that I'm comparing an idealized phone to what's out there. The OEM's never give us something that checks literally every box on the wish list, so I'd be willing to admit that if a device was fantastic in every regard except for the battery life and the battery was removable and/or it had quick charging speeds, I'd probably still consider it viable. I've already come to grips with the fact that no OEM will make the phone I would make.


Nov 11, 2014
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My last 4 phones were HTC, so a removable battery is a phenomenal feature for me.
That being said I do not agree with removing the bottom of the phone to slide in a battery.This would makes me a bit quesy unless I had a case on it full time.
The ONLY reason is because of the metal unibody - you will never have a phone that has this with a removable back cover. Unless someone comes up with some sort of slider back that easily removes I'd prefer the present plastic/leather option.
Also this "idea" seems to be the cause of losing back buttons which I don't like either.


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Apr 1, 2014
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It's a neat idea, but I'm not sure I want to be detaching parts of my phone that are subject to break or drop. We'll see how it plays out.

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Mar 11, 2011
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I can just see all the posts about losing that lower half and where to buy a replacement lol

I think it's cool, hopefully it holds together well enough.