Android Central Question
I have had my LG V20 for one year with wonderful battery life, but ever since I've upgraded to the latest Nougat, I have been experiencing unbelievable drainage on my battery. I've wipe the cache partition, removed games I use to play got rid of the Launcher I was using and went to the phones default. Yes I get on Facebook, dating apps and message, but I did this before the update. I have purchased a LG V20 battery thinking that was the problem. Nope it hasn't. I know other people experiencing the same problem on their type of phone. Today at 7:30am I unplugged the phone, went to work. I got on FB/POF did some messaging and one phone call. At 1pm my phone reached 15% battery life. Is there any solution to this problem, I don't want to live by a electrical socket till the next release of a new phone with great battery life.