Looking for Called ID recommendations Other than True Callee


Feb 8, 2017
Hi all, I'm looking for caller ID app recommendations OTHER Than True Caller. I have used it for a while, but I think it is being used against its self by scammers. Whenever I have it Installed I start getting a ton of scam calls, usually with a spoofed caller ID that are usually my area code and prefix. When I Uninstaller the app, the calls stop. So can anyone recommend another good caller ID app? Thanks!
I didn't have that problem with True Caller, just too much junk from them saying how great their app is. And their tech support is absolutely clueless. I looked at and installed maybe 4 other like apps from the Play store but wound up deleting all for various reasons. At this point I would not recommend any that I've tried. Problem is, TrueCaller is the best of the bunch IMO.
I'm not actually opposed to paying for it if it actually works! I'm on AT&T.
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Have you checked out Eyecon?

Disclaimer - I work with them, but would recommend them even if I didn't.

Besides using it's own database, Eyecon syncs with social media to add photos and accurate names to caller ID.