Major Flaw in Face Unlock - You no longer have a choice

That's hardly an answer, though.

With the FPS on my 3XL and previous phones, *I* decide when I want the phone to unlock and, yes, it goes instantly and directly to whatever screen or app it was on when I last locked it.

What you are proposing is that I either inconvenience myself one way (phone constantly unlocks unintentionally) or the other way (phone requires me to swipe away the lock screen). Both options suck and, frankly, are a stupid design decision.

It is the answer... That's how the phone is now. So that's definitely the answer.. the only other is buy another phone.
I'd change every one of those passwords and keep the password managing app closed at all times. I agree with you that a fingerprint sensor would've prevented the app from opening.
I wonder if they could code in an option to tie it to a button. In particular, the whole phone squeezie thing. I know some people use that for Google Assistant, I don't. But you press a button, that triggers the phone to look at you and then unlock. You get all the functionality of a biometric unlock while still having a choice as to when it's triggered. It wouldn't be 100% hands free any more, but as an option I'd take it over the way they've got it set up currently.

Good thought. And it wouldn't even need to be assistant OR unlock...simply add a short squeeze for GA and long squeeze for unlock (like recent HTC phones).
LastPass is now officially updated.

My PW manager (1password) shows only dots for the PW. I have to touch the PW field to reveal it. Maybe check the settings of your PW app to see if hiding the password is an option?
Is there a reason you agreed to a screen share with out closing all of your recent apps. It's not really the phones fault or the password manager.

Anytime I have ever done a screen share. They always tell you to close any sensitive information you don't want to be viewed. I don't see how you can fault Google for a user error.
Is there a reason you agreed to a screen share with out closing all of your recent apps. It's not really the phones fault or the password manager.

Anytime I have ever done a screen share. They always tell you to close any sensitive information you don't want to be viewed. I don't see how you can fault Google for a user error.

In defense of the OP, there have been several times in the last couple days where Face Unlock has for some reason jumped straight into my password app, which is 1Password, and it wasn't the last app opened or anything like that. Only happened 2-3 times, and wasn't getting screen recorded from google or anything, so not a big deal to me, but somewhat alarming as well. Just picked up the phone, unlocked to last screen, and then opened 1Password for some reason. So initially I was skeptical of OP, but I have seen it several times on my own, there could be a bug, though I've probably unlocked the phone hundreds of times and it only happened a couple of times.
In defense of the OP, there have been several times in the last couple days where Face Unlock has for some reason jumped straight into my password app, which is 1Password, and it wasn't the last app opened or anything like that. Only happened 2-3 times, and wasn't getting screen recorded from google or anything, so not a big deal to me, but somewhat alarming as well. Just picked up the phone, unlocked to last screen, and then opened 1Password for some reason. So initially I was skeptical of OP, but I have seen it several times on my own, there could be a bug, though I've probably unlocked the phone hundreds of times and it only happened a couple of times.

There very well could be a bug. The Pixel 4 line is so new - maybe this is something Google needs to be aware of and potentially fix.
Did someone mention this? I just noticed it today. There is a way to add a confirmation step before an app unlocks. I just tested it with LastPass and Citi. Both of them hold until you confirm you want to unlock. Otherwise, you click cancel.

Yeah - I would prefer to control this on a per-app basis but this seems like a solution.

Problem solved?


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