Netflix Thumbnails Gone


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Apr 22, 2010
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During the last week or so, the thumbnail pics on Netflix have disappeared completely, on both of my Google TVs.

Resetting the units, and a Factory Data Reset have not restored normal operation. I can still select and play the items, and the descriptions for each still show on the right side of the screen, but there is nothing showing inside the individual rectangles. Also, if I pause playback, the display doesn't show the material, just the frame.


Frugal Nerd Tinkerer
Dec 26, 2010
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weird. sometimes mine take a while to show up - due to connection issues I think, but they always do eventually. Try just waiting like 10 minutes and see what happens


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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weird. sometimes mine take a while to show up - due to connection issues I think, but they always do eventually. Try just waiting like 10 minutes and see what happens

I know what you mean, but this problem seems more extensive. I've waited for extended periods, and have even played entire movies via the app, but when I go back to the main screen, it's just sitting there, with no movieTV icons showing, and no ratings, but the text for the selection does show.

The problems started in the last coupe of weeks, or so, with only some of the icons appearing, with the same exact patterns on both Google TVs, but has since degraded to just the frames appearing. It's really clumsy to make selections, although it's broadened my choices a bit, since I usually don't play anything under 4 stars.

I have also tried fixed and DHCP IP adressing, as well as alternative DNS paths, and reset my router, to no avail. I have a solid broadband ISP and plenty of bandwidth, and nothing else is showing any transmission problems, so I don't think it is a data transfer problem.


Frugal Nerd Tinkerer
Dec 26, 2010
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yeah if you have a big enough pipe for streaming you certainly have a big enough pipe for some thumbnails.

The fact that 2 machines are doing it is even more weird

-try a different internet connection - like wifi tethering - see if anything changes - just going down the troubleshooting line one item at a time


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Apr 22, 2010
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There are others complaining of exactly the same problem on another forum. Looks possible that it only affects user with multiple Revues.

I've pretty well exhausted all of the possible local issues. I'm convinced it's a server issue with Netflix or the Revue.

Ali Fazel

Well-known member
Sep 16, 2009
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I've got a Revue and I am seeing this also. I looked around, and it's nit just people with multiple Revues. This sucks. We use Netflix almost exclusively for our TV watching at my house.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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I've got a Revue and I am seeing this also. I looked around, and it's nit just people with multiple Revues. This sucks. We use Netflix almost exclusively for our TV watching at my house.

You're right. There are other single Revue owners reporting the same problem, and yes, it sucks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


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Apr 22, 2010
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I was able to get it working by factory reset on my Linksys E3000 router. I'm currently restoring all of my settings.

Next to enter will be my Port Forwarding settings, where I'm expecting to find a port related conflict with Netflix, but for now, both of my Revues are working again

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


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Jun 8, 2012
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I am on my third week without thumbnails. I can watch movies fine. I have tried everything from resetting to factory settings to clearing cache and everything in between. I have only one Revue. The problem started after I upgraded to the latest version of Google TV. Help!


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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I am on my third week without thumbnails. I can watch movies fine. I have tried everything from resetting to factory settings to clearing cache and everything in between. The problem started after I upgraded to the latest version of Google Tv. help!

Have you tried a Factory Reset on your router? A factory reset on my Linksys E3000 router (it didn't help on my older Belkin router) resolved the issue on my 2 Logitech Revues. I'm still restoring all of my previous router settings, and so far, so good. I've reloaded all of my Port Forwards, a DMZ (for a specific device), and IP reservations. Still haven't loaded up QOS settings.

There is also a pending 3.2 update from Logitech that has a bunch of Netflix symptom fixes, so it may resolve the problem, but I didn't see this specific symptom on their list.


Jan 21, 2010
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My Revue updated to 3.2 and it did nothing for the no graphics in Netflix problem.

Also, after the update I can't load the market either - it just says loading and then shows a black screen.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2012
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I too have had this issue for at least a month (as of August 8, 2012) on a Revue updated to Android 3.2 and with no installed applications beyond what came on the Revue.

Until today, calls to Netflix yielded the boilerplate "your connection is faulty. Reset the router/modem/Revue/Netflix account". And of course nothing resolves it. My connection tests out at 25Mb/s on a PC and 29Mb/s on the Revue itself using the Speakeasy Speed test to SanFrancisco. No packet loss or obvious speed bumps. I have reset the modem/router/Revue. I have deleted all the "data" associated with the Netflix player in "Manage Appplicaitons". I have disabled and then re-enabled the Netflix account. I have rebooted numerous times.

But then today, a call to Netflix got me to someone who did some digging. He told me that according to what he was told, Logitech "removed the thumbnails to make the Netflix player operate faster". Nothing that Netflix can do about it.

I am not entirely sure I believe this answer, since the thumbnails DO show up.... occasionally. Then they go away again. Perhaps his answer was an over simplification with a germ of truth?

In any event, this is of course utterly unacceptable. If the answer is even partially true, Netflix needs to lean hard on Logitech to fix it, and Logitech needs to GET IT FIXED. It used to work. They broke something. Yes, I am aware that the Revue is a dead and buried product, but this damages Logitech's reputation severely, at least in my book.

I have Emailed Logitech, but I will be shocked if I get anything beyond boilerplate. I will also try calling them, but it doesn't look like they provide telephone support for the Revue.

I am so tired of products that are set loose on us customers and then are poorly supported, if at all.



Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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I too have had this issue for at least a month (as of August 8, 2012) on a Revue updated to Android 3.2 and with no installed applications beyond what came on the Revue.

Until today, calls to Netflix yielded the boilerplate "your connection is faulty. Reset the router/modem/Revue/Netflix account". And of course nothing resolves it. My connection tests out at 25Mb/s on a PC and 29Mb/s on the Revue itself using the Speakeasy Speed test to SanFrancisco. No packet loss or obvious speed bumps. I have reset the modem/router/Revue. I have deleted all the "data" associated with the Netflix player in "Manage Appplicaitons". I have disabled and then re-enabled the Netflix account. I have rebooted numerous times.

But then today, a call to Netflix got me to someone who did some digging. He told me that according to what he was told, Logitech "removed the thumbnails to make the Netflix player operate faster". Nothing that Netflix can do about it.

I am not entirely sure I believe this answer, since the thumbnails DO show up.... occasionally. Then they go away again. Perhaps his answer was an over simplification with a germ of truth?

In any event, this is of course utterly unacceptable. If the answer is even partially true, Netflix needs to lean hard on Logitech to fix it, and Logitech needs to GET IT FIXED. It used to work. They broke something. Yes, I am aware that the Revue is a dead and buried product, but this damages Logitech's reputation severely, at least in my book.

I have Emailed Logitech, but I will be shocked if I get anything beyond boilerplate. I will also try calling them, but it doesn't look like they provide telephone support for the Revue.

I am so tired of products that are set loose on us customers and then are poorly supported, if at all.


I thought this maddening problem was dead and buried. I'm not experiencing it currently, and I haven't seen anyone else complaining about it for almost two months, so it's disturbing and surprising that you still have it.

I don't think there is any truth in the answer you got from Netflix, that Logitech removed the thumbnails to speed up the units. It's almost absurd, and I doubt Logitech would have the ability to extract that functionality out of the Netflix app, anyway. If they did do it, the forum would be buzzing with howls of protest, and Netflix would have their lawyers filing by now, I think.

When you said you reset the router and revue, did you Factory Data Reset them? If not, I would try that first, after making a backup of your existing router configuration. The FDR cured the problem on my Linksys E3000 router, and it didn't return after I incrementally restored my configuration settings manually. I could make the problem return easily by restoring the original router configuration, so I know it related to that combination, but I was never able to isolate a specific router setting that correlated to the problem. One op on another forum reported immediate success when he installed a Netgear N600 router.

I beleived that Netflix made some server changes that fixed their problem in mid-June, since people suddenly reported that it had cured itself about that time, but perhaps there is still a hole in their fix that applies to a very limited sub-group of customer configurations.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2012
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When you said you reset the router and revue, did you Factory Data Reset them? If not, I would try that first, after making a backup of your existing router configuration. The FDR cured the problem on my Linksys E3000 router, and it didn't return after I incrementally restored my configuration settings manually. I could make the problem return easily by restoring the original router configuration, so I know it related to that combination, but I was never able to isolate a specific router setting that correlated to the problem.

No, I did not factory data reset either the Revue or the router. I may do that at some point but there should be no need.

The Revue is totally stock... the only programs on it are those that came with it. Any mis-configuration came from Logitech. I have some custom keyboard programming and I am not willing yet to blow it away with a factory data reset.

As for the router, it is a Netgear WNDR3700v2 and is also pretty stock. It works perfectly with virtually all other equipment on the network, both wired and wireless. I have no port forwarding or QoS programmed. I was using IP reservations but I have deleted them. A factory reset is a possibility... not too much to re-program. But again.... I can't see why the router would be the issue.... it works great. I get 24Mb/S down and 4.5Mb/S up on any PC connected to it wired or wireless. I get 29Mb/S using the Speakeasy site on the Revue itself.

One op on another forum reported immediate success when he installed a Netgear N600 router.

Well.... that is the router I have. I get the same results wired or wireless.

I beleived that Netflix made some server changes that fixed their problem in mid-June, since people suddenly reported that it had cured itself about that time, but perhaps there is still a hole in their fix that applies to a very limited sub-group of customer configurations.

I did notice that the threads I found when I searched simply petered out in June sometime. My issues STARTED around then, with an occasional tardy thumbnail. The last couple days it has gotten MUCH worse. Right now, I have no thumbnails at all. Just empty boxes without any cursor when I use the arrow keys to move around in the main page.

Next step... a call to Logitech. Who I am sure will point their fingers at.... Netflix. And around we go again.



Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
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No, I did not factory data reset either the Revue or the router. I may do that at some point but there should be no need. ...

I agree, it would seem there should be no need to FDR, but I can tell you that is what worked for me, and subsequently, I easily could revert back to the failing mode by restoring the configuration to the state preceding the FDR on the router.

It would appear you are one of the only customers still suffering with this problem, assuming it is really the same one as previously reported in this thread, so it's even less reasonable to expect that this is a common network, Logitech or Netflix issue

I don't know that the FDR would cure the problem for you, or not, but it seems reasonable to me to take just a few minutes just to try the it, rather than spend the time on the phone with support, which I can just about guarantee will be futile, and time consuming, but I wish you success.

If you do get some constructive feedback from them, or resolve the issue, I hope you will share the results with us.


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Aug 8, 2012
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Well well well........

I got through to Logitech and spoke to a very helpful guy. He did some research and called me back with a SOLUTION, if you can believe it.

First of all, he verified my suspicion that what Netflix told me was totally bogus... Netflix provides the player and Logitech didn't remove the thumbnails.

He said that Logitech is definitely aware of the issue of the disappearing thumbnails and has what amounts to a permanent workaround.

1. Open the Chrome browser and hit the MENU key.

2. Scroll down to SETTINGS and select it.

3. Scroll to ADVANCED SETTINGS and select it.

4. On the left side, click on UNDER THE HOOD.


6. About the middle of the page, click the DISABLE INDIVIDUAL PLUGINS link.

7. The "Default Plug-in" should be greyed out and the link unde rit should say "ENABLE". If it is not greyed out, click the DISABLE link and disable the default plug-in.

8. Exit this screen and then reboot the Revue.

9. After the Revue boots, repeat steps 1-4 to get back to the "under the hood" page.

10. At the bottom under USER AGENT, click on CUSTOM USER AGENT, type thee periods in the text box under "Custom User Agent" and click OK.

11. Not sure if we rebooted again, but it wouldn't hurt.

After the above, all my thumbnails came back slowly, maybe 30 seconds to a minute after I opened the Netflix player. He said that this fix is hit and miss, but when it works, it is a permanent fix.

He also said that they are working on another update for the Revue. No information about content or timing.

While typing this, I opened Chrome to verify I had the right steps documented. When I opened Netflix again, the thumbnails were once again missing, but came back slowly the same as when I went through these steps with the Logitech CSR. However, Some of them were wrong (duplicates, I think)! After a couple minutes, they now seem to be correct, but there are still some thumbs missing (just blank boxes in their place). So I'm not sure this really was a fix.



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Aug 8, 2012
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While typing this, I opened Chrome to verify I had the right steps documented. When I opened Netflix again, the thumbnails were once again missing, but came back slowly the same as when I went through these steps with the Logitech CSR. However, Some of them were wrong (duplicates, I think)! After a couple minutes, they now seem to be correct, but there are still some thumbs missing (just blank boxes in their place). So I'm not sure this really was a fix. And the highlight box around the selected thumbnail is missing.


Further update......

After browsing the web on Chrome, I went back to Netflix and the thumbs were once again gone.

So I did a full factory reset and re-configure on my router (Netgear WNDR3700v2) and the thumbs are back. They are still present (including the highlight box) even after cruising the web in Chrome. This really doesn't make ANY sense. But so far it is working.



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Aug 9, 2012
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Had the same problem. Swapped out the wireless router (E3000) with an older router without setting up security. I know this is not the way anyone would like to go, but the thumbnails all reappeared without closing the reflex viewer. It seems as though Netflix might be adding something to the thumbnails that is conflicting with the security protocol in the router. Perhaps resetting the factory settings on the router simply replaced an update to the security protocol with an older version. You may see the problem reoccur if the security update is sent again.

The is all speculation based upon observations. It would be nice if the vendors would actually take a proactive approach to issue resolution. I know, dream on, but I can only hope.


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Aug 8, 2012
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I doubt that security per se has anything to do with the issue. In my case, at least, the issue persisted identically regardless of whether I used a wireless or wired connection.

I did notice that before I started messing with things, the Revue did not always show "connected" or "active" in the appropriate sections of the network status page. It sometimes said "unknown". But since I have no idea how it tests the status, I am not sure if that means anything.



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Aug 21, 2012
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hey everyone, i just got back from vacation and noticed my google tv is having the same issues. the netfilx icons and user interface dont load correctly, and whenever i try to use the android market (now called the play store) it would show a pop up that said loading, but then it would go away and leave nothing but a black screen. i havent attempted to try any other apps to see if anything else was wrong.

i currently have a sony internet tv box (has the built in blu ray player) which is running android 3.2. so with that, i dont think its a logitech issue, and more of a google android issue since it has affected more than one brand and model. when i saw this thread i had already tried a factory reset, as well as disabling that plug in and using the agent code, but still no luck

i just wanted to share my issue with everyone in hopes that someone has an idea of what the problem is and a potential solution, so if anyone finds a fix, please post back here.

thanks! :p