Off the wall question...


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
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Good afternoon folks,

Upgraded from a GS1 this weekend to a GS3. My biggest question has to do with work email. I rooted my GS1 and had custom roms/kernels going on. My company used Good for messaging for email and somehow they were able to tell I was running a non-stock device and it wouldn't work at all. They use touchdown only now so my question is (if anybody knows) is will they be able to tell I'm running a rooted device while I'm running touchdown? I really need to start getting my work emails on my phone so I can go without rooting if I have to, just would like to see what others experiences were around this. I'm curious if I just root will be cool as long as I don't flash a new rom. I want the hack the beejeezus out of this thing but the work email is the end all be all. Before I spend a bunch of time learning how to root/flash roms on my new GS3 I would like to know if I'm wasting my time.

Thanks for any responses.


Sep 4, 2009
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Well, there are also instructions in the forum for unrooting, so you can always go back if Touchdown doesn't work.

However, I took a look at the 1 star feedback on Google Play

And noticed this:

A Google User - March 28, 2012 - HTC Thunderbolt with version 7.0.001
Rooted? Stay away from this app

At first I got this as a trial app on my rooted device, worked fine, so decided to pay for the pro version. But after recent update, it stopped working. I emailed customer support, and eventually they sent a response to the effect of we don't support rooted devices and I'm on my own with no help or refund. I'm totally ok if they were nice about it as I'm not expecting magic from an app company, but the last customer support email was just bordering the attitude of "we don't care about customers like you". I would never recommend products from this company with such attitude towards their customer base. I'm going back to MailDroid which is working just fine on my rooted device.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
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Well, there are also instructions in the forum for unrooting, so you can always go back if Touchdown doesn't work.

However, I took a look at the 1 star feedback on Google Play

And noticed this:

Thanks for that. I'm liking this so far stock, I'm sure I'll always have it in the back of my mind that I want to root and play around with roms and themes. Haven't heard back from their customer support, I'm assuming it takes a long time or they just deleted it.

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