Phone remotely accessed


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Mar 13, 2023
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Ok, I have been using a now ex boyfriend's phone which he set up for me, He knows all my passwords.
I have been accused by police of sending malicious email and setting up fake fb account.
I have gone to use free wifi and on set up it has said sending confirmation to his email address, another time it recognised the device and automatically signed in as recognized EE customer, I'm on Vodafone.
I have had several messages from google saying unusual activity on account and you have reset your password. I have had 3 unknown payments come out of my bank account ( banking app on phone) all were address and email tracking services. He also knows my home wifi details and password.
Could he of got remote access to my device to do this

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! Remote access is unlikely, but if he knows all of your passwords, he can clearly get into many of your sensitive accounts and wreak havoc without having to remotely access anything. You should definitely change your passwords for all sensitivei accounts, and set up 2-factor authentication wherever possible. I assume you also did a full factory reset of the phone, and then set it up again with a Google account that only you have access to, correct?

See these guides for some important tips:

“I’ve been hacked” - Android Forums at
[GUIDE] How To Avoid Malware - Android Forums at


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! Remote access is unlikely, but if he knows all of your passwords, he can clearly get into many of your sensitive accounts and wreak havoc without having to remotely access anything. You should definitely change your passwords for all sensitivei accounts, and set up 2-factor authentication wherever possible. I assume you also did a full factory reset of the phone, and then set it up again with a Google account that only you have access to, correct?

See these guides for some important tips:

“I’ve been hacked” - Android Forums at
[GUIDE] How To Avoid Malware - Android Forums at

I strongly doubt you are correct, but that is definitely what needs doing.

It is entirely possible he has remote access, and seems certain he at least has access to your accounts. As stated, you at least need to change your passwords and enable two factor for everything and do a factory reset. You may not be able to do this unfortunately if the current 2FA and recovery is set to his phone number.

Good luck.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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I strongly doubt you are correct, but that is definitely what needs doing.

It is entirely possible he has remote access, and seems certain he at least has access to your accounts. As stated, you at least need to change your passwords and enable two factor for everything and do a factory reset. You may not be able to do this unfortunately if the current 2FA and recovery is set to his phone number.

Good luck.

I was thinking about remote access as in the type where a person could remotely mirror the screen and directly access the interface (like when IT support agents remote in on a PC to troubleshoot issues). All of the activity the OP describes could probably be done by someone just knowing the account passwords and doing things from their own device, don't you think? (Or are you considering that remote access?)


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2012
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I was thinking about remote access as in the type where a person could remotely mirror the screen and directly access the interface (like when IT support agents remote in on a PC to troubleshoot issues). All of the activity the OP describes could probably be done by someone just knowing the account passwords and doing things from their own device, don't you think? (Or are you considering that remote access?)

I do agree that pretty much everything described could be done with account access. But this is a device that was owned and set up by the nefarious fellow in question, so I don't think we should discount the idea that one of those sketchy remote access MDM apps we probably aren't allowed to talk about was installed.

You don't necesarily have to mirror a screen to get remote access. This person could be controlling the device in the background without the user ever knowing.

I'm usually just as apprehensive as you with the "I've been hacked" thread., But when a malicious person has had long term unfettered physical access to a device, all bets are off.

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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I do agree that pretty much everything described could be done with account access. But this is a device that was owned and set up by the nefarious fellow in question, so I don't think we should discount the idea that one of those sketchy remote access MDM apps we probably aren't allowed to talk about was installed.

You don't necesarily have to mirror a screen to get remote access. This person could be controlling the device in the background without the user ever knowing.

I'm usually just as apprehensive as you with the "I've been hacked" thread., But when a malicious person has had long term unfettered physical access to a device, all bets are off.

Yeah, I see what you're saying.:-\ I always wonder how tech savvy the average abusive Neanderthal boyfriend can be, but never say never, I guess.

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