Phone won't lock


New member
Jan 9, 2011
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I got the Infuse a couple weeks ago.
Since I got it, I have a problem with the screen lock.
When I hit the button on the side, or the screen times out, it doesn't lock, just goes blank..
I have to use the task killer widget, then lock my phone for it to lock each time.
Tried changing the setting, but same thing..
Is there something running in the background that I need to freeze?
Never had this problem with the Captivate...

Sent from my Samsung Infuse using TapTalk


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2011
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I understand the use of a task killer because of this issue, but task killers are no longer needed. It was definitely needed for os before froyo. Froyo and above can manage its memory without it. Do a google search and you'll see. Sounds like a bad app is hanging the phone from correctly locking. do an individual app kill and see what app alleviates it when closed. delete that app or try un/re-install but most likely a buggy app that i wouldn't reinstall.