Okay, so the geometry...
The screen size increases by .25" diagonally by increasing slightly less than 6mm tall and 2mm wide. The size bezels reduce from around 2.55 on each side of the screen to about 1.36mm on each side and the top and bottom bezels decrease by nearly 7.9mm from 32.14 to 24.24 in total veritcal. The net gain in height is 7.8973 less 5.8973 mm for 2mm total shorter and the net gain in width is 2.3674 less 1.8674 mm for .5mm total, which matches perfectly with the FCC dimensions.
The aspect ratio though isn't a perfect 16:9. The Nexus 4 was really close to 16:10 (16:9.999988207523990...) while the Nexus 5 is 16:9.73 (16:9729736357379120...), which seems to indicate that the pixels are not identically spaced along the length to the spacing along the width if we're going to assume 1920x1080, however if we assume that the specs are correct as listed, 1776 x 1080, then the spacing becomes correct, the ratio matches up to 5 decimal places in (16:9.729729729729730), literally only .00000064 difference, or 99.99934% correct, and all the math checks out.