Physically is the Nexus 5 bigger or smaller than the Nexus 4?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
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I agree with others that width is more of an issue than height. The Nexus 4 is quite a bit shorter than my GNex so I could handle a little taller. I'm just hoping that the Nexus 5 is at least no bigger than the Galaxy S4 which I tried out and convinced myself I could deal with (although of course I never ended up buying it...).


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2011
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When people are showing the cases side-by-side it appears the N4 is "shorter" than the N5 despite leaked dimensions saying otherwise.


Retired Moderator
Mar 15, 2011
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It's the device width and aspect ratio that matters the most for physical form and ease-of-use, not the height. I mentioned this in a previous post about UI/UX considerations, device size and shape, and how they affect each other.

I think the issue is more of device dimensions rather than UI/UX implementation. For example, I do have issues comfortably using Action Bar elements on the Note 2, while I have no issues on the Droid DNA. This is because — although both are technically five-inch 'phablets' — the DNA is not as wide as the Note 2. This is echoed in AC's review of the DNA:

There seems to have been some confusion over how to classify the Droid DNA. Folks hear "5-inch display" and think "Samsung Galaxy Note 2." And that's just not the case. The DNA is shorter and more narrow than the Note, and it's that difference in width that keeps it firmly planted in the traditional smartphone category, though it definitely is a tall phone.

Emphasis added. I think that software ease-of-use is something the manufacturers need to address in their hardware just as much as Google needs to do with their UX principles.

My point is that although yes, the Nexus 4 has very nice dimensions for being easy to use (especially one-handed), the shift towards a device with dimensions of roughly what we've outlined above shouldn't be as disruptive as adjusting to one with a lower aspect ratio or larger overall size.

This also happens to be an issue with which curved display tech may help.

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