Pixel XL 2 replacement


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
I just went into my Sprint store to activate my pixel XL 2. The rep asked me if I was sure I wanted to activate it after the screen issues that have been widely reported. We then got into a long discussion about the screen and he told me there was an article on Google where Google has admitted there's a problem and will be replacing devices. Is anyone aware if there is truth to this statement? He was actually one of the more knowledgeable Sprint folks that I've ever run in to and seems to be following the discussion.
I just went into my Sprint store to activate my pixel XL 2. The rep asked me if I was sure I wanted to activate it after the screen issues that have been widely reported. We then got into a long discussion about the screen and he told me there was an article on Google where Google has admitted there's a problem and will be replacing devices. Is anyone aware if there is truth to this statement? He was actually one of the more knowledgeable Sprint folks that I've ever run in to and seems to be following the discussion.

They are looking into it. That is the only thing I know about.
You have the phone in hand, how is the display? Are you unhappy with it in anyway? The issues with the color palate can be fixed with software, there is already an app available that will change it (see the Oreo Colorizer thread) and Google has said they will offer more options in a future update. The big concern is the burn in issue assuming it's real. Keep an eye out for it on your display over the next week, if you see it happening contact Google's support for an RMA but I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a non-issue. The LG-V30 uses the same display and there have been no reports of burn-in on the V30.
If you have the phone and you like it why would you care what everyone else thinks? I don't get it.

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