Possible new Pixel 2 promo from Google?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
Ok, so I said "Possible" in the title as the ad shown below may have been an early unintentional leak of a promotion to come, or simply in error...


It's showing up on the side frequently on AC for me, so I imagine it will for many of you as well if you have ads tailored (since we've all probably done more than a few Pixel-related queries...

The link goes straight to the Google store and, as you can see, purports to offer $300 off of the Pixel 2 without trade-in, being valid until 12/31.

Going to the link and seeing no matching promo, I thought maybe it was an extension of a Verizon offer for their specific devices, but tried every configuration and never saw any direct discount promotion applied (only the trade-in option being available to discount it).

If they actually do run a flat $300 discount....

EDIT: The link has been updated to now go to https://madeby.google.com/pixel-2-promo/, which has a clickable redirect to the Verizon store
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Highly doubt directly from Google for unlocked but most likely from Verizon with their 24 month installment plans.
They just changed the link, which now goes to https://madeby.google.com/pixel-2-promo/ which has the promo listed and a clickable link to the Verizon store. Ah well...

Edit - well, they changed it in some places, but in others it remains unchanged, but at least the mystery appears to be resolved.
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