Stupid question but does decks have toggles to turn mobil data and gps off etc. ?Okay - thanks for the help everyone. I flashed back to Decks with the gapps + vvm, and this may be the setup I keep for a while. I think it has everything I want - barebones, fast, and as far as I know bug-free.
Here's where I got the files:
[8-10-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.3b2][2.3.5 beta] - xda-developers
MIUI was really pretty, and it was fun to have things set up a little differently, but I'd rather have all the O.basic functionality working and just tweak some Ooptions here and there. First thing I might be seeking are new lockscreens. MIUI has a 5 point lock screen that was pretty cool.
Stupid question but does decks have toggles to turn mobil data and gps off etc. ?
Hello i am fixing to flash to deck, What kernal did you choose ? savaged tiamat ?Okay - thanks for the help everyone. I flashed back to Decks with the gapps + vvm, and this may be the setup I keep for a while. I think it has everything I want - barebones, fast, and as far as I know bug-free.
Here's where I got the files:
[8-10-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.3b2][2.3.5 beta] - xda-developers
MIUI was really pretty, and it was fun to have things set up a little differently, but I'd rather have all the basic functionality working and just tweak some options here and there. First thing I might be seeking are new lockscreens. MIUI has a 5 point lock screen that was pretty cool.
Hello i am fixing to flash to deck, What kernal did you choose ? savaged tiamat ?
I went with EVOlvedROM r3chargeD RC1 with v6 supercharger and Golden Monkey kernel. this thing is wicked fast. Never thought sense could be this good.I haven't changed kernels. The one that comes with Decks is the same as CM7.
I'm having issues with the program seeing my phone. I have my phone connected and opened the revolutionary app and it keeps saying waiting for device
I have been flashing different roms and kernels to see which one runs smooth and no bugs. Out of 4 different roms the sense roms if set up with the right kernels and governers seem to have good battery life and very snappy switching apps etc. I am on decks right now just to see how it feels. But I think ill go back to the sense based rom. Decks is good if you want the clean look and has great battery life as well.
I went looking for r3charged but couldn't don't it
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