Push or IMAP mail?


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Nov 16, 2009
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Does the Droid support (or will it support) push updates for IMAP or POP3 email?

I purchased the Droid as a replacement to my BB Storm. I have 30 days to put it through its' paces and on of the issues that is bothering me is the push updates.

I have heard that Gmail will get push updates but I have a few email accounts.



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Nov 11, 2009
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From what I understand, GMail pushes. With the others, the Droid will go out and get them on timed intervals. As you know, the Blackberry pushes everything.


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I am hoping that this is temporary as it would be a deal breaker for me.

If Gmail can do it then I would think that anything could. My Storm even pushes Facebook notifications.


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Nov 11, 2009
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I am hoping that this is temporary as it would be a deal breaker for me.

If Gmail can do it then I would think that anything could. My Storm even pushes Facebook notifications.

I know! I am using my Tour right now trying to do Pros and Cons about the devices. I have both. Facebook notifications will not push at this point. That is a really hard adjustment for me as well, since I use Facebook all of the time. You can carry on conversations in there and that is what makes the notifications great! There is a touch.facebook.com, which will visually show you your notifications. It's quite nice. I hope that helps.


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Nov 9, 2009
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I haven't had a problem with push.

We're running Exchange 2007, and I run Touchdown with Activesync. Push works great. More often than not, when I'm sitting in front of the computer, the droid goes off before the message hits my inbox.

It did it that way with the standard Droid mail program. I just thing Touchdown is better for my needs.

Hope this helps.



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Nov 10, 2009
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Anybody have an directions on getting a yahoo mail account set up? Is it pop or imap? (I am an idiot.)

before you pay for such services you should try to set up your Yahoo account via IMAP following the next steps:

- Go to mail icon
- Add account
- Enter email address in email address filed (name@yahoo.com)
- Enter password at password field
- Select MANUAL SETUP not next
- Select IMAP
* username= name@yahoo.com
* password = yourpassword
* IMAP server= imap.mail.yahoo.com
* port = 143
* security = none
* optional = blank
- Select NEXT

You will then be prompted to sign in do so.

Will then be taken to the SMPTP settings which only prompts (going form memory) you for address which is smtp.mobile.mail.yahoo.com. leave the port as is. Then select NEXT. Sign in. Name your account and that?s it.

Special thanks to: JRSCCivic98 and to muddy00 from Crackberry.


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2009
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before you pay for such services you should try to set up your Yahoo account via IMAP following the next steps:

- Go to mail icon
- Add account
- Enter email address in email address filed (name@yahoo.com)
- Enter password at password field
- Select MANUAL SETUP not next
- Select IMAP
* username= name@yahoo.com
* password = yourpassword
* IMAP server= imap.mail.yahoo.com
* port = 143
* security = none
* optional = blank
- Select NEXT

You will then be prompted to sign in do so.

Will then be taken to the SMPTP settings which only prompts (going form memory) you for address which is smtp.mobile.mail.yahoo.com. leave the port as is. Then select NEXT. Sign in. Name your account and that’s it.

Special thanks to: JRSCCivic98 and to muddy00 from Crackberry.

Thanks much, guy. That got me past the first screen but not the second which is the outgoing server settings and it asks for STMP server info. Got anything on that?
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