Quiet mode doesn't stay on


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2011
I have the Quiet Mode schedule disabled and I toggle Quiet Mode manually. However, I'll turn on Quiet Mode before I go to bed, when I check my phone later I find quiet mode is turned off. Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas?


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
Yes I have had the same thing happen to me. Not sure what causes this to happen. I know if you have Quiet mode on and listen to any audio (video, music, games) it will turn quiet mode off. At first I thought maybe that was it, but then I made sure to turn it on and do nothing else with my phone before bed. Woke the phone up and it was off. Now the phone has not woken me up so maybe it turns its self off after being picked up after a extended period of rest? If that is the case it would look like it had been off when it hasn't.

Either way I work nights and need my sleep during the day so I went ahead and scheduled times for it to be off just to make sure.


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2011
maybe it turns its self off after being picked up after a extended period of rest?

I wondered this as well (or if it turned off immediately after unplugging the phone). However, I have heard notifications while I was still in bed and had not touched the phone yet, so that can't be it.

I'm going to try setting the schedule settings to cover the time I am usually in bed, and rather than enable/disable quiet mode I'll enable/disable the quiet mode schedule settings and see if quiet mode stays on. I tried that last night and it worked but I'll wait a couple more days to report it as a successful workaround.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
I wondered this as well (or if it turned off immediately after unplugging the phone). However, I have heard notifications while I was still in bed and had not touched the phone yet, so that can't be it.

I'm going to try setting the schedule settings to cover the time I am usually in bed, and rather than enable/disable quiet mode I'll enable/disable the quiet mode schedule settings and see if quiet mode stays on. I tried that last night and it worked but I'll wait a couple more days to report it as a successful workaround.

Worked for me yesterday too, like I said I work nights, just now going to bed and it's already come on, let's see if it stays that way.

Tapatalk mofo


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2011
FYI, after several nights of using schedule settings, that worked like a charm. Quiet mode never turned off while within the schedule settings and schedule settings was enabled. An annoying extra step, but at least it worked. I did use Nova launcher to create s shortcut directly to the Quiet Mode settings screen, which I found a little faster.


Well-known member
May 11, 2011
Just to add some wood to the fire when I manually turn on Quiet Mode my phone also disables it at night for no apparent reason. If I schedule Quiet Mode it will stay enabled the entire time it was set for. Seems like a bug to me that hopefully will be addressed.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2012
First, I don't have a G2 and I know that Quiet Mode is unique to this phone (as in, not an Android feature).

If I interpret the manual correctly, there is no "Manual" Quiet Mode. It's more of a... well, "Enable/Disable the Quiet Mode Scheduler".

If that's true (again, I'm not saying it is), then turning on Quiet Mode when there is nothing scheduled may put it into Quiet Mode, but at whatever interval might be built into the app (e.g. every minute) the app then checks the current time against the schedule and decides that the current time is not within the schedule and turns Quiet Mode off.

When there is a schedule, then the Quiet Mode's on/off button enables or disables the schedule temporarily (e.g. you are put on call tonight for work) without losing the times set.

I'm thinking that Silent Mode (Normal/Vibrate/Silent) was intended for temporary use (like at the movies), and Quiet Mode was more for scheduled use (night time). Currently I use a 3rd party app to manage my schedules but plan on giving Quiet Mode a try when I get my G2.
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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
I have found that if you go into settings and to it off there that it will stay turned off. If you torn it on by pulling down the notification bar and do it there it tends to turn itself off.

Tapatalk mofo


New member
Oct 8, 2012
First, I don't have a G2 and I know that Quiet Mode is unique to this phone (as in, not an Android feature).

If I interpret the manual correctly, there is no "Manual" Quiet Mode. It's more of a... well, "Enable/Disable the Quiet Mode Scheduler".

If that's true (again, I'm not saying it is), then turning on Quiet Mode when there is nothing scheduled may put it into Quiet Mode, but at whatever interval might be built into the app (e.g. every minute) the app then checks the current time against the schedule and decides that the current time is not within the schedule and turns Quiet Mode off.

When there is a schedule, then the Quiet Mode's on/off button enables or disables the schedule temporarily (e.g. you are put on call tonight for work) without losing the times set.

I'm thinking that Silent Mode (Normal/Vibrate/Silent) was intended for temporary use (like at the movies), and Quiet Mode was more for scheduled use (night time). Currently I use a 3rd party app to manage my schedules but plan on giving Quiet Mode a try when I get my G2.

Upon some testing, it does seem to behave this way, even though the Scheduler has a separate switch to enable it individually. This happens on my Verizon G2 as well. What happens is the quiet mode "Scheduler" takes over when quiet mode is enabled, even if the Scheduler is not separately enabled. Even though they appear to be and should be separate features. I tested it by setting the Scheduler for a certain "off" time, then manually enabling quiet mode without enabling the scheduler. At the "off" time, quiet mode I even tried blanking out all the days covered by the scheduler and it still turns off at the time designated by the scheduler. This is a pretty blatant bug for what would have been a very useful feature that should be addressed by LG.

Cross reference to Android Forums thread:

Vicky Penny

New member
Feb 14, 2015
Same issue. It worked fine for the last 2 years but started doing the described about a month ago. No recent upgrades. Jellybean 4.2.2, kernel 3.4.0 build JDQ39B, SW ver. D803T10b

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