Ready to install ICS leak but need some guidance

That is true but after loading new rom need to charge 100% then wipe battery stats

Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk 2
Has anyone else noticed a flaw with the ICS leak with the stock internet browser? I tap on the field box up top and on Gingerbread it used to highlight the whole thing so I could hit backspace once and delete the whole URL of the last site I was on. Now with this ICS leak every time I click it I only get it to put a cursor in between one of the letters and it will not highlight the word no matter what I do. Is this a setting with ICS that has to be enabled or turned off or what is going on? Could someone please help me! I had to install Firefox which works fine with highlighting the whole URL but IMO Firefox is no where near as good as the stock browser!
don't know what device you have but if you go to XDA you should be able to find RUU that will return you to stock and s-off @ sametime

Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk 2
I am guessing yes because I have run a one X, dinc4g, and the current one is a mix of like 3 of them. It isnt ICS though, it is chrome. If you double tap it will highlight the whole thing...
I am guessing yes because I have run a one X, dinc4g, and the current one is a mix of like 3 of them. It isnt ICS though, it is chrome. If you double tap it will highlight the whole thing...

That's bizarre because I just downloaded the actual Chrome Browser from the Play Store and you only have to tap once on it to highlight the whole field. Go figure lol... Oh and I'm double tapping and it still wont highlight the whole field in the stock browser with this leak...
Lol I don't know I thought I was on a different page posting about reverting back to stock and somehow wound up here :confused:

Sent from my Inspire 4G using Tapatalk 2
That's bizarre because I just downloaded the actual Chrome Browser from the Play Store and you only have to tap once on it to highlight the whole field. Go figure lol... Oh and I'm double tapping and it still wont highlight the whole field in the stock browser with this leak...

I got nothing then. I never did a straight download. maybe I will give it a test in the morning and uninstall the stock and throw on the play store one. or I can do it right, you have me curious and I am helping someone in another thread so I have time
Not trying to be argumentative but Li-ion battery's don't need conditioning. The old ni-cad batteries did but that's why they switched. The device itself may need to "get used" to the battery or need internal calibration but the batteries are good to go out of the box.

How long should I expect something like this to take?

Also, I've been looking for the performance settings like what was on GB, but it appears they don't exist on ICS. Previously, I noticed better battery life by going to "normal" vs. "performance" in the settings menu. I can't find that now with ICS installed.
Those settings don't exist anymore if I remember right.. You have to make the changes manually. Lower your brightness, turn off data when not in use etc..

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