[ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO (07132013)

Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

I was trying to search for a thread or posts on what settings can be applied to improve performance and how - overclocking, undervolting, etc. Either this stuff is there on this forum and I am not seeing it or I am not following the posts already made or both! Some help please for this noob on how to tweak performance and improve battery life on my newly flashed V. Thanks.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

I was trying to search for a thread or posts on what settings can be applied to improve performance and how - overclocking, undervolting, etc. Either this stuff is there on this forum and I am not seeing it or I am not following the posts already made or both! Some help please for this noob on how to tweak performance and improve battery life on my newly flashed V. Thanks.

Use the interactive governor, set min. at 480mhz and max. at 768mhz if your phone doesn't reboot on it's own or freeze up, then tick the set on boot box.

You can try running max. higher if you want, make sure you uncheck the set at boot box! ,then when your phone reboots on its own cut it back 2 settings and you should be fine. If your phone doesn't reboot or freeze up recheck the set on boot box.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

Here is another noob question. After the new rom is up and running what img/zip/apk/etc. files are to be kept on the sd card and which ones can be removed? Currently I have on sd card FlashImageGui.apk, gapps.zip, gingerbreak apk, Mirage zip, zen recovery img, vm670(non zen) recovery img. Presume I can remove the non-zen recovery img since I did not use that, gapps(already installed), gingerbreak(already rooted). Thanks.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

Here is another noob question. After the new rom is up and running what img/zip/apk/etc. files are to be kept on the sd card and which ones can be removed? Currently I have on sd card FlashImageGui.apk, gapps.zip, gingerbreak apk, Mirage zip, zen recovery img, vm670(non zen) recovery img. Presume I can remove the non-zen recovery img since I did not use that, gapps(already installed), gingerbreak(already rooted). Thanks.
advise backing them up on pc in case for later, but you can remove all of those now that you're running.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

I just flashed this onto my LS-670 with the ZVJ radio. I am sorry if this has already been posted, but I couldnt find the answer to upgrading the radio from ZVD to ZVJ. So I attempted this and it worked:

Wipe boot, system, cache, etc.
Flash Mirage zip
Flash GApps
Boot and reboot;
Flash LS670 conversion
Boot and reboot again;
Flash ZVD to ZVJ patch

Link to radio patch here:

Again, I am sorry if this has been posting already.
Re: [ROM+Kernel] MiRaGe-CM7.2-IHO

Camcorder audio is not being captured on my mirage rom. I read here that disabling the camera shutter sound fixes this but how is the camera shutter sound to be disabled? Is there an app? I am not able to find the settings for this. Thanks

EDIT: Think I found it. Testing it now.
Is there anyway to get swipe for free on this rom?

Sent from my LG-VM670 using AC Forums mobile app
Try Touchpal X keyboard instead of swype from the play store. It's still completely free, unlike swype and I find it better - especially the editing with select-all, copy, paste, etc. - click on the pencil in the middle above the keyboard to access the editing keys. Nice themes too.
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Thanks for the swype tip!

Anyone getting a notification window at reboot that has options to "agree" it "disagree" to let Google collect anonymous data? And then a force close window of gapps and then the anonymous data collecting window again? No matter if I agree or disagree, I get these 3 windows at start up everytime.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using AC Forums mobile app
No, nothing like that at all - this is THE most stable ROM for the Optimus V. Did you set up link2sd as he described in the second or third post? This phone has very little internal memory available and it fills up quickly unless you start moving things to the sdcard right away. Read all the posts at the start of this thread for the best guidelines from the creator of this ROM - mrg666! When any of the system partitions fills up you will have all kinds of problems and issues, so check that first. Make sure you partition the sdcard properly too. Currently recommended is about a 1 GB ext4 partition after the FAT filesystem at the beginning. You need to create this before you install link2sd.

I know this is a very long thread, but it's a goldmine of issues and solutions and if you will read through it, you will find a lot of tips and be able to get the most from your Optimus V.
No, nothing like that at all - this is THE most stable ROM for the Optimus V. Did you set up link2sd as he described in the second or third post? This phone has very little internal memory available and it fills up quickly unless you start moving things to the sdcard right away. Read all the posts at the start of this thread for the best guidelines from the creator of this ROM - mrg666! When any of the system partitions fills up you will have all kinds of problems and issues, so check that first. Make sure you partition the sdcard properly too. Currently recommended is about a 1 GB ext4 partition after the FAT filesystem at the beginning. You need to create this before you install link2sd.

I know this is a very long thread, but it's a goldmine of issues and solutions and if you will read through it, you will find a lot of tips and be able to get the most from your Optimus V.

I've been running the same version of mirage since Nov 2012. These prompts happened just 2 days ago. At first I thought it was cause I froze the stock gmail app cuz I downloaded "myMail" and no longer needed it but didn't want to delete the app. I've since unfrozen it but the problem persists. I guess I'll just live with it until I decide to do a clean rom.

Sent from my LG-VM670 using AC Forums mobile app

Anyone getting a notification window at reboot that has options to "agree" it "disagree" to let Google collect anonymous data? And then a force close window of gapps and then the anonymous data collecting window again? No matter if I agree or disagree, I get these 3 windows at start up everytime.

I've been running the same version of mirage since Nov 2012. These prompts happened just 2 days ago. At first I thought it was cause I froze the stock gmail app cuz I downloaded "myMail" and no longer needed it but didn't want to delete the app. I've since unfrozen it but the problem persists. I guess I'll just live with it until I decide to do a clean rom.

Google Play Services was updated OTA to version 4.1.32 (978161-12) within the last few days. You can try clearing cache and/or data for the 'Google Play services' app via the 'Manage apps' screen and reboot phone. If that doesn't fix it, try wiping cache and Dalvik cache via recovery, and let the phone reboot fully. Both my OVs, running current version of MiRaGe, had updated without any hiccups...
Google Play Services was updated OTA to version 4.1.32 (978161-12) within the last few days. You can try clearing cache and/or data for the 'Google Play services' app via the 'Manage apps' screen and reboot phone. If that doesn't fix it, try wiping cache and Dalvik cache via recovery, and let the phone reboot fully. Both my OVs, running current version of MiRaGe, had updated without any hiccups...

I cleared the cache and it didn't work. So I cleared dalvik and cahce in recovery and now my phone won't reboot ;(
Hmmmm. I'm still on Google play v.4.1.6. Can't explain or go into detail, but have any updates blocked. from an old app using a custom market configuration / location/ proxy. Google play services still auto-updates, however :)
Hmmmm. I'm still on Google play v.4.1.6. Can't explain or go into detail, but have any updates blocked. from an old app using a custom market configuration / location/ proxy. Google play services still auto-updates, however :)

I think the last time titanium backup had an update (which was bad "user reviews ") so i waited until the next update of titanium, which fixed the borked update, this is when i noticed the playstore updated to 4.5.10

Actually titanium has had another update as of 1-4-14 but again, some bad user reviews, i won't update until all good reviews.

Lately there has been quite a few bad updates of certain apps, from now on i won't update an app until i see all good user reviews.
Any advice on how to fix my phone?

Did you try pulling the battery?

Did you try to reboot from power menu?

What recovery are you using? You should be able to reboot from recovery menu.

If it was me, i would update to the latest version of MiRaGe.
Did you try pulling the battery?

Did you try to reboot from power menu?

What recovery are you using? You should be able to reboot from recovery menu.

If it was me, i would update to the latest version of MiRaGe.

Done it all, Using CWM-based Recovery v Right now I'm formatting my SD card and going to try to load a fresh mirage.

Update/Question. It booted up, yay! Was I suppose to flash the kernel too? I only flashed the rom and gapps.

And is Holo Launcher better than ADW? I'm so accustomed to ADW's setting's but I heard it has lost support.
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