S7 edge back cover coming off


Aug 21, 2017
Reference number-2172835502, claim 35125263. the insurance "Assurant" Samsung recommended, is charging me a $79.00 deductible. The back of the phone has come unglued or separated from phone. That is in my opinion a mechanical failure and has no deductible. This is part of a conversation I had with Assurant today. Their reply, it is physical damage and will not be covered. Anyone else have the back of their phone come unglued?
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I agree with you here. This should be a warranty job, since it's obviously bad assembly in their factory...
I agree with you here. This should be a warranty job, since it's obviously bad assembly in their factory...

Found out its the battery swelling up and pushing the back cover off. A known problem, that Samsung is ignoring. Their should be a recall in my opinion. After swelling, sometimes blowing up and catching fire happens. Samsung should be a shame!
Most definitely! Get rid of that battery before it burns your house down! That is a time bomb waiting to go off. Turn it off, do not charge it and take it to the shop without delay.
Seriously? Burn your house down? More scare tactics from haters, methinks. State your source for this "known problem." My Edge is in the same condition it was when I picked it up, more than a year ago. I have kept it on 6.0.1, as far too many users are wishing they'd never upgraded to Nougat, and while you can return to Marshmallow, why fix something that ain't broke. But really, stop spreading phony rumors about swelling batteries. Trust me, Samsung learned their lesson from the Note battery fiasco. :'(
Swelling batteries is not a 'known' problem. It's a known RISK for ANY lithium ion battery. Doesn't matter if you're Samsung, Apple, LG, Huawei, Sony or whatever. Lithium ion batteries has a risk of expanding due to gas formation secondary to various triggers, most notably cycle aging. As you charge and recharge the battery, components wear out faster depending on charge practices and usage (how low you discharge, how high you recharge, temps during use, etc). Any of these can be the cause.

Although rare nowadays due to overcharge prevention circuitry, this used to be caused by overcharging. Howevee damage to that circuit of course could cause this.

That being said, this is not a known problem of Samsung. This is a known limitation of the battery tech we are using.
Seriously? Burn your house down? More scare tactics from haters, methinks. State your source for this "known problem." My Edge is in the same condition it was when I picked it up, more than a year ago. I have kept it on 6.0.1, as far too many users are wishing they'd never upgraded to Nougat, and while you can return to Marshmallow, why fix something that ain't broke. But really, stop spreading phony rumors about swelling batteries. Trust me, Samsung learned their lesson from the Note battery fiasco. :'(
I've encountered those users. They're just mad that things change. Although there are issues of certain carriers using the update to disable stuff. Overall Nougat is better than Marshmallow. I'm even getting a few hours better battery life after the update.

That feels like a fairly clear case for a warranty return. That's a HUGE amount of swelling on that battery.

With that level of swelling, I would also avoid charging that battery and probably not use the phone until you get it replaced.

I'd take it into a carrier store so a rep can see the damage firsthand. There's really not a lot of customer abuse that could cause THAT, at least not that I know of. Someone working for your carrier seeing that firsthand might be able to help you make a case for a faster and cheaper replacement, even if they cannot swing a warranty swap.

That phone looks like a hazard. Maybe it really is or maybe it really isn't, but with that much damage that would be hard for a customer to make, I would think there's a decent chance a rep at a store could make the decision that a customer injured by a phone going Thermite is a customer less likely to pay their monthly bill and make a case with Corporate to get *something* reasonable to you at a reasonable or no cost.
Thanks for your support and ideas! I have now filed a BBB complaint against Assurant and Samsung. No refund yet, but I don't give up easy!
Seriously? Burn your house down? More scare tactics from haters, methinks. State your source for this "known problem." My Edge is in the same condition it was when I picked it up, more than a year ago. I have kept it on 6.0.1, as far too many users are wishing they'd never upgraded to Nougat, and while you can return to Marshmallow, why fix something that ain't broke. But really, stop spreading phony rumors about swelling batteries. Trust me, Samsung learned their lesson from the Note battery fiasco. :'(

One source is Samsung Community Forum, ( S7 Edge swollen battery), or do any internet search for s7 edge back coming off, or s7 edge swollen battery etc. Methinks you need to do your home work first.
Anyone from India facing this problem?
Yesterday [01/03/2018] , Back of my S7 Edge started separating from the volume buttons side. It's been only 1.5 year i bought S7 Edge and never expected this from such a high end phone. Please tell me what should I do?

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