Samsung Galaxy S4 Battery Life


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Jun 3, 2011
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Well, I too was having battery trouble as I mentioned a couple of days ago. I was struggling to maybe get 2 hours of onscreen time. No apps seemed to be the culprit, just when I had the screen on it would drain like crazy. I also noticed that Android Core Apps was "on" for the same duration as my screen. So it seemed like something was going on every time I turned the screen on. I did a factory reset and now get about 5 hours of onscreen time, and no Android Core Apps listed under battery info. Plus, after the reset I did NOT sync my FB contacts with my phone contacts. Android Core Apps was listing some functions having to do with Contacts so I wonder if that had something to do with the battery drain. If you are having battery trouble, definitely try a factory reset. It sucks to set the phone all up again but my battery life is much much better now.


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Jun 3, 2011
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AT&T S4 with stock battery. Mostly on wifi. MDOB rom/stock kernel, all smart features off, power saving mode enabled, auto brightness, dark themes on apps. Usage consisted of browsing, xda, pulse, instagram, FB, youtube, emails, 10 min of phone calls, and texting. No battery saving apps except greenify.

[url][/URL] does your battery life increase periodically (green line going up not down) if you aren't charging the phone?


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Sep 30, 2011
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Meanwhile, I've returned things to normal. Last night I added "stop Facebook" to my normal duo of commands (airplane mode oN and GPS off), and declined less than 5% overnight.

Of course, I can't believe FB alone is the issue. Why I periodically have issues and then they go away...who knows. But changing batteries seems to help or set it off (!), rebooting seems to restore equilibrium. And then things seem to calm down.


Oct 8, 2012
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Meanwhile, I've returned things to normal. Last night I added "stop Facebook" to my normal duo of commands (airplane mode oN and GPS off), and declined less than 5% overnight.

Of course, I can't believe FB alone is the issue. Why I periodically have issues and then they go away...who knows. But changing batteries seems to help or set it off (!), rebooting seems to restore equilibrium. And then things seem to calm down.

I'm happy you're getting more juice off your battery. :thumbup::D:beer:

But there's still something going on. A rogue app, perhaps?

I stopped using battery guru, I actually uninstalled it. Now at night my phone goes down only 1% or 2% if airplane mode is engaged. Woohoo! :D

Sent From a Galaxy S4 Away!


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Jun 7, 2013
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One more update, disabling Google Now seems to have helped some in my case. My main issue is still how much battery the phone uses when it's sitting idle. I expect a phone like this to use more juice when I am using it. But it seems to use way too much for sitting idle. Things have been gradually improving with the tweaks in this thread. It's still confusing though.


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May 20, 2013
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One more update, disabling Google Now seems to have helped some in my case. My main issue is still how much battery the phone uses when it's sitting idle. I expect a phone like this to use more juice when I am using it. But it seems to use way too much for sitting idle. Things have been gradually improving with the tweaks in this thread. It's still confusing though.
I think it's much less of a phone specific thing and more of an Android/Google thing. I think a lot of the location stuff is pretty new to Android and Google so newer phones with these newer version of software will see it while older, Gingerbread phones will not. There seems to be more and more accounts that want to sync and that takes up battery, too.

There's a recent thread where someone posted about how when they totally disconnected their phone from the internet the battery only went down about 1% per hour (or something like that), so the phone itself isn't using the battery inefficiently. Others have gotten similar results by shutting stuff off as well.


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Jun 7, 2013
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I just thought I'd give a quick update. One tip I hadn't tried yet was switching my wallpapers to a dark wallpaper (in my case I went with black). I also went through and switched checked if any apps I use frequently have dark themes, and if so switched to them. It really seems to have made a noticeable difference.


Aug 26, 2013
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One more update, disabling Google Now seems to have helped some in my case. My main issue is still how much battery the phone uses when it's sitting idle. I expect a phone like this to use more juice when I am using it. But it seems to use way too much for sitting idle. Things have been gradually improving with the tweaks in this thread. It's still confusing though.

I use 2x battery to shut down data when the phone is not in use or just sitting in my pocket, saves a ton on battery. Now I can not use it for several hours and only go down a couple percentages vs 20 percent. You still get sms and phone calls but face book and every thing else can't keep checking for updates, and as soon as you wake your phone up that's when it will start checking which is fine by me.

Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk 4


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Aug 30, 2013
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Hi. I use my phone ,s4, which is about 3 months old, all the time. My wiFi is always on when Im home and I turn it off when Im in school. I dont mind the battery draining fast because I charge it immediately when it drops to 10%. However, lately, my phone shuts down even though the battery bar says 20% or anywhere around that. And I when I charge it after, thats when it only shows its battery is drained to 1%. Im worried why it doesnt show the exact battery life, is it because i sometimes (rarely) overcharge it? Help. :(


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May 20, 2013
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is it because i sometimes (rarely) overcharge it? Help. :(
No. There is circuitry in the phone that prevents overcharging. It's actually way worse to run your battery all the way down than it is to leave it on the charger (which probably helps preserve battery life).

You can check your battery to see if there are any bulges, which would indicate that there's a problem with the battery.


Sep 20, 2013
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My battery only gets me about 3 hours screen-on time (which is what matters to me the most!) - what is the secret to some of you guys getting so much more screen-time?

I'm keeping my screen at 50% brightness and have Power Saving Mode enabled and always keep GPS off unless I need to use Maps.


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Dec 12, 2009
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My battery only gets me about 3 hours screen-on time (which is what matters to me the most!) - what is the secret to some of you guys getting so much more screen-time?

I'm keeping my screen at 50% brightness and have Power Saving Mode enabled and always keep GPS off unless I need to use Maps.

50% is actually kind of high for me! my brightness usually at about 25-30%.

Honestly though, a lot of it depends on what you're doing when the screen is on... streaming from Netflix will use a lot more juice than checking emails, for example. You also can't dismiss the ratio of screen on to standby in any given block of time... in other words, it's easier to get 5 hours of screen time if you unplug your device at 100% and then use the screen for 5 straight hours, vs. unplugging your device, and trying to get a total of 5 hours screen time over a 24 period... in the latter situation, you have to allow for the battery drainage during standby, where as in the former you do not, and are more likely to achieve a full 5 hours of screen time. obviously, for most people their usage isn't either of these extremes, but it is a factor to consider.

I think to judge battery life you need to know both the screen time *and* the total time off charger, as either piece of info by itself can be misleading.

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 4


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May 20, 2013
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My battery only gets me about 3 hours screen-on time (which is what matters to me the most!) - what is the secret to some of you guys getting so much more screen-time?
Minimize what your phone does while the screen is off and minimize how much your screen takes.

For the first one you have to disable any syncing and location services along with anything that might update periodically (weather, widgets, reminders, etc.). It's can be a bit harder than it seems so it may take a while to track everything down. If you still want some syncing I suggest using Llama and Synker to choose what syncs and how often it syncs rather than letting auto sync decide that kind of stuff. Just turning GPS off isn't good enough because our phones can use WiFi, mobile networks and cell towers to determine where we are and that involves communicating with a remote server. I find that Google Now will check my location around once a minute or more but only turns GPS on a couple times per day.

For the second you just turn your brightness down to as low as you can stand.


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Apr 17, 2012
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Thanks for the replies. It's such a shame that we pay top dollar for a phone with a kickass screen - then drag the brightness down so we can barely see it!

I'm going to try the apps you've all recommended - has anybody used this one? GreenPower Battery Saver

Also, I'm thinking of getting a ZeroLemon 7500mah extended battery for my S4 - are they a reliable company?

Yep. I've always said batteries need the innovations now.. Not phones. The phones can do so much but we are stuck with power issues.

Sent from my T-Mobile HTC One using AC Forums.


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2009
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Thanks for the replies. It's such a shame that we pay top dollar for a phone with a kickass screen - then drag the brightness down so we can barely see it!

I'm going to try the apps you've all recommended - has anybody used this one? GreenPower Battery Saver

Also, I'm thinking of getting a ZeroLemon 7500mah extended battery for my S4 - are they a reliable company?

At least it is getting somewhat better... I remember when I first got my HTC Thunderbolt it would lose ~10%/hour in STANDBY if on 4G...and that was a smaller screen and less powerful processor. With that phone (as well as many of the other phones available at that time), trying to make it all day on a single charge was impossible. Here we are only 2 years later, and at least I know that with my S4 I can make it all day without hunting for a charger, assuming my normal usage.


Sep 12, 2013
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I wish I could return my S4! It's 2 weeks old. Previously I was am iPhone user.

On iPhone I would say that I am a moderate to heavy user. I am texting all day long on and off, I use twitter 2-3 times a day for less then 15 minutes. I check and reply to emails through out the day. I read the news for about 30 minutes a day. I surf the web here and there. I make 2-6 phone calls between 5-30 minutes, play games and other misc stuff. Off the charger at 7am. At bedtime Round 9pm I have well over 20%.

On my S4 I would say I am a light user. I am texting on and off throughout the day, I check twitter once for less then 5 minutes or not at all. I don't check emails because I've yet to make it a day on the battery. If I get even 1 phone call I will need to charge around 2-3pm, otherwise I make it until about 4-5pm and it's dead. I have the brightness on the screen turned to 25% which is hard to even see outside. I have no widgets, removed those. I have the battery saving feature on, GPS is disabled, I've read every trick and tip post google found for me and tried it. I LOVE LOVE the phone, but truthfully, I cannot have a phone that I have to worry about the battery or grab a charger when leave. I don't understand why the battery is so awful! I pay a lot of $$ monthly for PHONE service and if I dare answer the call on my S4 I better find a charger ASAP!

I'm ready to ditch my iPhone 5, but what is going on with the MUCH newer and nicer S4 and the battery?! Usually I can tweak my setting enough that I don't have to worry.. This battery issue is what has forced me to stay within iPhone for over 5 years! Sheesh my son can stream netflix on his 1st gen iPod touch and watch the whole movie.. My S4 would die before I finished! What gives? I'm not up for carrying a charger or an extra battery.. Personally I feel I shouldn't have too, the money see phones cost, I should have an issue like this...

- Frustrated