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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
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what the????

i think it helps you make cheaper long distance calls.

if you need a 2nd phone number for business or personal use...

some other services charge you for getting the message translated to text. it is free on GV.

thats all I got...


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2010
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I don't think there is a way on Sprint. Since we don't have the ability to selectively call a landline number for free (ie my Fav 5) like T-Mobile and Verizon, any non-cell number called using GV will count against our min.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
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I don't think there is a way on Sprint. Since we don't have the ability to selectively call a landline number for free (ie my Fav 5) like T-Mobile and Verizon, any non-cell number called using GV will count against our min.

False. Sprint to home will give you one number you can call for free for a few bucks a month ($5 - $7 iirc, but could be wrong) You could use that for your GV number and drop your plan to the 69.99 one if you were on a higher one.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2010
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Yeah, but that sucks. You can't use the native GV feature when calling out. I think it's a great idea to use Sprint to home if you really had to penny pinch on minutes, but for me that would be too tedious.

GV is awesome as it is. My GV number is my main number, I no longer distribute my actual phone number (except to receive MMS, but I only get those from the wifey). For me the real value is when I'm working and I receive text messages or I get called... I can seamlessly move back and forth between the phone, and my work console/work phone. The other party doesn't know which phone I'm using--what's REALLY cool is the ability to move around from office to office, and whatever landline is available becomes my newest GV phone.

It's really an amazing work-productivity tool. If you don't use it for that... it's just a cool "phone-in-the-cloud" service.