Should I buy it?


Jul 4, 2011
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I think I wanna get the Bionic at full retail price (since I have no other option), but I need some opinions. Should I wait for the Prime? The thing is, I actually love Motoblur a lot more than Vanilla, and it's impossible to perfectly nail the look of Blur. Also, the phone is dual core with 4G, which I guess is all I really need. Although a bigger screen would be awesome for my huge hands. I would just need to check it out in the store first to see what the fuss with the screen is.

So, thoughts?


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Mar 14, 2011
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Re: Should I buy it???

I got my Bionic on launch day after having nothing but problems with my Droid Charge. I went with the Bionic because the Prime is not announced, we don't know the final specs, and we don't know if it will actually hit Verizon. While the Nexus S is a nice looking phone, it was a disappointment to me. It came out with the same hardware that Samsung had been using for months at that point and it also lacked an sd card slot. I don't believe it has a notification led but I am not 100% on that. I figured at that point the Nexus S would have had a dual core processor.

With that said the Bionic is here and the Nexus is not yet. You could wait and the phone could be amazing or it could be the same as the Bionic. After my bad experience with the Charge I went back to Motorola and I can't say I regret it. I am not going to wait on something that might not even have the specs that we have been seeing from the leaks.


Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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Re: Should I buy it???

I think I wanna get the Bionic at full retail price (since I have no other option), but I need some opinions. Should I wait for the Prime? The thing is, I actually love Motoblur a lot more than Vanilla, and it's impossible to perfectly nail the look of Blur. Also, the phone is dual core with 4G, which I guess is all I really need. Although a bigger screen would be awesome for my huge hands. I would just need to check it out in the store first to see what the fuss with the screen is.

So, thoughts?

Wait until the Prime is released. We should also have the Vigor by then and you will have three top notch devices to choose from.

What are you uing now that you've had for less than a year that you are in such a hurry to get away from?


Jul 4, 2011
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Re: Should I buy it???

Wait until the Prime is released. We should also have the Vigor by then and you will have three top notch devices to choose from.

What are you uing now that you've had for less than a year that you are in such a hurry to get away from?

I've had the Incredible 2 for a few weeks, but I got it for free, off-contract. I've also had every other Droid from Verizon up until a few weeks ago, getting them through upgrades/tech support calls/etc.

It would take forever for me to recall exactly how I got them all, but the point it, I can't stay with the Inc 2 for much longer. I need a bigger screen and a dual core CPU (yes, to my big-ass hands, the .3 inches make a BIG difference).


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Sep 3, 2011
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You can also check it out in the store yourself.
But, to be honest I would recommend against buying it. Wait for the next thing to come out.


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Jun 21, 2011
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Yeah good advice above. Since you'd be paying full retail, I'd wait until the Prime and Vigor hit the VZW shelves (assuming they do) then compare all three. Plus, if you end up choosing the Bionic, there's a good chance you'll be able to buy it cheaper by then. I know two months sounds like an eternity, but when you look back you always say "where the hell did those two months go?" while you're playing with your new shiny toy.


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Oct 20, 2009
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I've had the Incredible 2 for a few weeks, but I got it for free, off-contract. I've also had every other Droid from Verizon up until a few weeks ago, getting them through upgrades/tech support calls/etc.

It would take forever for me to recall exactly how I got them all, but the point it, I can't stay with the Inc 2 for much longer. I need a bigger screen and a dual core CPU (yes, to my big-ass hands, the .3 inches make a BIG difference).

I can understand your desire for a bigger screen but I think people are making too big of a deal over dual core, right now. Personally I would say all of the high-end phones coming out this year are practically equal, dual core or no dual core. Now the phones that come out next year will probably be a real jump in specs. Here's a nice article about the benefits of dual core and why it may not be necessary, yet.

Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2010
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I'm having a hard tome trying to hold out as well.
Especially knowing I can go to Verizon now and walk out with it.
I'm trying to hold out to see what the specs for the newer devices will be like.

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk


Jul 4, 2011
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I don't think I'll be able to get a newer phone in a few months anyway. I won't have enough money. The Bionic in the end, with taxes, is a crap load of money as it is.
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Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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Re: Should I buy it???

I've had the Incredible 2 for a few weeks, but I got it for free, off-contract. I've also had every other Droid from Verizon up until a few weeks ago, getting them through upgrades/tech support calls/etc.

It would take forever for me to recall exactly how I got them all, but the point it, I can't stay with the Inc 2 for much longer. I need a bigger screen and a dual core CPU (yes, to my big-ass hands, the .3 inches make a BIG difference).

I have one question for you: do you like "Sense" and/or use Friendstream for Facebook/Twitter. If the answer is YES then wait for the Vigor. If not then yes buy the Bionoc. It's basically the DX2 on Steroids :)


Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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Personally I would say all of the high-end phones coming out this year are practically equal, dual core or no dual core.

I've had or used (sometimes extensively) almost every Android phone Verizon has had including the DX2, and all of the 4G phones and performance wise Bionic blows them all away. Is it the dual core alone? No (DX2 is only marginally a better performer than say the D3 and DInc2) but the dial core combined with the additional RAM it isn't even close. I was on the fence on buying this one until I went to actually try it on launch day, and was completely blown away.


Jul 4, 2011
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Re: Should I buy it???

I have one question for you: do you like "Sense" and/or use Friendstream for Facebook/Twitter. If the answer is YES then wait for the Vigor. If not then yes buy the Bionoc. It's basically the DX2 on Steroids :)

I hate sense. I'd rather have TouchWiz or the ugly skin that LG uses.

I guess I'll be calling Verizon tomorrow to see if they have the Bionic in stock (my luck, they won't).


Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with the comment on checking it out in the store first. My contract is up in a little over a month and I went to a Verizon store tonight to lay hands on it for myself. If I was completely blown away, I was going to blow off the NE2 and get it.

I did see a LOT to like. It was very fast and thinner than I thought it would be. The screen wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was a bit worried about battery life and decided to wait.

Who knows, I may end up with this phone but I am glad I held off (for now anyway). :p



Formerly VZWRocks
Feb 25, 2010
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Re: Should I buy it???

I hate sense. I'd rather have TouchWiz or the ugly skin that LG uses.

I guess I'll be calling Verizon tomorrow to see if they have the Bionic in stock (my luck, they won't).

Sounds like a plan, though if they don't they can order it for you direct fulfillment and you get it the next day Fed Ex