SMS Pro - MMS - VZW oddness


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Oct 4, 2011
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Wondering if you guys can help me. I am having trouble sending more than one pic to either individuals or groups. Here how it surfaced. I tried to send two screen shots to 3 ppl in a group text. SMS converts to MMS... annoying but fine. It wouldn't send. Odd. I could swear I've done it before. I then tried sending same two pics to a single person. Would not work. Tried sending a single pic to the same three in a group text. That worked fine. I can swear I've sent multiple pics to groups before. I can't even send multiple pics to a single person with or without Wifi.

Here's what I did so far:
1. Tried sending over WiFi and 4G. No luck.
2. go to App settings, MMS is enabled. Increase size to 5M. no luck.
3. Go to App --> cleared cache and cleared data. Reset settings to allow MMS and went back to the 1M size limit (more than enough for the two small pics). No luck.
3. Wiped Cache partition. Restarted phone. No luck.
4. Looked for a setting to delete / clear drafts but I don't think there is one.

I am on a limited plan from vzw but I'm only at 23% of my data for the month.
I do like SMS Pro because it allows me to shut off screen notifications. So when I receive a text, my phone doesn't come alive in my pocket and start calling people or taking pictures and the screen doesn't burn up my battery life.

Any help appreciated.
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Retired Moderator
May 23, 2010
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Are you receiving an error message when trying to send the message? Also, are you sending to people who have iPhones? Or to Android users as well?

I would suggest sending the picture by itself, without text and see if that helps. Also, make sure you have an active data mobile data connection since that's how images are sent via the cellular network.


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Oct 4, 2011
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Thank you. Both iPhone and Android recipients. I did try sending the pics with no text. Strong 4G connection here in my office and I tried with and without WiFi but having a strong 4G connection in both cases. I'm not getting an error message per se but the little red exclamation point next to the pics with the circular resend thing to the left. If I click the resend thing it gives me the option to resend or delete. Resending does nothing.

UPDATE: Enabled the default "MESSAGES" app that came with the S5 and it will work, so it's def an SMS Pro thing.
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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2011
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Problem with MESSAGES is it also activates my screen whenever a new msg arrives. A pain cause I carry my phone in my pocket so if comes on... it's staying on and hitting my battery at best or calling ppl and taking pictures of the inside of my pocket at worst.

I got Google Messenger from the Play Store. It def allows the LED and Beep notification w/o turning on my screen so as long as my basic text and MMS functionality stays, this might be my solution. Sorry GoSMS.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Wondering if you guys can help me. I am having trouble sending more than one pic to either individuals or groups. Here how it surfaced. I tried to send two screen shots to 3 ppl in a group text. SMS converts to MMS... annoying but fine.
SMS is 160 characters of 7 bit text - it doesn't do pictures. Pictures go via SMS. That's how the protocol works.

It wouldn't send. Odd. I could swear I've done it before. I then tried sending same two pics to a single person. Would not work. Tried sending a single pic to the same three in a group text. That worked fine. I can swear I've sent multiple pics to groups before. I can't even send multiple pics to a single person with or without Wifi.
MMS is limitd to 1MB. If the total of the text and pictures is more than 1MB, it won't send. Use email up to 25MB, post the pictures to a cloud account public folder and text or email a link to them for larger files.

1. Tried sending over WiFi and 4G. No luck.
SMS is 2G, it won't work over wifi.

2. go to App settings, MMS is enabled. Increase size to 5M. no luck.
The app can sens as large a file as it wants, but the carrier is where the actual limit is set. Send a 5MB file through a carrier that limits you to 1MB (some limit you to less) and the file gets dumpd without warning.

3. Go to App --> cleared cache and cleared data. Reset settings to allow MMS and went back to the 1M size limit (more than enough for the two small pics). No luck.
Total storage space for the pictures plus the text can be more that just adding the file sizes. Send them one at a time or email them.

3. Wiped Cache partition. Restarted phone. No luck.
4. Looked for a setting to delete / clear drafts but I don't think there is one.
There are no drafts in SMS, and it wouldn't make a difference.

I am on a limited plan from vzw but I'm only at 23% of my data for the month.
I do like SMS Pro because it allows me to shut off screen notifications. So when I receive a text, my phone doesn't come alive in my pocket and start calling people or taking pictures and the screen doesn't burn up my battery life.
Check with Verizon tech support (on the phone, not in a store - all they know how to do is push buttons and replace phones). 500KB of files and a few words of text should go - unless they've instituted a "one MMS per SMS" policy.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2011
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Thanks Rukbat. Google messenger allowed me to do what I wanted. As did the stock messaging app on the S5. It wasn't a carrier issue. Something was wrong with the app itself or it was a limitation with the app, but I doubt that. I could have sworn I'd done this with GoSMS in the past. However, not being able to resolve it with the phone and GoSMS settings.... It was just a matter of finding another messaging app that allowed me to disable on screen notifications. Again the notification piece was not my problem, rather a user preference. All the other apps I tried allowed me to send multiple pics to groups with no problems.

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