So what should I do? buy or wait to get the Note5 and compare to Iphone 6sPlus?

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Blues Fan

Well-known member
Jun 21, 2015
So I bought a Note 4 almost 14 days ago from Tmobile because my s6 was a total POS with horrible battery life and audio and they gave me $401 trade in for it. I knew the Note5 was coming out but wasn't turned on by no IR blaster or removable storage but now Im hearing it's a pretty good phone. However with it being similar to a S6 its possible over time there might be the similar problems like the S6. Tomorrow is the last day I can return it and pay restocking fee.

However I/ve been looking at the Iphone 6plus too battery life on Iphone is better and they seem to have better apps and run smoother. I''ve also been thinking about the LG G4 because Tmobile has great deal on them and free battery with it. It would be about an even swap with that.

If I don't return the Note4 and wait until the new Iphone comes out in Sept I'll only get a couple hundred trade in for it.

Should I wait to see what the new Iphone 6s plus is like in Sept and then just sell my Note4 outright? That way I can compare them to the Note 4 and if the 6splus is similar then I can buy a 6 for cheaper.
So I bought a Note 4 almost 14 days ago from Tmobile because my s6 was a total POS with horrible battery life and audio and they gave me $401 trade in for it. I knew the Note5 was coming out but wasn't turned on by no IR blaster or removable storage but now Im hearing it's a pretty good phone. However with it being similar to a S6 its possible over time there might be the similar problems like the S6. Tomorrow is the last day I can return it and pay restocking fee.

However I/ve been looking at the Iphone 6plus too battery life on Iphone is better and they seem to have better apps and run smoother. I''ve also been thinking about the LG G4 because Tmobile has great deal on them and free battery with it. It would be about an even swap with that.

If I don't return the Note4 and wait until the new Iphone comes out in Sept I'll only get a couple hundred trade in for it.

Should I wait to see what the new Iphone 6s plus is like in Sept and then just sell my Note4 outright? That way I can compare them to the Note 4 and if the 6splus is similar then I can buy a 6 for cheaper.

I'm doing the same. I'm waiting for the 6s+ because it'll most likely have band 12 support because none of the T-Mobile iPhones support it. If you're in a band 12 area, I'd wait to see the next iPhone.
I'm waiting too. Didn't see the need to rush out and buy the N5. If iPhone 6s is not what I want then I may pick up a N5 which will still be in abundance.

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I'm doing the same. I'm waiting for the 6s+ because it'll most likely have band 12 support because none of the T-Mobile iPhones support it. If you're in a band 12 area, I'd wait to see the next iPhone.

I'm not sure, but my mom has a flip phone and when we were buying my Note4 the clerk said her phone would quit working on Aug 20th because they were getting a new tower and upgrading it or something so she had to get a new phone for free.

I just don't want to rush into the Note5 if it ends up being a dud. I made the mistake with the S6 buying it after the first week. If I would have known the S6 was junk I would have bought an Iphone6. I actually was thinking about Iphone at that time but went with the S6. I should have bit the bullet and bought the Iphone 6plus back in April.
I was thinking about the 6 plus but its likley with the "s" series the design WILL NOT change so I got the N5. I had the iphone 6 before my new note and have been very happy with the switch. My iphone 6 was great but I new if I wanted to sell it and get the most out of it, it need to be before the new phones came out.

My iphone 6 is on ebay. I just cannt fathom spending $700 on a Iphone 6s and it look EXACTLY the same as the 1 year old model
I'm debating on a 6 Plus or a Note 5 right now - those are the only two phones on the market that appeal to me. If I go iPhone, then I'm going all in and jumping ship completely. I love Android, but every single phone has at least one glaring issue that I can't get passed. The Note 5 has the least amount of glaring issues, but I still find myself looking at the support and updates and overall quality of Apple devices. Just not sure I can give up the freedom and choices that Android provides me.
I'm doing the same. I'm waiting for the 6s+ because it'll most likely have band 12 support because none of the T-Mobile iPhones support it. If you're in a band 12 area, I'd wait to see the next iPhone.

Personally to me it sounds like money is the bigger concern you have about doing this,and just wanting something newer.

While I understand the battery issues the regular s6 had, audio issues hasn't been a bad issue. My Active was awesome in all respects with audio even with its rear speaker.

If you have done a side by side comparison in the store with the 4&5 and don't have a need to switch right now, then don't.

However don't pin your hopes on something that isn't even out yet either.

There's a old saying... A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush comes to mind here.

Posted from my Galaxy Note 5
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