So whose getting one of these?


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Aug 23, 2012
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I was wondering who is planning on picking up one of these beasts of a tablet? I personally am definitely getting one. Just waiting for pre-orders to be available at BestBuy...

What convinced me is the shear horsepower compared to anything else available on the market running Android right now. But how about all of you? If you’ve decided to get one, what clinched it for you? What accessories do plan to use with it? Are you going to use DEX? And if so, how? 64GB or 256GB...

And if you’re not going to get one, why not?

I’m very curious as to all your thoughts on the new Tab S4...

Thanks! :)


Jul 14, 2011
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The price definitely puts me off, but I was considering it (provided I could sell my S3 for a decent price). However, once the 'hype' of the videos died down in my head (still a bit excited to try DeX without a dock), I realized one big missing feature: there's no FPS :( That does make me really not want to get it now... So I guess instead of preordering now I'll have to actually go, use it, and unless I'm completely blown away by it to justify not having the scanner, then I'm not so sure anymore.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
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I was wondering who is planning on picking up one of these beasts of a tablet? I personally am definitely getting one. Just waiting for pre-orders to be available at BestBuy...

What convinced me is the shear horsepower compared to anything else available on the market running Android right now. But how about all of you? If you’ve decided to get one, what clinched it for you? What accessories do plan to use with it? Are you going to use DEX? And if so, how? 64GB or 256GB...

And if you’re not going to get one, why not?

I’m very curious as to all your thoughts on the new Tab S4...

Thanks! :)

I reserved mines a couple days ago just for the sake of it before doing research, but after reading a few reviews and opinions, I kind of change my mind. One is due to specs, I just wonder if the specs is capable of handling the software without glitching or lag. I'm using the note 8, and it is pretty much good for everything I use it for, but for a tablet, I might be using it more heavier than the phone.
2. I'm currently using an iPad air, and it is very slow and laggy with the current ios 11. I like Android more, so I barely use my iPad and use my phone more often for everyday usage.

3. The price is pretty heavy $650 with $75 keyboard (50% if reserve, from $149). I read that for the price, you can get a surface, iPad pro and/or laptop. But again, I don't need a laptop. For iPad, coming from one, I just prefer Android, and surface... Not sure with that since wouldn't it better to just get a powerful laptop for that price?


Q&A Team
Nov 22, 2014
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No way, not after spending $1050 on the still excellent Tab S3

Dude that sounds you got ripped off so bad. On release in my country and after taxes It would cost 800USD equivalent with the official book cover.

Personally I'm thinking of picking up one sometime next year when prices have settled (since they release it every two years anyway and I'll be needing one late next year).

The preview impressed me in a way that it can serve as well as an office processor laptop, but still have the bells and whistles of a powerful Android tablet. Getting a surface would not only cost more, but will have lower standby life, and the selection of time killers isn't really very good in terms of gaming.
With the Tab S4, I can imagine I can do away with the need for both a laptop and a tablet, then stick to a full desktop at home. Cheaper in the long run too since desktops are cheaper to maintain than replacing a good laptop every 4-6 years.


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Mar 2, 2017
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Dude that sounds you got ripped off so bad. On release in my country and after taxes It would cost 800USD equivalent with the official book cover.

Personally I'm thinking of picking up one sometime next year when prices have settled (since they release it every two years anyway and I'll be needing one late next year).

The preview impressed me in a way that it can serve as well as an office processor laptop, but still have the bells and whistles of a powerful Android tablet. Getting a surface would not only cost more, but will have lower standby life, and the selection of time killers isn't really very good in terms of gaming.
With the Tab S4, I can imagine I can do away with the need for both a laptop and a tablet, then stick to a full desktop at home. Cheaper in the long run too since desktops are cheaper to maintain than replacing a good laptop every 4-6 years.
Yeah. I feel very ripped off, but I had to get it here in Serbia because I wanted a proper warranty. We have issues with EXTREME taxes on high end devices from Apple and Samsung due to a corrupt government that literally steals immense amounts of tax money (I am being serious about this). Galaxy Note 8 cost 1200 bucks when it came here, and the original price of the S8 was around 1040 bucks. Also, the iPhone X is a whopping $1300 here!! Purchasing the Tab S3 literally drained my ENTIRE allowance savings. It is so sad that almost 400 bucks went straight into the pocket of our dumb president, but I guess life is like that sometimes.

Edit: I didn't buy mine with the book cover. Those $1050 I paid were just for the tablet.


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Jun 2, 2013
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This is currently the o ly device I want as I don't want a new laptop and don't like the chrome books as well. The price is a little high in canada south of $800 I believe.


Jul 14, 2011
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The only thing going for this is that, compared to the iPad Pro (which is in the same price range), this comes with the S-Pen. But I'd still miss the FPS. I just tested how much I use it for passwords the past couple of days and there's no way I wouldn't get annoyed now when not having it.

Marlon Brown2

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Aug 5, 2018
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All of the reviews are praising the larger screen and bigger battery and saying this is a huge upgrade. Does anyone remember the original Tab S? The S4 is what the Tab S2 should have been. When the S2 came out, I was very disappointed. Since my wife needed a new tablet, she purchased one. I wasn't happy with the 9.7" display compared with the original 10.5" display of the Tab S. I kept using it until it wouldn't run a couple of my games correctly. I got the Tab S3 and gave my old one to my daughter. Nice tablet, but still missed the size of my Tab S. Now that the S4 has been announced with the 835 processor and 4 gigs of ram, not sure if this will be that much of an upgrade from the S3 in real life use. DeX sounds nice, but that sounds like something Samsung could implement by software into the Tab S3. I think I will wait and see how this plays out. Maybe my wife will want to upgrade her S2. If not, this one may be a pass.


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Aug 23, 2012
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if there is a sprint LTE version i might hop on board
I was reading a Hands On Review by Digital Trends just now and noticed it says that the Tab S4 will be coming to Sprint but not at launch... It says to expect it in the third quarter while at launch it will only be available on Verizon (LTE model)... it's toward the bottom of the article... I'll link it...

I was considering the LTE Verizon model but I already have a 2 year contract going on an Asus Zenpad Z8 with them. That's an 8 inch tablet but it's really very good... especially since it was free on the two year contract deal. So rather than add another line on my Verizon account or pay off that contract to upgrade my existing line, I'm just gonna go with the wifi Tab S4. I plan to get the Grey version with 256GB from bestbuy.

I also have an iPad Pro 10.5 which I love!!! But in order to utilize my Google Play library (mostly just movies and TV shows) I do have a strong need for an Android tablet. I'm going to install netflix and Amazon Prime Video on the Tab S4 too so I will be using it extensively for video which should prove to be awesome with those quad stereo speakers tuned by AKG and Dolby atmos not to mention the QHD Super AMOLED panel!!!

I'm also excited for the Snapdragon 835 SOC and 4GB of RAM, a combination that has served me VERY well on my S8+ this past year!!

All in all, I'm definitely looking forward to testing out this beast and putting it through its paces. I'm very optimistic about it though... can't wait for Friday!!


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Sep 24, 2010
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I wish they had the trade in program like they do with the phones. I got the S3 and definitely interested in the S4. The wife has the S2 so I might sell hers, get the S4 and give her my S3


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Nov 25, 2015
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I'm definitely interested but I'll need to see it in person. I'm not sure about the size, I have the S2 now with the smaller screen.

Also a bit surprised there's no fps. I honestly can't see why it's not there, I use it constantly on the s2. I wonder if it will have face/iris unlocking otherwise it seems quite inconvenient to have password/pin entry only.


Jul 14, 2011
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I'm definitely interested but I'll need to see it in person. I'm not sure about the size, I have the S2 now with the smaller screen.

Also a bit surprised there's no fps. I honestly can't see why it's not there, I use it constantly on the s2. I wonder if it will have face/iris unlocking otherwise it seems quite inconvenient to have password/pin entry only.

Body is pretty comparable to S2 and S3, you just get the larger screen sans bezels and hardware button on the front. BUT you're losing the Fingerprint scanner, and that might be a problem. It does have Iris and Face Scan, which again, aren't that great (since they're affected by UV and IR light and people wearing contacts and glasses might have even more issues).


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Mar 26, 2014
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I am definitely getting one. I'm still rocking my Tab S 10.5", so the S4 will be a welcome upgrade while keeping the 10.5" I like. Hopefully, the iris/face scan will work good. It works fantastic on my Surface Pro 4, so if it's equivalent then I won't be missing the FPS.

I will easily be going to the 256gb. If I got the 64gb I would be buying an SD card anyway, and anything over 128gb will run close to $100, anyway. Might as well just get the 256gb, and the flash memory will be quicker anyway.


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Aug 23, 2012
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Well... just to update you all, I decided not to get the Galaxy Tab S4 after all. I know I said I was definitely getting it but at the last minute I changed my mind and picked up a new 12.9" 256GB Space Gray iPad Pro 2017 edition for about the same price as the Tab S4 would have been with tax and a case...

That was Wednesday and so far so good with the iPad...

What made me change my mind was all those negative reviews of the S4. I just couldn't go through with the purchase knowing that so many professional reviewers were advising against it.

But that's not to say I think it's a bad tablet in anyway. Just wasnt the one for me. I'm still interested in knowing your opinions on the tablet and if you are going to get one anyway despite the mediocre reviews. And for those that have gotten it already, what has your experience with it been so far? Is it living up to your expectations? And how are you using it? Or plan on using it?

For me, I guess I'll be using my Galaxy S8+ for my google play movie and TV library and my new ipad for iTunes movies... for now...


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Oct 29, 2012
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I am definitely getting one. I'm still rocking my Tab S 10.5", so the S4 will be a welcome upgrade while keeping the 10.5" I like. Hopefully, the iris/face scan will work good. It works fantastic on my Surface Pro 4, so if it's equivalent then I won't be missing the FPS.

I will easily be going to the 256gb. If I got the 64gb I would be buying an SD card anyway, and anything over 128gb will run close to $100, anyway. Might as well just get the 256gb, and the flash memory will be quicker anyway.

I would like to upgrade my iPad Air (1st Gen) to this. I'm using the note 8, with the same processor but it has 6gb of ram. As a tablet, it shouldve had the same amount of ram or more. But are you concern about the tablet having 4gb of ram, and stuttering and lagging?

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