software uprade not coming till may


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Dec 17, 2009
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You don't find sudden degradations odd? That's not indicative of the phone per se but your own device.

And lest we split hairs, the phone holds a signal. Occasionally it does not do it well, but it does do it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk

Well it was never was great but it was OK. Now mines appears to be getting worse. I think they are tweaking the network and they obviously need to tweak our radios. Because as much as I hate to say it. Ahhh it burns. Lol the razrs radio blows ours away. I like the GN but I wish they would show it a little more love as far as this is concerned. As of right now I really don't have the time to sit around flashing all the time kinda like Phil talks about. I just want it to work. I know things happen and there is a process to these updates which is why I don't post about it everyday but some thinking every bodies fix is just to flash and that's not the case. I hear that way too often.

From the best android phone PERIOD. Galaxy Nexus.


Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
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Well it was never was great but it was OK. Now mines appears to be getting worse. I think they are tweaking the network and they obviously need to tweak our radios. Because as much as I hate to say it. Ahhh it burns. Lol the razrs radio blows ours away. I like the GN but I wish they would show it a little more love as far as this is concerned. As of right now I really don't have the time to sit around flashing all the time kinda like Phil talks about. I just want it to work. I know things happen and there is a process to these updates which is why I don't post about it everyday but some thinking every bodies fix is just to flash and that's not the case. I hear that way too often.

From the best android phone PERIOD. Galaxy Nexus.

That it does. Unfortunately, the razrs screen is so bad that I'd have to be pushed much further than intermittently bad radios to consider such a downgrade.

You don't need to flash all the time either. Find what you like and keep it!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
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Jan 5, 2010
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Im convinced everyone on here doesnt know the slightest difference between an unlocked bootloadder and acquiring root access. I believe every veteran like myself recommended unlocking your bootloaders on day 1. If you choose not to, then it is your own fault you wait for slow updates from Verizon. I've had 4.0.4 since it was available, didn't require root and I didn't have to wipe my device or reset my home screens. You can still do it at any time, but we recommended it on day 1 so you would not have to lose your information. I never had many issues, but 4.0.4 has been awesome for me. I never had an issue with dropped calls or mic cutting out. In fact, its 10x better than the fruit phone that sounds like complete crap on bluetooth.


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Jul 9, 2011
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Truthfully I just don't believe the nexus is Verizon's priority. I mean they botched the release for one. I mean think about it, they have to do the same amount of testing for the razor but the razor has recvd updates already and ics is on the verge. Some people don't want to consider rooting because you can mess up you phone. Some people are complaining because their phone is performing like crap. I have been lucky with mine as far as not having tons of problems but I'm not going to discount all those who do have problems. I've been experiencing signal problems lately all of a sudden now as well. Which I think is the reason why my battery life has gotten worse.

For the signal issues to be as bad as they are I think it kinda has been a long time. Which is why I said I don't think its a priority to Verizon. If its a company's baby they get on it. Like my first Gen Evo.. Sprint did not play with updates and it looks as if that's how Verizon feels about the Razr. Your right they never promised that the nexus the nexus would get the most frequent updates but I never said that at all. I'm just saying it has some major issues to some and the answer to the problem should Not be rooting.

Now you say that its partially our fault for investing in a piece of technology but that's not the truth. When u buy something you expect it to work as intended. I never asked it to print money but I do expect it to make calls and I should be able to browse the web. We paid for a top of the line device. Not like we bought a free phone and expected it to work wonders. I did buy the phone for ics because it was the first version of vanilla android that I didn't think looked like crap. But that doesn't mean they can just crap out on everything else. I research things I buy but when you buy on release day its not all that much you can research.
From the best android phone PERIOD. Galaxy Nexus.

I respectfully disagree with the whole "expecting something to work as it should out of the box" sentence. Anybody who's done aNY type of research on any piece of computerised technology will tell you there are good devices and there are faulty/bad devices. That's the way it is with tech. Heck that's the way it is with many different things in this world. you get a chance to test the device in the store for a reason. You get a 14 day return policy for a reason. If you don't AT LEAST legitimately test out your new phone in the store before you buy it and then again in the two weeks after you buy it you deserve whatever you get in the long haul.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

As Poseign says... you still have to accept that when you buy technology you have to do your homework, and accept some of the responsibility if things don't work..

You admit that you rushed out and bought the nexus on release day, and therein lies the rub... You (and I'm not attacking YOU, many people do this all the time) had to have the newest, bestest, flashiest, prettiest, thing... If you had waited say 1-2 weeks from release you would have had time to read a number of reviews, see what people in the forums thought about it, gone and played with it yourself, etc. Plus you had 14 days from purchase to decide whether or not it was a keeper for you but still have decided to keep it.

This happens with all tech... its the price people pay for being early adopters. You got to have the thing first, but you surrendered the ability to make an informed product decision. Now I went out and bought the nexus the first weekend it was available as well... but I spent 2-3 days testing it to be sure it handled calls and signals acceptably before I sold my bionic. I happen to live in a good coverage area of NYC so I've been very fortunate with my experience, I love my nexus. Not to mention, at that point I unlocked it, rooted, and started running 4.0.3 and now 4.0.4 ROMs which make it even better..... but that's all besides the point. I ran out and bought it because I wanted a developer phone that was going to be getting a ton of developer support, and by that regard I have made an EXCELLENT investment. If you ran out and bought it wanting ICS and a great working phone... you're priority should have been to make sure you are GETTING a great phone. Most users and sites would have warned you that Samsung just doesn't regularly deliver the best phones.... prettiest, maybe, but their radios are just widely known to be inferior. On top of that.. You signed up to be a tester of ICS when you got the Nexus. Its not supposed to be perfect, but you will get updates to fix some things.

Regarding your first sentence.... Of COURSE the Nexus is not Verizon's priority. MONEY is Verizon's priority. Having the biggest 4G network is Verizon's priority. Having the most customers is Verizon's priority. No single phone will EVER be even close to a priority to Verizon. The Nexus is way more Google's baby than it is Verizon's.... Verizon only ordered it when demand looked to be good enough to make them MONEY. Motorola is Verizon's female dog (lol), so yes the razor is going to appear to receive more attention... but you said that because its gotten a bug fix update and is "on the verge" of getting ICS (which, btw, it still doesn't have) this shows more care from Verizon? I just say that's rubbish. Any updates for any of Verizon's phones go through the same process, whether its the nexus or the razor. And hey, if the razor got ICS today, that's still almost 4 months longer that you have had it.... and believe me, you will have 4.0.4 or 4.0.5 or whatever is the next version to be available for the nexus LONG before the razor gets it. And if you keep this phone long enough, you will get Jellybean or whatever the next version of android is as well... while I bet the razor never sees it. Keep all that in mind.

And again to revisit a previous point because I think it's important... you refuse to accept any responsibility for jumping on new tech on release day then being surprised when it doesn't function as well as you'd like. That kind of expectation will set you up for a lifetime of frustration and disappointment. You want to be an early adopter, that's fine... you do it because its fun and you get new cool stuff and you get bragging rights and stuff to show off..... but you have to be down to earth enough to accept the fact that you're going to get things that don't always work as intended when you have to be an early adopter... that is the trade-off. That's the price you pay for your bragging rights. That's life. If you don't like it, practice some restraint and wait a week after the next new piece of tech is out, do your homework, and make a more informed decision.

EPILOGUE (lol): Enjoying a rational, mature discussion here... hope you don't take anything I said as a personal attack. I'm down to keep chatting about it, just don't want you to think I'm just picking on you or anyone :)
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Sep 11, 2010
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I just didn't want to try a different ROM. I read a lot about them, I've read both success and horror stories. I've read of some ROMs having many bugs and my phone is fine with the exception of the JavaScript issue and didn't want to introduce new problems.

I have since that post installed BAMF Paradigm. The JavaScript issue is fixed, it's faster because it's overclocked (not that it needed more speed), it has 360 rotation, a soft search button, the battery icon shows the percentage, the lock delay actually works, and it separated the ringer and notification volumes.
I have to say I'm happy with it.
No bugs that I have noticed, no hangs or reboots.

Another happy customer. :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2010
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Im convinced everyone on here doesnt know the slightest difference between an unlocked bootloadder and acquiring root access. I believe every veteran like myself recommended unlocking your bootloaders on day 1. If you choose not to, then it is your own fault you wait for slow updates from Verizon. I've had 4.0.4 since it was available, didn't require root and I didn't have to wipe my device or reset my home screens. You can still do it at any time, but we recommended it on day 1 so you would not have to lose your information. I never had many issues, but 4.0.4 has been awesome for me. I never had an issue with dropped calls or mic cutting out. In fact, its 10x better than the fruit phone that sounds like complete crap on bluetooth.

Explain how you were able to install 4.0.4 without having root access.
When the device was first released it was said that you had to unlock the bootloader before rooting.
That has since been changed and you can now root without unlocking.


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Dec 14, 2011
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So let me get this right. We should not expect our phones to be able to hold a signal out the box. It is a 300 dollar phone for god sake. If i buy a damn x box i expect it to play the damn games i buy. Thats its basic function. 14 days is also not very long to thoroughly test anything. I've actually been one to say I've had no problems at one point, check my post history. But as of late my phone is dying crazy fast and I can't hold a 4g signal. Phone deleted all my pics. How was I going to know that would happen in a 14 day window. Smh there are faulty devices but when some people exchange 3 times and they all have the same issues then its a lil more then that. Lucky my phone isn't that bad. I do feel like they should be working diligently to fix the signal issues because that's the most important thing. Other then that my phone works pretty good but my whole point was telling people to root isn't the answer.

From the best android phone PERIOD. Galaxy Nexus.

Even the xbox has/had the red ring of death. I know some guys who had to return their xbox to microsift 3 or 4 times because of this hardware defect. The point im trying to make is do your homework and play with the phone before you buy it. Customers now have 14 days to return, but theres also a CRAP load of reviews on the internet about the positives and negatives of this phone now, so there are no excuses for new buyers at this point. The early adopters had 30 days to return, not 15. Not really any excuses there either. If you like it, great. If you have problems that arrise 2 or 3 months into ownership then you swap it for a new one. Plus Verizon doesnt seem shy on swapping it out for a Razr or a droid 3 if you go through 3 of them and arent satisfied. There's always options.

Still, having said all of this I am questioning the long amount of time its taking for an update too. But theres no need complaining here about it, we've already done that every month for the last 4 months. Just wait it out.

Explain how you were able to install 4.0.4 without having root access.
When the device was first released it was said that you had to unlock the bootloader before rooting.
That has since been changed and you can now root without unlocking.

You can install 4.0.4 with just an unclocked bootloader and no root access. I did it myself. You just flash clockworkmod to your phone's ram while its connected to the computer instead of rooting and installing it.
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Aug 21, 2010
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Another happy customer. :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Yep. From all of the reading I've done over the past few days, BAMF seemed to be the one with the fewest reported bugs.
I wanted my first experience with installing a ROM to be a good one so that if I decided to do it again, I wouldn't be so hesitant.
Paradigm was a very good choice.


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Oct 18, 2009
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To get the thread back on topic...

I tweeted this off to BMX, and he replied:

@slinky317 unless it has slipped due to something on their end I don't believe that is correct. But I have been on vacation so

So he claims it's not necessarily correct, but if he's on vacation then it might have changed without his knowledge.

I do find it suspicious that if this is truly on an internal Verizon forum where reps can access it, why haven't we heard this from more people?


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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Yep. From all of the reading I've done over the past few days, BAMF seemed to be the one with the fewest reported bugs.
I wanted my first experience with installing a ROM to be a good one so that if I decided to do it again, I wouldn't be so hesitant.
Paradigm was a very good choice.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2009
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So, as per the OP's suggestion, I just went through his post history where he claims that he's been correct in the past.

Honestly, I don't see any indication of that. I see where he claims things are correct, but some are dubious... for example, he claims that tethering is free on the Galaxy Nexus. That's obviously not the case, as when you try to start the tethering you get a message telling you to subscribe.


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Dec 17, 2009
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That it does. Unfortunately, the razrs screen is so bad that I'd have to be pushed much further than intermittently bad radios to consider such a downgrade.

You don't need to flash all the time either. Find what you like and keep it!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk

Yeah we agree there... I dont really like the razr and the screen is awful when looking at it next to the Nexus or Rezound I just notice that my daughter's moms radio gets 4g in places my phone can only dream about it... And about the flashing im just talking about when you first get started you read about and test alot of them cuz your not quite sure which ones are the good ones or which is best for you.. Not to mention how alot of us get addicted once we start lol.. Only Moto phone I even thought about was the razr max... That battery is nice... My phone cant last at all even with a extended battery.. That's the only thing that drives me to even think about rooting and flashing.. Its not u, I just see alot of others saying Rooting and flashing is the key and they come across as if they are saying if you dont take the time to do that then its kinda your fault and its not... Which was my original point..
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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BMX works for Google and typically "leaks" what they believe it's advantageous for us to think. His track record for accuracy during the run up to the Nexus launch was pretty bad. I'm back to where I was pre-launch. Believe no rumors, and be ready to wait a potentially extensive time period. Its like waiting for a toy in the mail. Seems it never comes until you forget about it.

Complete nonsense. His track record was fine.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2009
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As Poseign says... you still have to accept that when you buy technology you have to do your homework, and accept some of the responsibility if things don't work..

You admit that you rushed out and bought the nexus on release day, and therein lies the rub... You (and I'm not attacking YOU, many people do this all the time) had to have the newest, bestest, flashiest, prettiest, thing... If you had waited say 1-2 weeks from release you would have had time to read a number of reviews, see what people in the forums thought about it, gone and played with it yourself, etc. Plus you had 14 days from purchase to decide whether or not it was a keeper for you but still have decided to keep it.

This happens with all tech... its the price people pay for being early adopters. You got to have the thing first, but you surrendered the ability to make an informed product decision. Now I went out and bought the nexus the first weekend it was available as well... but I spent 2-3 days testing it to be sure it handled calls and signals acceptably before I sold my bionic. I happen to live in a good coverage area of NYC so I've been very fortunate with my experience, I love my nexus. Not to mention, at that point I unlocked it, rooted, and started running 4.0.3 and now 4.0.4 ROMs which make it even better..... but that's all besides the point. I ran out and bought it because I wanted a developer phone that was going to be getting a ton of developer support, and by that regard I have made an EXCELLENT investment. If you ran out and bought it wanting ICS and a great working phone... you're priority should have been to make sure you are GETTING a great phone. Most users and sites would have warned you that Samsung just doesn't regularly deliver the best phones.... prettiest, maybe, but their radios are just widely known to be inferior. On top of that.. You signed up to be a tester of ICS when you got the Nexus. Its not supposed to be perfect, but you will get updates to fix some things.

Regarding your first sentence.... Of COURSE the Nexus is not Verizon's priority. MONEY is Verizon's priority. Having the biggest 4G network is Verizon's priority. Having the most customers is Verizon's priority. No single phone will EVER be even close to a priority to Verizon. The Nexus is way more Google's baby than it is Verizon's.... Verizon only ordered it when demand looked to be good enough to make them MONEY. Motorola is Verizon's female dog (lol), so yes the razor is going to appear to receive more attention... but you said that because its gotten a bug fix update and is "on the verge" of getting ICS (which, btw, it still doesn't have) this shows more care from Verizon? I just say that's rubbish. Any updates for any of Verizon's phones go through the same process, whether its the nexus or the razor. And hey, if the razor got ICS today, that's still almost 4 months longer that you have had it.... and believe me, you will have 4.0.4 or 4.0.5 or whatever is the next version to be available for the nexus LONG before the razor gets it. And if you keep this phone long enough, you will get Jellybean or whatever the next version of android is as well... while I bet the razor never sees it. Keep all that in mind.

And again to revisit a previous point because I think it's important... you refuse to accept any responsibility for jumping on new tech on release day then being surprised when it doesn't function as well as you'd like. That kind of expectation will set you up for a lifetime of frustration and disappointment. You want to be an early adopter, that's fine... you do it because its fun and you get new cool stuff and you get bragging rights and stuff to show off..... but you have to be down to earth enough to accept the fact that you're going to get things that don't always work as intended when you have to be an early adopter... that is the trade-off. That's the price you pay for your bragging rights. That's life. If you don't like it, practice some restraint and wait a week after the next new piece of tech is out, do your homework, and make a more informed decision.

EPILOGUE (lol): Enjoying a rational, mature discussion here... hope you don't take anything I said as a personal attack. I'm down to keep chatting about it, just don't want you to think I'm just picking on you or anyone :)

I dont take it as an attack because you are the one that told someone... "NOW flash those radios"... Basically stating that the stock radios are pretty bad... Which is why I said they should be working to get an update out as soon as possible because Our radios are bad.. Thanks..

Also your basing your argument off of an assumption.. Your not sure why alot of people got their phone on release day.. Maybe their old phone broke a week before release day and this was the best phone for them at the time... Not everyone just wants to be first to show off or whatever.. Some people are actually in need of a device.. And to do thorough research as your stating we should all do.. You should wait a little more then 2 weeks.. You know that especially with you preaching that.. Some people cant research a phone for a month they do as much as they can at the time of purchase. But you bought the phone for your reasons which are cool.. I bought it for my reasons... You say we go in basically being a tester for ics and im fine with that.. Its not ICS people have a problem with.. Its the radios.. I love ICS. It is the reason I decided to go for this phone..

Now for what you said about the razr "but you said that because its gotten a bug fix update and is "on the verge" of getting ICS (which, btw, it still doesn't have) this shows more care from Verizon? I just say that's rubbish." Um what about the marketing? They even came out and made a second razr. LOL so thats rubbish. Yeah id have to say its a little more of a priority because when they throw money at two devices and spend some of that precious money they love so much on all the marketing well hey I think you have your answer right there. Also the razr having ics 4 months after we have has nothing to do with verizon.. Its because Moto released it with Gingerbread.. They have pushed some tweaks to it that have passed through Verizon as well which we have seen and those updates made it out a long time ago... They also got another one recently although it seemed small.. Those issues were far less important then those with the GN. Also since your a researcher lol, I wouldnt assume we will have the next version of Android sooner then anything else.. We are on a CDMA version of the nexus which is a little different then the GSM Version.. Ask people on sprint who just got ICS lol.

I accept the fact I bought it on release day.. I have yet to make a bunch of threads asking where the hell our update at.... But I do wonder why it is that its taking so long considering it isnt just the camera force closing every once and a while which I could care less about.. Its our radios which can seriously hinder performance of the phone. Its not fun for someone who may be waiting for gps to kick in because they are lost but it wont because they have grey bars.. Its one of the main basic functions of a phone, to pull data. Truthfully in this industry its hard not to be an early adopter, these things become old news fast. And im sorry but im sure statistics would show if your on this forum your not buying phones 4-6 months after they release to be on the safe side and make sure they pushed out a couple updates... Is it one of the easiest phone to root and flash etc id say yes.. But would I say if your not rooting your phone its kind of your fault your radios suck.. No, Because if they brick their phone its something they have to deal with not anyone else.. We can just agree to disagree though its not that serious lol..
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Retired Moderator
Dec 28, 2011
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Yeah we agree there... I dont really like the razr I just notice that my daughter's moms radio gets 4g in places my phone can only dream about it... And about the flashing im just talking about when you first get started you read about and test alot of them cuz your not quite sure which ones are the good ones or which is best for you.. Not to mention how alot of us get addicted once we start lol.. Only Moto phone I even thought about was the razr max... That battery is nice... My phone cant last at all even with a extended battery.. That's the only thing that drives me to even think about rooting and flashing.. Its not u, I just see alot of others saying Rooting and flashing is the key and they come across as if they are saying if you dont take the time to do that then its kinda your fault and its not... Which was my original point..

Well if my phone acts up I have a mark in my file to exchange for a MAXX. I hope that day never comes, b/c while it's faster (b/c of the poorer screen), has a better radio, and is made from better materials, the Nexus with its worts is still the better "Android device" IMHO.

And I understand that. You shouldn't need to root, but it does have many, many advantages.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
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So, as per the OP's suggestion, I just went through his post history where he claims that he's been correct in the past.

Honestly, I don't see any indication of that. I see where he claims things are correct, but some are dubious... for example, he claims that tethering is free on the Galaxy Nexus. That's obviously not the case, as when you try to start the tethering you get a message telling you to subscribe.

Well according to info I saw I never found anything saying it cost. I found it on all other 4g devices but not nexus. It could be that third party apps enable free and Verizon can't say anything about due to GOOGLE policies. Whatever u folks choose to believe is fine by me... I'll post the picture tomorrow when I get to work to make you all happy and stop ur crying. I would of been better off not posting this and keep everyone guessing at a time frame if I knew this thread would turn on like this. Ridiculous. I barley post on here and when I do I try to make it with useful info.


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Dec 14, 2011
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Well according to info I saw I never found anything saying it cost. I found it on all other 4g devices but not nexus. It could be that third party apps enable free and Verizon can't say anything about due to GOOGLE policies. Whatever u folks choose to believe is fine by me... I'll post the picture tomorrow when I get to work to make you all happy and stop ur crying. I would of been better off not posting this and keep everyone guessing at a time frame if I knew this thread would turn on like this. Ridiculous. I barley post on here and when I do I try to make it with useful info.

Not to bash you any more than you already are receiving, because I personally am thankful to anyone posting info about any type of Gnex news, but with this update being "delayed" as much as it has been, you should have seen the whole 'boy who cried wolf' thing coming. at this point people want proof or they are going to take anything said about an update with a grain of salt.
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Jul 1, 2011
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I'm aware and I tried to have photo proof but it was nearly impossible with three managers around me.

And to another person's post about why more Verizon employees haven't been on here claiming same info. I am one of few people it seems that use the tools we have provided and I religiously go to our forum. I knew the RAZR wasn't getting ics and rezound last week because of forum I just never posted about it. It also lead me to put the ics leak on my rezound cuz I'm tired of waiting for these updates.

Like I said tomorrow ill get a shot of it so this stops getting out of hand.

I will warn you though last month they said we would get a update middle of month it never happened and then they changed it saying beginning of April an that never happened so this is subject to change but as far as up to date info may is the next update.


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Dec 17, 2009
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Well if my phone acts up I have a mark in my file to exchange for a MAXX. I hope that day never comes, b/c while it's faster (b/c of the poorer screen), has a better radio, and is made from better materials, the Nexus with its worts is still the better "Android device" IMHO.

And I understand that. You shouldn't need to root, but it does have many, many advantages.

Im with you man... I love my button-less pure ics device.. I really like pure android because this is the first time it isnt ugly and comes with some of the features I been wating for.. Sliding away notifications etc. I dont like blur and like u said the screen is terrible on there.. Why do you have to mark your file?? Is it because the amount of exchanges? Lucky im still on my first device.. Only real problem that seems to have got worse is the reception and battery.. Im thinking the battery is because of reception lol.. I got better battery stats and I dont see any rouge apps or anything out of the norm.

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